Designed to provide a simple framework to give some oversight to applications running in a distributed environment. Applications can quickly register/release simple locks, register and send notifications, and log events to a database using a very simple interface.
By simple, this means:
- the framework should not be used in flight control or hospital systems,
- we're ok with the database being a non-replicated central point of failure,
Basically this is a solution if you're happy with something that works 99% of the time and has low admin overhead and runs on minimal hardware.
The data is all stored in a SQL database (mysql/postgres, or sqlite if you're not so interested in the distributed environment bit), so it can be accessed and manipulated however you like.
See the manpages/POD for servicelock for simple usage - or App::OverWatch::ServiceLock for the Perl interface.
Set up a back-end database with a user that has full access to it, configure ~/.overwatch.conf (or /etc/overwatch.conf if you fancy) with your database details. You'll need to provide the DSN as explained in the Perl DBD documentation your particular database.
db_type = mysql
user = test
password = test
dsn = DBI:mysql:database=test;host=dbhost
Valid dd_types are mysql, postgres, sqlite.
Clearly passwords may be in this file, so consider your security options.
Then run:
servicelock --create_table
If that works, you're good to go. You then create named locks and can start locking and unlocking them:
servicelock --create_lock --system mylock
servicelock --lock --system mylock
servicelock --unlock --system mylock
See the servicelock manpage/POD for more details.
The 'eventlog' and 'notify' commands should work in the same way.