use MLDBM;
use MLDBM::Sync 0.25;
use strict;
no strict qw(refs);
use vars qw(%DB %CACHE $DefaultGroupIdLength);
use Fcntl qw(:flock O_RDWR O_CREAT);
$DefaultGroupIdLength = 2;
# Database formats supports and their underlying extensions
%DB = (
SDBM_File => ['.pag', '.dir'],
DB_File => [''],
'MLDBM::Sync::SDBM_File' => ['.pag', '.dir'],
GDBM_File => [''],
'Tie::TextDir' => [''],
# About locking, we use a separate lock file from the SDBM files
# generated because locking directly on the SDBM files occasionally
# results in sdbm store errors. This is less efficient, than locking
# to the db file directly, but having a separate lock file works for now.
# If there is no $group given, then the $group will be extracted from
# the $id as the first 2 letters of that group.
# If the group and the id are the same length, then what was passed
# was just a group id, and the object is being created for informational
# purposes only. So, we don't create a lock file in this case, as this
# is not a real State object
sub new {
my($asp, $id, $group) = @_;
if($id) {
$id =~ tr///;
} else {
$asp->Error("no id: $id passed into new State");
# default group is first 2 characters of id, simple hashing
if($group) {
$group =~ tr///;
} else {
$group = substr($id, 0, $DefaultGroupIdLength)
unless($group) {
$asp->Error("no group defined for id $id");
my $state_dir = $asp->{state_dir};
my $group_dir = $state_dir.'/'.$group;
my $lock_file = $group_dir.'/'.$id.'.lock';
my $file = $group_dir.'/'.$id;
# we only need SDBM_File for internal, and its faster so use it
my($state_db, $state_serializer);
if($id eq 'internal') {
$state_db = $Apache::ASP::DefaultStateDB;
$state_serializer = $Apache::ASP::DefaultStateSerializer;
} elsif($asp->{Internal} && (length($id) > $DefaultGroupIdLength)) {
# don't get data for dummy group id sessions
my $internal = $asp->{Internal};
my $idata = $internal->{$id};
if(! $idata->{state_db} || ! $idata->{state_serializer}) {
$state_db = $idata->{state_db} || $asp->{state_db} || $Apache::ASP::DefaultStateDB;
$state_serializer = $idata->{state_serializer} ||
$asp->{state_serializer} || $Apache::ASP::DefaultStateSerializer;
# INIT StateDB && StateSerializer if hitting for the first time
# only if real id like a session id or application
if(length($id) > $DefaultGroupIdLength) {
my $diff = 0;
if(($idata->{state_db} || $Apache::ASP::DefaultStateDB) ne $state_db) {
$idata->{state_db} = $state_db;
$diff = 1;
if(($idata->{state_serializer} || $Apache::ASP::DefaultStateSerializer) ne $state_serializer) {
$idata->{state_serializer} = $state_serializer;
$diff = 1;
if($diff) {
$asp->{dbg} && $asp->Debug("setting internal data for state $id", $idata);
$internal->{$id} = $idata;
} else {
# this state has already been created
$state_db = $idata->{state_db};
$state_serializer = $idata->{state_serializer};
} else {
# cache layer doesn't need internal
($state_db, $state_serializer) = ($asp->{state_db}, $asp->{state_serializer});
my $self =
bless {
dbm => undef,
'dir' => $group_dir,
id => $id,
file => $file,
group => $group,
group_dir => $group_dir,
reads => 0,
state_dir => $state_dir,
writes => 0,
# short circuit before expensive directory tests for group stub
if ($group eq $id) {
return $self;
if($asp->config('StateAllWrite')) {
$asp->{dbg} and $asp->{state_all_write} = 1;
$self->{dir_perms} = 0777;
$self->{file_perms} = 0666;
} elsif($asp->config('StateGroupWrite')) {
$asp->{dbg} and $asp->{state_group_write} = 1;
$self->{dir_perms} = 0770;
$self->{file_perms} = 0660;
} else {
$self->{dir_perms} = 0750;
$self->{file_perms} = 0640;
# push(@{$self->{'ext'}}, @{$DB{$self->{state_db}}});
# $self->{asp}->Debug("db ext: ".join(",", @{$self->{'ext'}}));
# create state directories
my @create_dirs;
unless(-d $state_dir) {
push(@create_dirs, $state_dir);
# create group directory
unless(-d $group_dir) {
push(@create_dirs, $group_dir);
if(@create_dirs) {
for my $create_dir (@create_dirs) {
# $create_dir =~ tr///; # this doesn't work to untaint with perl 5.6.1, use old method
$create_dir =~ /^(.*)$/s;
$create_dir = $1;
if(mkdir($create_dir, $self->{dir_perms})) {
$asp->{dbg} && $asp->Debug("creating state dir $create_dir");
} else {
my $error = $!;
-d $create_dir || $self->{asp}->Error("can't create group dir $create_dir: $error");
local $MLDBM::UseDB = $state_db || 'SDBM_File';
local $MLDBM::Serializer = $state_serializer || 'Data::Dumper';
# clear current tied relationship first, if any
$self->{dbm} = undef;
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {};
my $error;
$self->{file} =~ /^(.*)$/; # untaint
$self->{file} = $1;
local $MLDBM::RemoveTaint = 1;
$self->{dbm} = &MLDBM::Sync::TIEHASH('MLDBM', $self->{file}, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, $self->{file_perms});
$asp->{dbg} && $asp->Debug("creating dbm for file $self->{file}, db $MLDBM::UseDB, serializer: $MLDBM::Serializer");
$error = $! || 'Undefined Error';
if(! $self->{dbm}) {
Cannot tie to file $self->{file}, $error !!
Make sure you have the permissions on the directory set correctly, and that your
version of Data::Dumper is up to date. Also, make sure you have set StateDir to
to a good directory in the config file. StateDir defaults to Global/.state
sub Init { shift->{dbm}->CLEAR(); }
sub Size { shift->{dbm}->SyncSize; }
sub Delete { shift->{dbm}->CLEAR(); }
sub WriteLock { shift->{dbm}->Lock; }
sub ReadLock { shift->{dbm}->ReadLock; }
sub UnLock { shift->{dbm}->UnLock; }
sub DeleteGroupId {
my $self = shift;
my $group_dir = $self->{group_dir};
if(-d $group_dir) {
if(rmdir($group_dir)) {
$self->{asp}->Debug("deleting group dir $group_dir");
} else {
$self->{asp}->Log("cannot delete group dir $group_dir: $!");
sub GroupId { shift->{group}; }
sub GroupMembers {
my $self = shift;
my(%ids, @ids);
unless(opendir(DIR, $self->{group_dir})) {
$self->{asp}->Log("opening group $self->{group_dir} failed: $!");
return [];
for(readdir(DIR)) {
next if /^\.\.?$/;
$_ =~ /^(.*?)(\.[^\.]+)?$/;
next unless $1;
# need to explicitly close directory, or we get a file
# handle leak on Solaris
# since not all sessions have their own dbms now, find session ids in $Internal too
if(my $internal = $self->{asp}{Internal}) {
my $cached_keys = {};
unless($cached_keys = $self->{asp}{internal_cached_keys}) {
map {
if(/^([0-9a-f]{2})/) {
} keys %$internal;
$self->{asp}{internal_cached_keys} = $cached_keys;
if(my $group_keys = $cached_keys->{$self->{group}}) {
%ids = ( %ids, %$group_keys );
@ids = keys %ids;
sub DefaultGroups {
my $self = shift;
local *STATEDIR;
opendir(STATEDIR, $self->{state_dir})
|| $self->{asp}->Error("can't open state dir $self->{state_dir}");
my $time = time;
for(readdir(STATEDIR)) {
next if /^\./;
next unless (length($_) eq $DefaultGroupIdLength);
push(@ids, $_);
closedir STATEDIR;
sub UmaskClear {
my $self = shift;
return if $self->{asp}{win32};
$self->{umask_restore} = umask(0000);
sub UmaskRestore {
my $self = shift;
return if $self->{asp}{win32};
if(defined $self->{umask_restore}) {
my $self = shift;
return unless %{$self};
return if $self->{destroyed}++;
$self->{dbm} && eval { $self->{dbm}->DESTROY };
$self->{dbm} = undef;
# don't need to skip DESTROY since we have it defined
# return if ($AUTOLOAD =~ /DESTROY/);
my $self = shift;
my $AUTOLOAD = $Apache::ASP::State::AUTOLOAD;
$AUTOLOAD =~ s/^(.*)::(.*?)$/$2/o;
my $value;
$value = $self->{dbm}->$AUTOLOAD(@_);
my $type = shift;
# dual tie contructor, if we receive a State object to tie
# then just return it, otherwise construct a new object
# before tieing
if((ref $_[0]) =~ /State/) {
} else {
bless &new(@_), $type;
sub FETCH {
my($self, $index) = @_;
my $value;
if($index eq '_FILE') {
$value = $self->{file};
} elsif($index eq '_SELF') {
$value = $self;
} else {
$value = $self->{dbm}->FETCH($index);
sub STORE {
my $self = shift;
# don't worry about overhead of Umask* routines, the STORE
# being called is much heavier
my $rv = $self->{dbm}->STORE(@_);
sub LOCK { my $self = tied(%{$_[0]}); $self->{dbm}->Lock(); }
sub UNLOCK { my $self = tied(%{$_[0]}); $self->{dbm}->UnLock(); }