use lib qw(. .. t);
use T;
use strict;
use File::Basename qw(dirname basename);
#$SIG{__DIE__} = \&Carp::confess;
#$SIG{__WARN__} = \&Carp::cluck;
$SIG{__WARN__} = sub { };
$0 =~ /^(.*)$/;
$0 = $1;
$0 = basename($0);
my $t = T->new();
my %config = (
'NoState' => 0,
'SessionTimeout' => 20,
'Debug' => 0,
'SessionCount' => 1,
'Global' => 'session_events',
'SessionQuery' => 1,
my $r = Apache::ASP::CGI->init($0);
map { $r->dir_config->set($_, $config{$_}) } keys %config;
my $ASP = Apache::ASP->new($r);
$ASP->Session->{MARK} = 1;
#print STDERR "HERE\n";
#sleep 5;
my @sessions = keys %{$ASP->Application};
#&session_count_ok($ASP, scalar(@sessions));
# cleanup old sessions
for my $session_id ( @sessions ) {
next if ($session_id eq $ASP->Session->SessionID);
my $Session = $ASP->Application->GetSession($session_id);
$ASP->{Internal}{CleanupMaster} = undef;
$ASP->{Internal}{SessionCount} = 1;
&session_count_ok($ASP, 1);
&session_count_ok($ASP, 1);
&session_count_ok($ASP, 0);
for(1..10) {
$ASP = Apache::ASP->new($r);
&session_count_ok($ASP, $_);
$ASP = Apache::ASP->new($r);
&session_count_ok($ASP, 11);
&session_count_ok($ASP, 10);
# Session_OnEnd test repeat on expired session
my $abandon_session_id;
$ASP = Apache::ASP->new($r);
$abandon_session_id = $ASP->Session->SessionID;
# print STDERR $ASP->Session->SessionID."\n";
# do not PURGE cleanup here, let next script get initialized with old session id
local $ENV{QUERY_STRING} = 'session-id='.$abandon_session_id;
$ASP = Apache::ASP->new($r);
$t->eok($abandon_session_id ne $ASP->Session->SessionID, "abandoned session restored");
# print STDERR $ASP->Session->SessionID."\n";
$ASP = Apache::ASP->new($r);
$t->eok($abandon_session_id ne $ASP->Session->SessionID, "abandoned session restored");
# print STDERR $ASP->Session->SessionID."\n";
## helpers
sub session_count_ok {
my($ASP, $count) = @_;
$t->eok($ASP->Application->SessionCount == $count,
"$count sessions should have been counted, found ".$ASP->Application->SessionCount);