#!perl -T
use strict;
use Test::More qw/ no_plan /;
my $API_KEY = $ENV{EVE_API_KEY} || 'abcdeABCDEabcdeABCDEabcdeABCDEabcdeABCDEabcdeABCDE12345678900000';
my $USER_ID = $ENV{EVE_USER_ID} || 1000000;
skip "Please set EVE_USER_ID and EVE_API_KEY environment variables to enable this test", 8 if $USER_ID == 1000000;
my $eve = WebService::EveOnline->new( { user_id => $USER_ID, api_key => $API_KEY } );
my @c = $eve->characters;
skip "Bad details or server response", 8 unless $c[0]->id;
is( ref($c[0]), 'WebService::EveOnline::API::Character', 'Returns a WebService::EveOnline::API::Character object?' );
like( $c[0]->id, qr/\d+/, 'Looks like a character id?' );
like( $c[0]->account->balance, qr/\d+/, 'Looks like an account balance?' );
like( $c[0]->race, qr/\w+/, 'Looks like a race?' );
like( $c[0]->gender, qr/\w+/, 'Looks like a gender?' );
like( $c[0]->bloodline, qr/\w+/, 'Looks like a bloodline?' );
like( $c[0]->attributes->memory, qr/\d+/, 'Looks like an attribute?' );
my @s = $c[0]->skills;
like( $s[0]->id, qr/\d+/, 'Looks like a skill?' );
# this test fails if the current selected character has no skill currently training.
# as such it is currently disabled.
if ($c[0]->skill->in_training) {
like( $c[0]->skill->in_training->id, qr/\d+/, 'Looks like a skill in training?' );