# -*- mode: org -*-
* CANCELED [#C] Switch to Module::Build
CLOSED: [2010-12-31 Fri 12:03]
- CLOSING NOTE [2010-12-31 Fri 12:05] \\
Unless I see a compelling reason to switch to Module::Build, then just
keep using ExtUtils::MakeMaker
Unsure if I want to do this or not. Still need to weigh the
benefits to doing this
* DONE [#B] Have Utils handle more than one Logger
CLOSED: [2011-01-11 Tue 08:28]
- CLOSING NOTE [2011-01-11 Tue 08:29] \\
Unit tests passed on OpenSolaris so can close out this task
Currently L::F::U can handle only one Logger. Extend API to allow
for multiple logging objects
[2011-01-07 Fri 15:35] First draft committed. Note that there are
issues with logger objects going out of scope that need to be
addressed. See dc8ac22 for details.
[2011-01-10 Mon 12:04] Multiple logger support developed and merged
to master. Unit tests passed on all platforms although still need
to test OpenSolaris.
** Possible API
*** AddLog(<Logger>)
Adds given Log::Fine::Logger object to internal store
*** SwitchLog(<name>)
Switch to Logger object specified by "name"
** Another Idea
Have OpenLog() accept a name argument. If the name is defined,
then open that logger, if not, create a new logger object.
Also, add support for listing loggers to Log::Fine
* CANCELED [#C] Add tutorial for defining Level sub-classes
CLOSED: [2010-11-24 Wed 11:54]
- CLOSING NOTE [2010-11-24 Wed 11:55] \\
In the rare instances where someone would want to define their own
level classes, people should be able to figure out the API simply by
looking at either Syslog or Java subclasses as examples.
* DONE [#A] Document git repository
CLOSED: [2010-11-24 Wed 11:52]
- CLOSING NOTE [2010-11-24 Wed 11:53] \\
Add note about the new git repository
* DONE [#B] Add Formatter Template class
CLOSED: [2010-12-31 Fri 12:01]
- CLOSING NOTE [2010-12-31 Fri 12:02] \\
Add a template class to allow the user to easily build log message
templates. Perhaps use message layout options from [[http://search.cpan.org/dist/Log-Handler/lib/Log/Handler.pm][Log::Handler]]?
** Available options
| %%TIME%% | Timestamp |
| %%LEVEL%% | Log Level |
| %%MSG%% | Log Message |
| %%PACKAGE%% | Caller Package |
| %%FILENAME%% | Caller filename |
| %%LINENO%% | Caller line number |
| %%SUBROUT%% | Caller Subroutine |
| %%HOSTSHORT%% | Short Hostname |
| %%HOSTLONG%% | Long (FQDN) Hostname |
| %%LOGIN%% | User Login |
| %%GROUP%% | User Group |
*** DONE Document POD
CLOSED: [2010-11-25 Thu 20:53]
- CLOSING NOTE [2010-11-25 Thu 20:53] \\
*** DONE Think about {use_real_user_id} name
CLOSED: [2010-11-26 Fri 11:24]
- CLOSING NOTE [2010-11-26 Fri 11:24] \\
This option might be confusing to the casual programmer. Perhaps
having a {use_effective_id} attribute would be better?
Some ideas:
- Do not cache user & group when {use_effective_id} is set?
- Add {no_cache} option to constructor
- Dynamically enable/disable Caching via API?
- Use global static storage of user & group?
- Use global static storage of filename and hostname? These
aren't as likely to change so global static storage might be a
better idea
[2010-11-26 Fri 11:23] Decided to keep attributes as hash keys. I
did switch to using {use_effective_id}.
*** DONE Create _filename method
CLOSED: [2010-11-26 Fri 11:22]
The name of the program isn't likely to change so cache it. Maybe
make this a global static?
*** DONE Make note that placeholders are case-insensitive
CLOSED: [2010-11-26 Fri 11:22]
- CLOSING NOTE [2010-11-26 Fri 11:22] \\
*** DONE Optimize Template.pm
CLOSED: [2010-12-31 Fri 12:00]
- CLOSING NOTE [2010-12-31 Fri 12:01] \\
Template.pm works although it may be a little on the slow side.
Attempt to optimize.
While I'm thinking about it, come up with some stress tests so I
can get some hard figures
**** DONE Create stress test script
CLOSED: [2010-12-02 Thu 22:37]
- CLOSING NOTE [2010-12-02 Thu 22:38] \\
Create stress script to get some hard figures on how fast
Log::Fine can output messages.
* DONE Break up 04-formatter.t tests
CLOSED: [2010-12-01 Wed 12:12]
- CLOSING NOTE [2010-12-01 Wed 12:13] \\
04-formatter.t has two skipped sections which probably doesn't jive
well. Break up 04-formatter.t tests into 2 separate test chunks.
Perhaps an 0x-formatter-template.t file
* CANCELED Figure out name for GetLogName()
CLOSED: [2011-03-18 Fri 16:08]
- CLOSING NOTE [2011-03-18 Fri 16:09] \\
GetLogName() has been done away. Similar functionality can be
obtained via CurrentLogger()->name()
I don't like GetLogName() which doesn't seem to follow the rest of
the method naming convention used in Log::Fine. Figure out a better
name ... say, CurLogName()?
I'd like to think on this a while
** Potential Names
- CurLogName()
- ActiveLogName()
- LogName()
- CurrentName()
** Alternative
Implement Log::Fine->name() for returning the name of an object
* DONE Re-implement logger tracking in Utils
CLOSED: [2011-03-18 Fri 16:09]
- CLOSING NOTE [2011-03-18 Fri 16:09] \\
The current way that Utils tracks multiple loggers is a bit on the
sloppy side. Try to make the internals more intuitive
** What needs to be stored?
- Internal Log::Fine object
- Pointer to current Logger
** What needs to be provided to the programmer?
- name of current logger (is this needed?)
- list of currently defined logger names (ListLoggers)
- Way to open a logger objects (OpenLog)
- Way to switch logger objects (OpenLog)
- Log function (Log)
** DONE Add unit tests for $obj->name()
CLOSED: [2011-03-18 Fri 17:02]
- CLOSING NOTE [2011-03-18 Fri 17:02] \\
Add unit tests for $obj->name()
** CANCELED Additional Utils unit tests
CLOSED: [2011-03-19 Sat 12:33]
- CLOSING NOTE [2011-03-19 Sat 12:33] \\
Add some additional unit tests to Utils to give a thorough workout
** TODO Add one more unit test for Log::Fine::Handle::Syslog
Need a separate unit test for testing Log::Fine::Handle::Syslog
with a different facility so as to avoid the situation encoutered