package DB::Batch::Do;
# encapsulate write functionality
# Copyright 2010, Chris Becker <>
# Original work sponsered by Shutterstock, LLC.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the same terms as Perl itself.
use strict;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my %args = @_;
my $self = bless \%args, $class;
return $self;
# Execute a write to the database in batches
# execute the given query until all bind variables have been bound in batches
sub do_batch {
my $self = shift;
my %args = @_;
my $parent = $args{parent};
my $query_str = $args{query};
my $opts = $args{opts};
my $dbi_binds = $args{dbi_binds} || [];
die 'query not defined' unless ($query_str);
my $dbh = $parent->get_dbh();
my $log = $opts->{log};
my $H = $opts->{output};
my $query = $parent->get_query_object($query_str,$opts);
my $bindvalues = $parent->get_bindvalue_object($query,$opts);
my $key = $query->get_key(); # get hash key of query w/ placeholders
my @batch = $bindvalues->increment();
while(@batch) {
my $bound_query = $query->bind_batch(\@batch); # bind current batch of data to placeholders
# run post hook subroutine if provided in opts
$parent->{__last_query_key__} = $key;
$parent->{__last_query__} = $bound_query; # accessed with Batch::Main->get_last_query()
if (defined $opts->{pre_hook} && ref $opts->{pre_hook} eq 'CODE') {
$opts->{log}->info($query->bindstr($bound_query,@$dbi_binds)) if ($opts->{log});
if (defined $H) {
# send the query to whatever was specified in $opts->{output}
# if nothing was specified then the query is executed on the db
# if a sub ref was passed in then the sub is called with args [query,(dbi bind values)]
# if an array ref was passed in, then the fully bound query is added to the array
# if a filehandle was passed in, then the fully bound query is printed to the handle
if (ref($H) eq 'CODE') {
} elsif (ref($H) eq 'ARRAY') {
push @$H, $query->bindstr($bound_query,@$dbi_binds);
} elsif(ref(\$H) eq 'GLOB') {
print $H $query->bindstr($bound_query,@$dbi_binds);
} else {
# run post hook subroutine if provided in opts
if (defined $opts->{post_hook} && ref $opts->{post_hook} eq 'CODE') {
@batch = $bindvalues->increment();
last unless (@batch);