#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Simple command line interface to WebService::Syncthing.
# All output is just printed using Data::Printer.
use strict;
use utf8;
use Encode;
## Expect utf8 encoded input/output
binmode STDOUT, ":encoding(UTF-8)";
binmode STDERR, ":encoding(UTF-8)";
@ARGV = map { Encode::decode("UTF-8", $_) } @ARGV;
# Complete list of API methods
my @api_cmds = qw(
get_ping get_version get_model get_connections get_completion
get_config get_config_sync get_system get_errors get_discovery
get_deviceid get_upgrade get_ignores get_need
post_ping post_config post_restart post_reset
post_shutdown post_error post_error_clear post_discovery_hint
post_scan post_upgrade post_ignores post_bump
# Extra cmds/opts we require for individual API commands
my @cmds = ( @api_cmds,
help auth-token=s url=s
folder=s device=s
) );
my %Options = map { $_ =~ s/=.*//r => undef } @cmds;
GetOptions(\%Options, @cmds)
or die "Error: invalid command line arguments\n";
pod2usage(0) if ($Options{help});
## Check only one command is given
my @provided_cmds = map { $Options{$_} ? $_ : () } @api_cmds;
pod2usage('Error: Only provide one and only one command')
if (scalar @provided_cmds != 1);
my $cmd = $provided_cmds[0];
my $auth_token = $Options{'auth-token'} || $ENV{SYNCTHING_AUTH_TOKEN};
my $url = $Options{'url'} || $ENV{SYNCTHING_URL};
## Create Syncthing object and call the command
my $ST = WebService::Syncthing->new(
auth_token => $auth_token,
base_url => $url,
my $rc = \&{ $cmd };
sub get_ping {
p $ST->get_ping();
sub get_version {
p $ST->get_version();
sub get_model {
my $folder = $Options{folder} // die "Error: Require --folder\n";
p $ST->get_folder($folder);
sub get_connections {
p $ST->get_connections();
sub get_completion {
my $device = $Options{device} // die "Error: Require --device\n";
my $folder = $Options{folder} // die "Error: Require --folder\n";
p $ST->get_completion($device, $folder);
sub get_config {
p $ST->get_config();
sub get_config_sync {
p $ST->get_config_sync();
sub get_system {
p $ST->get_system();
sub get_errors {
p $ST->get_errors();
sub get_discovery {
p $ST->get_discovery();
sub get_deviceid {
my $device = $Options{device} // die "Error: Require --device\n";
p $ST->get_deviceid();
sub get_upgrade {
p $ST->get_upgrade();
sub get_ignores {
my $folder = $Options{folder} // die "Error: Require --folder\n";
p $ST->get_ignores($folder);
sub get_need {
my $folder = $Options{folder} // die "Error: Require --folder\n";
p $ST->get_need($folder);
# PODNAME: syncthing-api
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
=head1 VERSION
version 0.003
Provides a command line interface to every API call in the
WebService::Syncthing module.
syncthing-api [OPTIONS] <command>
syncthing-api --get_users
Set authentication via SYNCTHING_AUTH_TOKEN environment variable, or with
--auth-token option.
Set the Syncthing GUI URL via SYNCTHING_URL environment variable, or with
--url option.
Too many to list ...
=head1 OPTIONS
Too many to list ...
=head1 AUTHOR
Chris Hughes <chrisjh@cpan.org>
This software is copyright (c) 2015 by Chris Hughes.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.