on clear () { Çdelete selection
return (appleEvent (Arch.id, 'core', 'delo'))}
on close () { Çclose the front window
return (appleEvent (Arch.id, 'core', 'clos'))}
on closeall () { Çclose all the windows
return (appleEvent (Arch.id, 'core', 'Clos'))}
on copyclip () { Çcopy selection
return (appleEvent (Arch.id, 'core', 'copy'))}
on cut () { Çcut selection
return (appleEvent (Arch.id, 'core', 'cut '))}
on fetch (file, host = nil, path = nil, name = nil, user = nil, password = nil, url = nil, viaFirewall = nil, viaSocks = nil, binary = nil, expandWith = nil) { Çfetch a file via ftp
return (appleEvent (Arch.id, 'Arch', 'Ftch', '----', alias (file), 'FTPh', string (host), 'FTPc', string (path), 'pnam', string (name), 'ArGU', string (user), 'ArGp', string (password), 'ArUR', string (url), 'ArGF', string (viaFirewall), 'ArGS', string (viaSocks), 'ArGB', boolean (binary), 'ArGE', string4 (expandWith)))}
on find (s, server = nil, matches = nil, caseSensitivity = nil, regularExpression = nil, url = nil, window = nil) { Çquery archie server
return (appleEvent (Arch.id, 'Arch', 'Find', '----', string (s), 'ArFS', string (server), 'ArFM', long (matches), 'ArFC', boolean (caseSensitivity), 'ArFR', boolean (regularExpression), 'ArUR', string (url), 'ArFW', boolean (window)))}
on frontwindowrecord () { Çreturns the record for the front window
return (appleEvent (Arch.id, 'Arch', 'Afwr'))}
on geturl (s, geturlTo = nil) { Çfetch the url and display or save it
return (appleEvent (Arch.id, 'GURL', 'GURL', '----', string (s), 'dest', filespec (geturlTo)))}
on help () { Çopen the help window
return (appleEvent (Arch.id, 'core', 'help'))}
on index (host = nil, path = nil, user = nil, password = nil, url = nil, viaFirewall = nil, viaSocks = nil) { ÇDisplay an index listing
return (appleEvent (Arch.id, 'Arch', 'Indx', 'FTPh', string (host), 'FTPc', string (path), 'ArGU', string (user), 'ArGp', string (password), 'ArUR', string (url), 'ArGF', string (viaFirewall), 'ArGS', string (viaSocks)))}
on isRunning () {
return (sys.appIsRunning (Arch.id))}
on launch () {
return (app.startWithDocument ("Arch", ""))}
on list (file, host = nil, path = nil, name = nil, user = nil, password = nil, url = nil, viaFirewall = nil, viaSocks = nil, window = nil) { Çlist files in a directory
return (appleEvent (Arch.id, 'Arch', 'List', '----', alias (file), 'FTPh', string (host), 'FTPc', string (path), 'pnam', string (name), 'ArGU', string (user), 'ArGp', string (password), 'ArUR', string (url), 'ArGF', string (viaFirewall), 'ArGS', string (viaSocks), 'ArFW', boolean (window)))}
on macsearch (s) { Çsearch the Ambrosia server for Mac files
return (appleEvent (Arch.id, 'Arch', 'PQry', '----', string (s)))}
on mkdir (host = nil, path = nil, user = nil, password = nil, url = nil, viaFirewall = nil, viaSocks = nil) { ÇMake directory
return (appleEvent (Arch.id, 'Arch', 'MkDr', 'FTPh', string (host), 'FTPc', string (path), 'ArGU', string (user), 'ArGp', string (password), 'ArUR', string (url), 'ArGF', string (viaFirewall), 'ArGS', string (viaSocks)))}
on nlist (file, host = nil, path = nil, name = nil, user = nil, password = nil, url = nil, viaFirewall = nil, viaSocks = nil) { Çlist names of files in a directory
return (appleEvent (Arch.id, 'Arch', 'NLst', '----', alias (file), 'FTPh', string (host), 'FTPc', string (path), 'pnam', string (name), 'ArGU', string (user), 'ArGp', string (password), 'ArUR', string (url), 'ArGF', string (viaFirewall), 'ArGS', string (viaSocks)))}
on open (file) { Çopen bookmark or folder
return (appleEvent (Arch.id, 'aevt', 'odoc', '----', alias (file)))}
on openDocument (file) {
return (required.openDocument (Arch.id, file))}
on paste () { Çpaste into selection
return (appleEvent (Arch.id, 'core', 'past'))}
on printDocument (file) {
return (required.printDocument (Arch.id, file))}
on quit () { ÇQuit Anarchie
return (appleEvent (Arch.id, 'aevt', 'quit'))}
on remove (host = nil, path = nil, user = nil, password = nil, url = nil, viaFirewall = nil, viaSocks = nil) { Çdelete a file or directory
return (appleEvent (Arch.id, 'Arch', 'Rmve', 'FTPh', string (host), 'FTPc', string (path), 'ArGU', string (user), 'ArGp', string (password), 'ArUR', string (url), 'ArGF', string (viaFirewall), 'ArGS', string (viaSocks)))}
on rename (host = nil, path = nil, user = nil, password = nil, url = nil, viaFirewall = nil, viaSocks = nil, newname) { Çrename file or directory
return (appleEvent (Arch.id, 'Arch', 'Rena', 'FTPh', string (host), 'FTPc', string (path), 'ArGU', string (user), 'ArGp', string (password), 'ArUR', string (url), 'ArGF', string (viaFirewall), 'ArGS', string (viaSocks), 'NewN', string (newname)))}
on selectall () { Çselect all
return (appleEvent (Arch.id, 'core', 'slct'))}
on sendcommand (host = nil, path = nil, user = nil, password = nil, url = nil, viaFirewall = nil, viaSocks = nil) { ÇSend a raw FTP command
return (appleEvent (Arch.id, 'Arch', 'SCmd', 'FTPh', string (host), 'FTPc', string (path), 'ArGU', string (user), 'ArGp', string (password), 'ArUR', string (url), 'ArGF', string (viaFirewall), 'ArGS', string (viaSocks)))}
on showabout () { Çopen about menu
return (appleEvent (Arch.id, 'core', 'abou'))}
on showarchie () { Çopen the archie input window
return (appleEvent (Arch.id, 'Arch', 'SArI'))}
on showget () { Çopen the fetch input window
return (appleEvent (Arch.id, 'Arch', 'SFcI'))}
on showlog () { Çopen the log window
return (appleEvent (Arch.id, 'Arch', 'SLog'))}
on showmacsearch () { Çopen the MacSearch input window
return (appleEvent (Arch.id, 'Arch', 'SMSI'))}
on showtips () { Çopen the Tips window
return (appleEvent (Arch.id, 'Arch', 'STip'))}
on showtranscript () { Çopen the transcript window
return (appleEvent (Arch.id, 'Arch', 'STrn'))}
on store (file, host = nil, path = nil, name = nil, user = nil, password = nil, url = nil, viaFirewall = nil, viaSocks = nil, binary = nil) { Çstore a file to an ftp site
return (appleEvent (Arch.id, 'Arch', 'Stor', '----', alias (file), 'FTPh', string (host), 'FTPc', string (path), 'pnam', string (name), 'ArGU', string (user), 'ArGp', string (password), 'ArUR', string (url), 'ArGF', string (viaFirewall), 'ArGS', string (viaSocks), 'ArGB', boolean (binary)))}
on undo () { Çundo the last operation
return (appleEvent (Arch.id, 'core', 'undo'))}
on updateserverlist () { ÇDownload the server lists and update Internet Config
return (appleEvent (Arch.id, 'Arch', 'UpSL'))}