# simple_convert.pl - C. Church (church@digitalkoma.com)
# A simple text->midi converter that operates
# on an input corpus composed of elements
# in form:
# <notename><oct>:<vol>
# e.g.: c1:100
# (c, lowest octave volume = 100)
# Leaving out an octave value
# uses the previously used octave.
# Usage:
# simple_convert.pl <input file> <output file> [<tempo> <event duration>]
# [<tempo> <event duration>] is optional, but the order
# is not.
# Try, for example:
# simple_convert.pl simple_input.txt out.mid 140 16
use strict;
my $infile = shift;
my $outfile = shift;
my $tempo = shift || 124;
my $duration = shift || 8;
my $last_oct = undef;
if(!defined($infile) || !defined($outfile)) {
die("USAGE: simple_convert.pl <in file> <out file> [<tempo> <duration>]\n");
if(! -r $infile) {
die("ERROR: $infile is not readable!\n");
# create our note value / name map
# using 11 octaves.
my %note_map = ();
my %name_map = ();
$name_map{1} = 'C';
$name_map{2} = 'C#';
$name_map{3} = 'D';
$name_map{4} = 'D#';
$name_map{5} = 'E';
$name_map{6} = 'F';
$name_map{7} = 'F#';
$name_map{8} = 'G';
$name_map{9} = 'G#';
$name_map{10} = 'A';
$name_map{11} = 'A#';
$name_map{12} = 'B';
my $note = 0;
my $oct = 1;
foreach (1..11) {
$note_map{$oct} = ();
foreach (1..12) {
my $name = lc($name_map{$_});
print("N: $name : $note : $oct\n");
$note_map{$oct}{"$name"} = $note;
last if($note > 127);
# create MIDI::Trans object
my $TransObj = MIDI::Trans->new( { 'Raise_Error' => 1 } );
# run trans() method
if($TransObj->trans( { 'File' => $infile, 'Outfile' => $outfile,
'Tempo' => $tempo,
'Note' => \&note,
'Volume' => \&vol,
'Duration' => \&dur } )) {
print("$infile Converted, Saved as $outfile; Tempo $tempo\n");
} else {
my $errmsg = $TransObj->error();
sub note {
my $elem = lc(shift);
my $pos = shift;
return('rest') if($elem =~ /rest/i);
my $value = $1 if($elem =~ /(.*?):.*/);
return('rest') if(!defined($value));
# parse out note given...
if($value =~ /([a-f\#]+)(\d+)/) {
$note = $1;
$oct = $2;
$last_oct = $oct;
} elsif($value =~ /([a-f\#]+)/) {
$note = $1;
$oct = $last_oct;
} else {
return('rest') if(!defined($oct));
# lookup the note in the map...
my $out_note = $note_map{"$oct"}{"$note"};
return('rest') if(!defined($out_note));
sub vol {
my $elem = shift;
my $pos = shift;
my $value = $1 if($elem =~ /.*?:(\d+)/);
return(0) if(!defined($value));
sub dur {
my $elem = shift;
my $pos = shift;