use lib qw(../../eg);
use File::stat;
use File::Basename;
use MLDBM::Sync;
use File::Find qw(find);
use DemoASP;
use Fcntl qw(O_RDWR O_CREAT);
use Cwd qw(cwd);
use vars qw(%CONF %SDB $title %TEMP_SDB);
sub Script_OnStart {
%TEMP_SDB = ();
for('DB', 'FileRoot', 'SiteRoot', 'RefreshPeriod', 'FileMatch') {
$CONF{$_} = Apache->dir_config('Search'.$_) || die("no config for $_");
$CONF{FileRoot} =~ /\W/ or
die("The FileRoot config must have a non word character in it ".
"that matches \W, like '/', so a local dir may be specified ".
"with ./");
if($CONF{FileRoot} !~ m,^(/|[a-z]:[\\/])$,) {
$CONF{FileRoot} = cwd().'/'.$CONF{FileRoot};
$Response->Debug('Search %CONF', \%CONF);
# only one person allowed to search at a time, this is
# in case we ever have to update a stale database
local $MLDBM::UseDB = 'MLDBM::Sync::SDBM_File';
my $sdb_object = tie(%SDB, 'MLDBM::Sync', $CONF{DB}, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0640)
|| die("can't tie to $CONF{DB}: $!");
$Server->RegisterCleanup(sub {
if(%TEMP_SDB) {
$Response->Debug("start saving TEMP_SDB to SDB");
$Response->Debug("done saving TEMP_SDB to SDB");
untie %SDB;
sub search_words {
my $input = shift;
$input =~ s/(\,\s|[\s\{\}\(\)%:;=\$\"\'\/\#]+)/ /sg;
my @words = split(/\s+/, $input);
my @dropped;
my @final;
my %final;
for(@words) {
if(length($_) < 3) {
push(@dropped, $_);
} else {
$_ = lc $_;
push(@final, $_);
sub refresh_db {
my($CONF) = @_;
$SIG{__DIE__} = \&Carp::confess;
if(($SDB{LastRefresh} + $CONF->{RefreshPeriod}) < time
($SDB{LastRefresh} < stat($0)->mtime)
) {
%SDB = ();
$SDB{LastRefresh} = time();
my %files;
find( { wanted =>
sub {
if(! /$CONF->{FileMatch}/) {
$Response->Debug("$_ does not match $CONF->{FileMatch}");
} elsif(-d $_) {
$Response->Debug("$_ is a directory");
} elsif(-e $_) {
$Response->Debug("indexing $_");
my $words = &index_page($_);
$files{$_} = $words;
} else {
$Response->Debug("no file for $_");
no_chdir => 1
, $CONF->{FileRoot}
$Response->Debug("indexing words for ".scalar(keys %files)." files");
my %words;
for my $file ( keys %files ) {
my $file_dict = $files{$file};
for my $word ( keys %$file_dict ) {
my $count = $file_dict->{$word};
$words{"W:$word"}{$file} = $count;
$Response->Debug("reading search database");
my %temp_sdb = %SDB;
$Response->Debug("building search database", scalar(keys %words));
%TEMP_SDB = ( %words, %temp_sdb );
$Response->Debug("done search database");
sub index_page {
my($file) = @_;
return unless -e $file;
$Response->Debug("indexing $file");
my $mtime_key = "MTIME:$file";
my $file_key = "FILE:$file";
my $file_data = $SDB{$file} || '';
my($mtime) = split(/\:\:/, $file_data, 2);
$mtime ||= 0;
if($mtime >= stat($file)->mtime) {
$Response->Debug("file $file has not been modified recently, last update $mtime");
if($mtime) {
for (keys %SDB) {
if(/\:$file/) {
#$Response->Debug("deleting old key $_");
delete $SDB{$_};
open(FILE, $file) || die("can't read $file: $!");
my $data = join('', <FILE>);
$data =~ s/\<\%.*?\%\>//sg; # strip ASP code
$data =~ s/^\#\!.*?\n//s;
$data =~ s/\<head\>.*?\<title\>\s*(.*?)\s*\</\</is;
my $title = $1 || '';
$title = substr($title, 0, 80);
$data =~ s/\<\!\-\-.*?\-\-\>//isg;
$data =~ s/\<[^\>]+\>/ /sg;
$data =~ s/\&\w+\;//sg;
$data =~ s/(\,\s|[\s\{\}\(\)%:;=\$\"\'\/\#]+)/ /sg;
while($data =~ s/\s+([A-Z]+)\s+([A-Z]+)\b/ $2 /s) {};
my $summary = substr($data, 0, 20000);
# $Response->Debug("just parsed $data");
$data = ' '.$data;
my @words = split(/\s+/, $title.$data);
my %words;
for(@words) {
next if length($_) < 3;
next if length($_) > 20;
$_ =~ s/\W+$//;
$_ = lc $_;
# for my $word ( keys %words ) {
# my $count = $words{$word};
# my $word_key = "WORD:$word";
# my $word_dict = $SDB{$word_key} || {};
# $word_dict->{$file} = $count;
# $SDB{$word_key} = $word_dict;
# }
$Response->Debug("fetched words for $file"); # : ".join(", ", sort keys %words));
$SDB{$mtime_key} = stat($file)->mtime;
$SDB{$file_key} = {
title => $title,
summary => $summary,
my $weight = 1 / length(scalar(keys %words));
$SDB{"WEIGHT:$file"} = $weight;
# $Response->Debug($SDB{$file_key});
sub search_files {
my(@words) = @_;
my %files;
my %matches;
my $DB = %TEMP_SDB ? \%TEMP_SDB : \%SDB;
for my $word (@words) {
my $word_dict = $DB->{"W:$word"};
if($word_dict) {
for my $file ( keys %$word_dict ) {
$files{$file} ||= 1;
$files{$file} *= int(( $word_dict->{$file} + 2) * $SDB{"WEIGHT:$file"}) + 1;
(\%files, \%matches);