name = Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-NoBreakpoints
author = Chisel <>
license = Perl_5
copyright_holder = Chisel Wright
copyright_year = 2015
; authordep Pod::Weaver::Section::Contributors
Test::NoBreakpoints = 0.15
; this needs to be early enough in the process to prepare the data before we
; write any META files
; Always have this earlier in the list
; order can matter!
allow_dirty = README.mkdn
first_version = 0.0.1
version_regexp = ^v(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)$
copy = README.mkdn
tag_format = v%v ; this is the default
tag_message = v%v ; this is the default
changelog = Changes ; this is the default
allow_dirty = README.mkdn ; commit this file if locally modified
allow_dirty = Changes ; commit this file if locally modified