$SVG::Estimate::Path::Arc::VERSION = '1.0115';
use Moo;
use Math::Trig qw/pi acos deg2rad rad2deg/;
use Clone qw/clone/;
use strict;
=head1 NAME
SVG::Estimate::Path::Arc - Handles estimating arcs.
=head1 VERSION
version 1.0115
my $arc = SVG::Estimate::Path::Arc->new(
transformer => $transform,
start_point => [13, 19],
x => 45,
y => 13,
rx => 1,
ry => 3,
x_axis_rotation => 0,
large_arc_flag => 0,
sweep_flag => 0,
my $length = $arc->length;
This class extends L<SVG::Estimate::Path::Command> and consumes L<SVG::Estimate::Role::Pythagorean>, L<SVG::Estimate::Role::SegmentLength>, and L<SVG::Estimate::Role::EndToPoint>.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 new()
=item x
The x coordinate for the end-point of the arc.
=item y
The y coordinate for the end-point of the arc.
=item rx
Float representing the x radius.
=item ry
Float representing the y radius.
=item x_axis_rotation
Float that indicates how the ellipse as a whole is rotated relative to the current coordinate system.
=item large_arc_flag
Must be 1 or 0. See details L<http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/paths.html>.
=item sweep_flag
Must be 1 or 0. See details L<http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/paths.html>.
has rx => (
is => 'ro',
required => 1,
has ry => (
is => 'ro',
required => 1,
has x_axis_rotation => (
is => 'ro',
required => 1,
has large_arc_flag => (
is => 'ro',
required => 1,
has sweep_flag => (
is => 'ro',
required => 1,
has x => (
is => 'ro',
required => 1,
has y => (
is => 'ro',
required => 1,
##Used for conversion from endpoint to center parameterization
has _delta => (
is => 'rw',
has _theta => (
is => 'rw',
has _center => (
is => 'rw',
my ($class, @args) = @_;
##Upgrade to hashref
my $args = @args % 2 ? $args[0] : { @args };
if ($args->{transformer}->has_transforms) {
##The start point and end point are in different coordinate systems (view and user, respectively).
##To make the set of point in the user space, transform the start_point into user space
##Then run all the calculations
my $view_start_point = clone $args->{start_point};
$args->{start_point} = $args->{transformer}->untransform($args->{start_point});
my $point;
my $first = 1;
my $start;
my $length = 0;
POINT: for (my $t=0; $t<=1; $t+=1/12) {
$point = $class->this_point($args, $t);
$point = $args->{transformer}->transform($point);
if ($first) {
$first = 0;
$start = $point;
$args->{min_x} = $args->{max_x} = $point->[0];
$args->{min_y} = $args->{max_y} = $point->[1];
next POINT;
$length += $class->pythagorean($start, $point);
$args->{min_x} = $point->[0] if $point->[0] < $args->{min_x};
$args->{min_y} = $point->[1] if $point->[1] < $args->{min_y};
$args->{max_x} = $point->[0] if $point->[0] > $args->{max_x};
$args->{max_y} = $point->[1] if $point->[1] > $args->{max_y};
$start = $point;
##Restore the original start point in the viewport coordinate system
$args->{start_point} = $view_start_point;
$args->{end_point} = $point;
$args->{shape_length} = $length;
$args->{travel_length} = 0;
return $args;
my $start = $class->this_point($args, 0);
my $end = $class->this_point($args, 1);
$args->{min_x} = $start->[0] < $end->[0] ? $start->[0] : $end->[0];
$args->{max_x} = $start->[0] > $end->[0] ? $start->[0] : $end->[0];
$args->{min_y} = $start->[1] < $end->[1] ? $start->[1] : $end->[1];
$args->{max_y} = $start->[1] > $end->[1] ? $start->[1] : $end->[1];
$args->{shape_length} = $class->segment_length($args, 0, 1, $start, $end, 1e-4, 7, 0);
$args->{travel_length} = 0;
$args->{end_point} = clone $end;
return $args;
sub endpoint_to_center {
my $class = shift;
my $args = shift;
my $rotr = deg2rad($args->{x_axis_rotation});
my $cosr = cos $rotr;
my $sinr = sin $rotr;
my $dx = ($args->{start_point}->[0] - $args->{x}) / 2; #*
my $dy = ($args->{start_point}->[1] - $args->{y}) / 2; #*
my $x1prim = $cosr * $dx + $sinr * $dy; #*
my $y1prim = -1*$sinr * $dx + $cosr * $dy; #*
my $x1prim_sq = $x1prim**2; #*
my $y1prim_sq = $y1prim**2; #*
my $rx = $args->{rx}; #*
my $ry = $args->{ry}; #*
my $rx_sq = $rx**2; #*
my $ry_sq = $ry**2; #*
my $t1 = $rx_sq * $y1prim_sq;
my $t2 = $ry_sq * $x1prim_sq;
my $ts = $t1 + $t2;
my $c = sqrt(abs( (($rx_sq * $ry_sq) - $ts) / ($ts) ) );
if ($args->{large_arc_flag} == $args->{sweep_flag}) {
$c *= -1;
my $cxprim = $c * $rx * $y1prim / $ry;
my $cyprim = -1 *$c * $ry * $x1prim / $rx;
$args->{_center} = [
($cosr * $cxprim - $sinr * $cyprim) + ( ($args->{start_point}->[0] + $args->{x}) / 2 ),
($sinr * $cxprim + $cosr * $cyprim) + ( ($args->{start_point}->[1] + $args->{y}) / 2 )
##Theta calculation
my $ux = ($x1prim - $cxprim) / $rx; #*
my $uy = ($y1prim - $cyprim) / $ry; #*
my $n = sqrt($ux**2 + $uy**2);
my $p = $ux;
my $d = $p / $n;
my $theta = rad2deg(acos($p/$n));
if ($uy < 0) {
$theta *= -1;
$args->{_theta} = $theta % 360;
my $vx = -1 * ($x1prim + $cxprim) / $rx;
my $vy = -1 * ($y1prim + $cyprim) / $ry;
$n = sqrt( ($ux**2 + $uy**2) * ($vx**2 + $vy**2));
$p = $ux*$vx + $uy*$vy;
$d = $p / $n;
my $delta = rad2deg(acos($d));
if (($ux * $vy - $uy * $vx) < 0 ) {
$delta *= -1;
$delta = $delta % 360;
if (! $args->{sweep_flag}) {
$delta -= 360;
$args->{_delta} = $delta;
=head2 this_point (args, t)
Calculate a point on the graph, normalized from start point to end point as t, in 2-D space
sub this_point {
my $class = shift;
my $args = shift;
my $t = shift;
my $angle = deg2rad($args->{_theta} + ($args->{_delta} * $t));
my $rotr = deg2rad($args->{x_axis_rotation});
my $cosr = cos $rotr;
my $sinr = sin $rotr;
my $x = ($cosr * cos($angle) * $args->{rx} - $sinr * sin($angle) * $args->{ry} + $args->{_center}->[0]);
my $y = ($sinr * cos($angle) * $args->{rx} + $cosr * sin($angle) * $args->{ry} + $args->{_center}->[1]);
return [$x, $y];