package CAM::Session;
=head1 NAME
CAM::Session - DBI and cookie CGI session state maintenance
=head1 LICENSE
Copyright 2005 Clotho Advanced Media, Inc., <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
CGI::Session is a better module than this one, but this one is a
little easier to use. If you are starting from scratch, use
CGI::Session. If you are using CAM::App, then we recommend this
module for session management since CAM::App takes care of all of the
details for you.
See README for more detail.
use CAM::Session;
use DBI;
my $dbh = DBI->connect(...);
my $session = new CAM::Session();
$session->set("username", $username);
$session->get("username", $username);
To periodically clean up the session table, run a script like the
following as a daily scheduled task:
use CAM::Session;
use DBI;
my $dbh = DBI->connect(...) || die "no dbh";
CAM::Session->setExpiration(24*60*60); # older than one day
CAM::Session interacts with the CGI program, the database and the
visitor's cookie to create a storage space for persistent data.
require 5.005_62;
use strict;
use Carp;
use CGI;
use DBI;
our @ISA = qw();
our $VERSION = '1.03';
# global settings, can be overridden for the whole class or for
# individual instances.
our $global_expiration = 24*60*60; # one day, in seconds
our $global_dbh = undef;
our $global_dbTablename = "session";
our $global_cookieName = "session";
our $global_keylength = 16;
our $colname_key = "session_key";
our $colname_time = "session_time";
our $colname_data = "session_data";
=over 4
=item new
=item new DBIHANDLE
Create a new session object, retrieving the session ID from the
cookie, if any. If the database handle is not set here, it must have
been set previously via the setDBH() class method.
sub new
my $pkg = shift;
my $dbh = shift; # optional
my $self = bless({
data => {},
expiration => $global_expiration,
dbTablename => $global_dbTablename,
cookieName => $global_cookieName,
dbh => $dbh || $global_dbh,
needsSave => 0,
}, $pkg);
if (!$self->{dbh})
&carp("No database connection has been specified. Please use ".$pkg."::setDBH()");
return undef;
if (!ref($self->{dbh}) || ref($self->{dbh}) !~ /^(DBI|DBD)\b/)
my $type = ref($self->{dbh}) ? ref($self->{dbh}) : "scalar";
&carp("The DBH object is not a valid DBI/DBD connection: $type");
return undef;
my %cookies = CGI::Cookie->fetch();
if (exists $cookies{$self->{cookieName}})
# existing session
$self->{id} = $cookies{$self->{cookieName}}->value;
if (!$self->loadSessionData())
return $self;
Saves the session data on object destruction, if needed.
my $self = shift;
if ($self->{needsSave})
return $self;
=item getID
sub getID
my $self = shift;
return $self->{id};
=item getCookie
Return a cookie that indicates this session. Any arguments are passed
to CGI::Cookie::new(). Use this, for example, with
print CGI->header(-cookie => $session->getCookie);
sub getCookie
my $self = shift;
my $id = $self->getID();
my $cookie = CGI::Cookie->new(-name => $self->{cookieName},
-value => $id,
-path => "/",
return $cookie;
=item printCookie
Outputs a cookie that indicates this session. Use this just before
"print CGI->header()", for example.
sub printCookie
my $self = shift;
my $cookie = $self->getCookie(@_);
print "Set-Cookie: $cookie\n";
=item getAll
Retrieve a hash of all of the session data.
sub getAll
my $self = shift;
if (wantarray)
return (%{$self->{data}});
return (scalar keys %{$self->{data}});
=item get FIELDNAME
Retrieve a field from the session storage.
sub get
my $self = shift;
my $fieldName = shift;
return undef if (!defined $fieldName);
return $self->{data}->{$fieldName};
Record a field in the session storage. If autoSave is on (it is
by default) this value is immediately recorded in the database.
sub set
my $self = shift;
while (@_ > 0)
my $fieldName = shift;
my $value = shift;
return undef if (!defined $fieldName);
$self->{data}->{$fieldName} = $value;
$self->{needsSave} = 1;
return $self;
=item delete FIELDNAME, FIELDNAME, ...
Remove one or more fields from the session storage. If autoSave is on
(it is by default) this change is immediately recorded in the
sub delete
my $self = shift;
foreach my $fieldName (@_)
delete $self->{data}->{$fieldName};
$self->{needsSave} = 1;
return $self;
=item clear
Calls delete() on every field in the session storage.
sub clear
my $self = shift;
return $self->delete(keys %{$self->{data}});
=item loadSessionData
Retrieve the session data from storage. This function is called by
new() so it is only needed if you need to reload the data for some
Returns a boolean indicating the success or failure of the load
sub loadSessionData
my $self = shift;
my $id = $self->getID();
return undef if (!$id);
my $dbrow = $self->_getSession($id);
return undef if (!$dbrow);
$self->{data} = $self->_explode($dbrow->{$colname_data});
if (!$self->{data})
$self->{data} = {};
return undef;
$self->{needsSave} = 0;
return $self;
=item saveSessionData
Write the session data to permanent storage. This function is called
by the set() method. so it is only needed if you have turned off the
autoSave feature.
Returns a boolean indicating the success or failure of the save
sub saveSessionData
my $self = shift;
my $id = $self->getID();
return undef if (!$id);
my $data = $self->_implode($self->{data});
$data = "" if (!defined $data);
my $dbh = $self->{dbh};
my $result = $dbh->do("update $$self{dbTablename} set " .
"$colname_data=" . $dbh->quote($data) . "," .
"$colname_time=now() " .
"where $colname_key='$id'");
return undef if ((!$result) || $result == 0);
return $self;
=item isNewSession
Returns true if this session was newly created (as opposed to a repeat
sub isNewSession
my $self = shift;
return $self->{newsession};
sub _newSession
my $self = shift;
$self->{id} = undef;
my $dbh = $self->{dbh};
my $tries = 0;
# Loop until we get an unused ID, but give up if it takes too long
while ($tries++ < 20)
my $id = $self->_newID();
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("select count(*) from $$self{dbTablename} " .
"where $colname_key=?");
my ($matches) = $sth->fetchrow_array();
if ($matches == 0)
$dbh->do("insert into $$self{dbTablename} set " .
$self->{id} = $id;
$self->{newsession} = 1;
return $self;
sub _getSession
my $self = shift;
my $id = shift;
return undef if (!$id);
my $dbh = $self->{dbh};
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("select *" .
(defined $self->{expiration} ?
",date_add(now(), interval -$$self{expiration} second) as expires "
: "") .
"from $$self{dbTablename} " .
"where $colname_key=?");
my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref();
return undef if (!$row);
if (defined $self->{expiration})
$row->{$colname_time} =~ s/\D//g;
$row->{expires} =~ s/\D//g;
if ($row->{$colname_time} lt $row->{expires})
$dbh->do("delete from $$self{dbTablename} " .
"where $colname_key=" . $dbh->quote($self->{cachekey}));
return undef;
return $row;
Set the global database handle for this package. Use like this:
sub setDBH
my $pkg = shift; # unused
my $val = shift;
$global_dbh = $val;
=item setExpiration SECONDS
Set the duration for the session content. If the session is older
than the specified time, a new session will be created. The default
expiration is unlimited (set solely by the visitor's cookie
expiration). This is a class method
Use like this:
sub setExpiration
my $pkg = shift; # unused
my $val = shift;
$global_expiration = $val;
=item setTableName NAME
Set the name of the database table that is used for the session
storage. This is a class method.
Use like this:
sub setTableName
my $pkg = shift; # unused
my $val = shift;
$global_dbTablename = $val;
=item setCookieName NAME
Set the name of the cookie that is used for the recording the session.
This is a class method.
Use like this:
sub setCookieName
my $pkg = shift; # unused
my $val = shift;
$global_cookieName = $val;
sub _implode
my $self = shift;
my $H_data = shift;
# Treat the hash like an array. The keys and values are treated
# identically.
my @escaped = (%$H_data);
foreach (@escaped)
$_ = "" if (!defined $_);
$_ = CGI::escape($_);
return join(",", @escaped);
sub _explode
my $self = shift;
my $implosion = shift;
$implosion = "" if (!defined $implosion);
# The split limit of -1 prevents trailing blank fields from being omitted
my @fields = split /,/, $implosion, -1;
if (@fields %2 != 0)
&carp("not an even number of fields in imploded data");
return undef;
foreach (@fields)
$_ = CGI::unescape($_);
return {@fields};
sub _newID
my $self = shift;
require Digest::MD5;
# Copied from CGI::Session::ID::MD5
my $md5 = Digest::MD5->new();
$md5->add($$ , time() , rand(9999) );
return substr($md5->hexdigest(), 0, $global_keylength);
=item setup
Create a database table for storing sessions. This is not
intended to be called often, if ever. This is a class method.
sub setup
my $pkg = shift; # unused
my $dbh = shift || $global_dbh;
my $tablename = shift || $global_dbTablename;
$dbh->do("create table if not exists $tablename (" .
"$colname_key char($global_keylength) primary key not null," .
"$colname_time timestamp," .
"$colname_data mediumtext)");
=item clean
Cleans out all records older than the specified number of seconds.
This is a class method.
sub clean
my $pkg = shift; # unused
my $dbh = shift || $global_dbh;
my $tablename = shift || $global_dbTablename;
my $seconds = shift || $global_expiration;
return $dbh->do("delete from $tablename " .
"where $colname_time < " .
"date_add(now(),interval -$seconds second)");
=head1 AUTHOR
Clotho Advanced Media Inc., I<>
Primary developer: Chris Dolan
=head1 SEE ALSO
CGI::Session, CAM::App