#!perl -T
# $Id: 7cce3493e996d8a5e76d5b59497e5480da190e91 $
use Test::More tests => 22;
my $file = "fine.log";
my $msg = "We're so miserable it's stunning";
# get a logger
my $log = Log::Fine->logger("handlefile0");
isa_ok($log, "Log::Fine::Logger");
can_ok($log, "name");
ok($log->name() =~ /\w\d+$/);
# add a handle. Note we use the default formatter.
my $handle =
Log::Fine::Handle::File->new(file => $file,
autoflush => 1);
# do some validation
isa_ok($handle, "Log::Fine::Handle");
can_ok($handle, "name");
can_ok($handle, "levelMap");
can_ok($handle, "msgWrite");
ok($handle->name() =~ /\w\d+$/);
# these should be set to their default values
ok($handle->{mask} == $handle->levelMap()->bitmaskAll());
# File-specific attributes
ok($handle->{file} eq $file);
ok($handle->{dir} eq "./");
ok($handle->{autoflush} == 1);
ok($handle->{autoclose} == 0);
# remove the file if it exists so as not to confuse ourselves
unlink $file if -e $file;
# write a test message
$handle->msgWrite(INFO, $msg, 1);
# grab a ref to our filehandle
my $fh = $handle->fileHandle();
# see if a file handle was properly constructed
isa_ok($fh, "IO::File");
# now check the file
ok(-e $file);
# close the file handle and reopen
$fh = FileHandle->new(catdir($handle->{dir}, $file));
# see if a file handle was properly constructed
isa_ok($fh, "IO::File");
# read in the file
while (<$fh>) {
ok(/^\[.*?\] \w+ $msg/);
# clean up
unlink $file;
# Test to make sure autoclose works as expected
my $closehandle =
Log::Fine::Handle::File->new(file => $file,
autoflush => 1,
autoclose => 1
isa_ok($closehandle, "Log::Fine::Handle::File");
can_ok($closehandle, "fileHandle");
can_ok($closehandle, "msgWrite");
# grab a ref to the FileHandle object
my $fh2 = $closehandle->fileHandle();
# Write something out and make sure our filehandle is closed
$closehandle->msgWrite(INFO, $msg, 1);
# fileno will return undef if $fh2 is a closed filehandle
ok(not defined fileno $fh2);
# clean up
unlink $file;