use strict;
use Carp;
use overload '""' => sub {shift->{value}}, fallback => 1;
our $VERSION = '0.01';
$CCCP::ConfigXML::attr_class = 'CCCP::ConfigXML::Attributes';
sub new {
my $class = shift;
return $class->__new(XML::Bare->new(@_)->parse());
sub __new {
my $class = shift;
my $val = shift;
# если массив элементов
if (ref $val eq 'ARRAY') {
return [grep {UNIVERSAL::isa($_,$class)} map {$class->__new($_)} @$val];
# выгребем все вложенные элементы
my @elemets_key = grep {
not /^_/ and $_ ne 'value' and
(ref $val->{$_} eq 'HASH' and not $val->{$_}->{_att}) or ref $val->{$_} eq 'ARRAY'
} keys %$val;
my $el_child = undef;
if (@elemets_key) {
my $tmp = {};
foreach (@elemets_key) {
my $ret = $class->__new($val->{$_});
$tmp->{$_} = $ret if (UNIVERSAL::isa($ret,$class) or UNIVERSAL::isa($ret,'ARRAY'));
$el_child = bless($tmp, $class) if keys %$tmp;
# выгребем все аттрибуты
my @attr = grep {
not /^_/ and $_ ne 'value' and
(ref $val->{$_} eq 'HASH' and $val->{$_}->{_att}) and ref $val->{$_} ne 'ARRAY'
} keys %$val;
my $el_attr = undef;
if (@attr) {
my $tmp = {};
foreach (@attr) {
my $ret = $CCCP::ConfigXML::attr_class->new({value => $val->{$_}->{value}});
$tmp->{$_} = $ret if UNIVERSAL::isa($ret,$CCCP::ConfigXML::attr_class);
$el_attr = bless($tmp, $CCCP::ConfigXML::attr_class) if keys %$tmp;
my $ret = {};
$ret->{value} = $val->{value} if exists $val->{value};
$ret->{_attr} = $el_attr if keys %$el_attr;
$ret->{child} = $el_child if UNIVERSAL::isa($el_child,$class);
sub _attr {shift->{_attr}}
sub DESTROY {}
my $self = shift;
my $class = ref $self or croak "$self is not an object";
(my $name = $AUTOLOAD) =~ s/.*://;
return undef unless (exists $self->{child} and exists $self->{child}->{$name});
unless (@_) {
return (UNIVERSAL::isa($self->{child}->{$name},$class) or UNIVERSAL::isa($self->{child}->{$name},'ARRAY')) ? $self->{child}->{$name} : undef;
} else {
if (ref $self->{child}->{$name} eq 'ARRAY') {
$self->{child}->{$name} = [map {$class->__new({value => $_})} @_];
} else {
$self->{child}->{$name} = $class->__new({value => shift});
return 1;
=encoding utf-8
=head1 NAME
CCCP::ConfigXML - Load XML config
Load XML file. Example:
<!-- some_config.xml -->
<component name="Controller::Foo">
<model name="Baz">
In your code:
use CCCP::ConfigXML;
# like XML::Bare
my $cnf = CCCP::ConfigXML->new( file => 'some_config.xml' );
# or you can:
my $cnf = CCCP::ConfigXML->new( text => $xml_string );
# now, you can read
$cnf->name; # TestApp
$cnf->component->foo; # bar
$cnf->component->_attr->name; # Controller::Foo
# and can set
$cnf->name('NewTestApp'); # 1
$cnf->name; # NewTestApp
# loop element
print "$_" for @{$cnf->foo->bar};
Using L<XML::Bare> for parsing and B<AUTOLOAD> to access.
=head1 NOTE
Config is the basis of applications and values in it are known in advance.
Config values should not be checked for validity or existence.
Therefore, this module does not contain any verification of the existence of values.
Use only read access.
=head1 SEE ALSO
=over 4
=item *
=item *
test in t/ as example
=head1 AUTHOR
Ivan Sivirinov E<lt>catamoose [at] yandex.ruE<gt>