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<p class="title">CAM-EmailTemplate-SMTP</p>
<p class="subtitle">Last update: <a href="perl/CAM-EmailTemplate-SMTP-0.91-docs">v0.91</a>, 2005-04-22</p>
This module alters the CAM:<!-- -->:EmailTemplate mail delivery mechanism to
use raw SMTP delivery (via Net:<!-- -->:SMTP) instead of relying on the
sendmail binary program. This module is useful for machines which are
not configured to do their own mail delivery. Instead, the programmer
or user specifies a mail server to use as the delivery agent.
This module most closely resembles Mail:<!-- -->:Send with the smtp
option. It has the following advantages:
* Integration of templating
* Ability to manually customize the presentation of the mail headers
(this is the reason why I use Net:<!-- -->:SMTP instead of Mail:<!-- -->:Send on
the back end -- Mail:<!-- -->:Mailer:<!-- -->:rfc822 hardcodes too much)
and the following disadvantages:
* Only supports SMTP delivery (but see also CAM:<!-- -->:EmailTemplate)
* Doesn't offer an easy-to-understand API for building the header
* Fewer mail delivery options
This module can be extended to use alternate templating syntax just
like CAM:<!-- -->:EmailTemplate. See the example in the README for that
module, and just append ":<!-- -->:SMTP" to all instances of
"CAM:<!-- -->:EmailTemplate".
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" border="1" width="100%">
<td valign="top"><a href="#perl">Perl</a></td>
<td valign="top">
<a href="perl/CAM-EmailTemplate-SMTP-0.91.tgz">CAM-EmailTemplate-SMTP-0.91.tgz</a>
(<a href="perl/CAM-EmailTemplate-SMTP-0.91.tgz.md5">MD5</a>)
<a href="perl/CAM-EmailTemplate-SMTP-0.91.zip">CAM-EmailTemplate-SMTP-0.91.zip</a>
(<a href="perl/CAM-EmailTemplate-SMTP-0.91.zip.md5">MD5</a>)
<a href="perl/CAM-EmailTemplate-SMTP-0.91-docs">CAM-EmailTemplate-SMTP-0.91-docs</a>
<td valign="top">Fri Apr 22 22:09:37 2005</td>
<td valign="top"><a href="#gpl">GPL</a></td>
<td valign="top">
<a href="gpl/CAM-EmailTemplate-SMTP-0.90.tgz">CAM-EmailTemplate-SMTP-0.90.tgz</a>
(<a href="gpl/CAM-EmailTemplate-SMTP-0.90.tgz.md5">MD5</a>)
<a href="gpl/CAM-EmailTemplate-SMTP-0.90.zip">CAM-EmailTemplate-SMTP-0.90.zip</a>
(<a href="gpl/CAM-EmailTemplate-SMTP-0.90.zip.md5">MD5</a>)
<a href="gpl/CAM-EmailTemplate-SMTP-0.90.html">CAM-EmailTemplate-SMTP-0.90.html</a>
<td valign="top">Tue Sep 16 15:54:34 2003</td>
<td valign="top"><a href="#lic">Clotho</a></td>
<td valign="top">
<a href="clotho/CAM-EmailTemplate-SMTP-0.90.tgz">CAM-EmailTemplate-SMTP-0.90.tgz</a>
(<a href="clotho/CAM-EmailTemplate-SMTP-0.90.tgz.md5">MD5</a>)
<a href="clotho/CAM-EmailTemplate-SMTP-0.90.zip">CAM-EmailTemplate-SMTP-0.90.zip</a>
(<a href="clotho/CAM-EmailTemplate-SMTP-0.90.zip.md5">MD5</a>)
<a href="clotho/CAM-EmailTemplate-SMTP-0.90.html">CAM-EmailTemplate-SMTP-0.90.html</a>
<td valign="top">Tue Sep 16 15:54:34 2003</td>
<a name="perl"></a>
<p class="license">
<p class="leader">Perl License</p>
This software is released by Clotho Advanced Media, Inc. under the same
terms as Perl itself. That means that it is dual-licensed under the
Artistic license and the GPL, and that you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of either or both of those licenses.
Copies of this license are available from
<a href="http://www.clotho.com/code/Perl">Clotho</a>
or view the LICENSE file directly.
<a name="gpl"></a>
<p class="license">
<p class="leader">GPL License</p>
Releases of this software are available under the General
Public License, v2. Copies of this license are available from
<a href="http://www.clotho.com/code/GPL">Clotho</a>
<a name="lic"></a>
<p class="license">
<p class="leader">Clotho License</p>
Releases of this software are available under commercial
license directly from Clotho. Please contact us at
<a href="mailto:info@clotho.com">info@clotho.com</a>
to purchase a license.