=head1 NAME
Log::Fine::Levels - Define variable logging levels
Provides logging translations
use Log::Fine::Levels;
# instantiate the levels object using the default translations
my $levels = Log::Fine::Levels->new();
# instantiate the levels object using customized translations
my $levels = Log::Fine::Levels->new("Java");
# Supported methods
my @l = $levels->logLevels(); # grab list of levels
my @m = $levels->logMasks(); # grab list of masks
# translation methods
my $val = $levels->levelToValue("INFO");
my $bitmask = $levels->maskToValue("LOGMASK_INFO");
my $lvl = $levels->valueToLevel(3);
Log::Fine::Levels is used by the L<Log::Fine> framework to translate
customizable log levels (such as INFO, DEBUG, WARNING, etc) to and
from an associated value as well as convenience methods for
interacting with log levels (such as grabbing a list of levels).
In addition, the L<Log::Fine> framework supports the notion of a
I<mask>, which is used for customizing output. See
L<Log::Fine::Handle> for more details as to how masks are used.
=head2 Customization
Log::Fine::Levels only provides methods for interacting with log
levels and associated log masks. In order to define levels and masks,
it I<must> be overridden. Note that, by default, the
L<Log::Fine::Levels::Syslog> class is used to define log levels.
=head2 Independence
Finally, Log::Fine::Levels is written to be independant of the
L<Log::Fine> framework and, as such, does not inherit any methods from
L<Log::Fine>. This allows developers to use Log::Fine::Levels by
itself for defining customizable level packages for use in their own
use strict;
use Carp;
our $VERSION = $Log::Fine::VERSION;
# Constants
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
use constant DEFAULT_LEVELMAP => "Syslog";
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
=head1 METHODS
The following methods are provided:
=head2 new
Creates a new Log::Fine::Levels object
=head3 Parameters
=item * levelmap
The name of the level map to use (e.g., C<Syslog>, C<Java>, etc)
=head3 Returns
an L<Log::Fine::Levels> object
sub new
my $class = shift;
my $lvlmap = shift || DEFAULT_LEVELMAP;
# construct the subclass
my $levelClass = join("::", $class, $lvlmap);
# validate levelclass
eval "require $levelClass";
# Do we have the class defined?
confess "Error : Level Class $levelClass does not exist : $@"
if $@;
# return the new subclass
return $levelClass->new();
} # new()
=head2 bitmaskAll
Getter for a bitmask representing B<ALL> possible values
=head2 Returns
Bitmask representing all possible mask values
sub bitmaskAll
my $self = shift;
# variable for storing the total bitmask
my $mask = 0;
# bitor all the mask values together
$mask |= $self->MASK_MAP->{$_} foreach (keys %{ $self->MASK_MAP });
return $mask;
} # bitmaskAll()
=head2 levelToValue
Level name to numeric value
=head3 Parameters
=item * level name
The name of the level
=head3 Returns
The numeric value representing the given level name. Undef if name is
not defined
sub levelToValue
my $self = shift;
my $lvl = shift;
return $self->LVLTOVAL_MAP->{$lvl};
} # levelToValue()
=head2 logLevels
Getter for all log levels
=head3 Returns
An array representing all level names, sorted by ascending numeric
sub logLevels
my $self = shift;
my @lvls;
# construct array sorted by level value (ascending) and return
push @lvls, $self->VALTOLVL_MAP->{$_}
foreach (sort { $a <=> $b } (keys %{ $self->VALTOLVL_MAP }));
return @lvls;
} # logLevels()
=head2 logMasks
Getter for all log masks
=head3 Returns
An array representing all mask names, sorted by ascending numeric
sub logMasks
my $self = shift;
my $vtom = {};
my @masks;
# build hash of mask values to mask names
$vtom->{ $self->MASK_MAP->{$_} } = $_
foreach (keys %{ $self->MASK_MAP });
# construct array sorted by mask value (ascending) and return
push @masks, $vtom->{$_} foreach (sort { $a <=> $b } (keys %{$vtom}));
return @masks;
} # logMasks()
=head2 maskToValue
Mask name to numeric value
=head3 Parameters
=item * mask name
The name of the mask
=head3 Returns
The numeric value representing the given mask name. Undef if name is
not defined
sub maskToValue
my $self = shift;
my $mask = shift;
return $self->MASK_MAP->{$mask};
}; # maskToValue()
=head2 valueToLevel
Level value to level name
=head3 Parameters
=item * numeric value
The numeric value representing a level
=head3 Returns
The level name associated with the given numeric value. Undef if the
value is not defined
sub valueToLevel
my $self = shift;
my $val = shift;
return $self->VALTOLVL_MAP->{$val}
} # valueToLevel()
=head1 BUGS
Please report any bugs or feature requests to
C<bug-log-fine at rt.cpan.org>, or through the web interface at
I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on
your bug as I make changes.
=head1 SUPPORT
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Log::Fine::Levels
You can also look for information at:
=over 4
=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation
=item * CPAN Ratings
=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker
=item * Search CPAN
$Id: 18a375bed498e68eaff5ed39bae1432cec95bc9b $
=head1 AUTHOR
Christopher M. Fuhrman, C<< <cfuhrman at panix.com> >>
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<perl>, L<syslog>, L<Log::Fine>, L<Sys::Syslog>
Copyright (c) 2009, 2010 Christopher M. Fuhrman,
All rights reserved.
This program is free software licensed under the...
The BSD License
The full text of the license can be found in the
LICENSE file included with this module.
1; # End of Log::Fine::Levels