#!perl -T
# $Id: 09bcb92df105adec4d86bbbd3a5a2bb3814fcf36 $
# See if we have Time::HiRes installed
eval "use Time::HiRes";
if ($@) {
plan skip_all =>
"Time::HiRes is not installed. High precision logging not possible";
} else {
plan tests => 19;
# create a basic formatter
my $basic = Log::Fine::Formatter::Basic->new(hires => 1);
isa_ok($basic, "Log::Fine::Formatter::Basic");
can_ok($basic, "name");
can_ok($basic, "timeStamp");
ok($basic->name() =~ /\w\d+$/);
ok($basic->timeStamp() eq
# format a message
my $msg = "Stop by this disaster town";
my $log0 = $basic->format(INFO, $msg, 1);
# see if the format is correct
ok($log0 =~ /^\[.*?\] \w+ $msg/);
# make sure we can change the timestamp format
my $log1 = $basic->format(INFO, $msg, 1);
# see if the format is correct
ok($log1 =~ /^\[\d{14}\.\d+\] \w+ $msg/);
# now create a detailed formatter
my $detailed = Log::Fine::Formatter::Detailed->new(hires => 1);
isa_ok($detailed, "Log::Fine::Formatter::Detailed");
can_ok($detailed, "name");
can_ok($detailed, "timeStamp");
ok($detailed->name() =~ /\w\d+$/);
ok($detailed->timeStamp() eq
# format a message
my $log2 = $detailed->format(INFO, $msg, 1);
ok($log2 =~ /^\[\d\d\:\d\d\:\d\d\.\d{5,5}\] \w+ \(.*?\) $msg/);
my $log3 = myfunc($detailed, $msg);
ok($log3 =~ /^\[.*?\] \w+ \(.*?\:\d+\) $msg/);
my $precise =
hires => 1,
precision => 10,
timestamp_format => "%d %b %H:%M:%S.%%Millis%%"
isa_ok($precise, "Log::Fine::Formatter::Basic");
can_ok($precise, "name");
can_ok($precise, "format");
ok($precise->name() =~ /\w\d+$/);
my $log4 = $precise->format(WARN, $msg, 1);
# Note: This regex is designed to catch non-English month
# representations found in other locales. This has been
# tested against:
# * ar_AE.utf8
# * cs_CZ.utf8
# * de_DE.utf8
# * es_ES.utf8
# * hi_IN.utf8
# * ja_JP.utf8
# * ko_KR.utf8
# * zh_TW.UTF-8
# This list is by no means comprehensive. Also, since there
# is a wide variety of different interpretations of various
# locales on different operating systems, handle our own error
# reporting.
# Debuggery
#print STDERR $log4;
if ($log4 =~ /^\[\w+\s+\S+ \d\d\:\d\d\:\d\d\.\d{10,10}\] \w+ $msg/) {
} else {
print STDERR "\n----------------------------------------\n";
print STDERR "Test failed on the following line:\n\n";
print STDERR "${log4}";
print STDERR "----------------------------------------\n";
# this subroutine is for testing the detailed formatter
sub myfunc
my $formatter = shift;
my $msg = shift;
return $formatter->format(INFO, $msg, 1);