use strict;
use lib 'lib', '../../lib', '../lib';
use_ok 'SVG::Estimate::Path::Arc';
my $transform = Image::SVG::Transform->new();
my $arc = SVG::Estimate::Path::Arc->new(
transformer => $transform,
start_point => [275, 25],
rx => 150,
ry => 150,
x_axis_rotation => 0,
sweep_flag => 0,
large_arc_flag => 0,
x => 125,
y => 175,
isa_ok $arc, 'SVG::Estimate::Path::Arc';
is_deeply $arc->start_point, [275, 25], 'arc start point';
is_deeply $arc->_center, [275,175], 'calculated center point';
is_deeply $arc->end_point, [125,175], 'end point';
cmp_ok $arc->round($arc->_theta), '==', 270, 'calculated theta (angle to initial point on x-axis)';
cmp_ok $arc->round($arc->_delta), '==', -90, 'calculated delta (angle to initial point on x-axis)';
cmp_ok $arc->round($arc->shape_length), '==', 235.619, 'arc shape length'; #( 2* pi * r / 4);
cmp_ok $arc->round($arc->travel_length), '==', 0.0, 'arc travel length'; #( 2* pi * r / 4);
cmp_ok $arc->round($arc->min_x), '==', 125, 'min_x';
cmp_ok $arc->round($arc->max_x), '==', 275, 'max_x';
cmp_ok $arc->round($arc->min_y), '==', 25, 'min_y';
cmp_ok $arc->round($arc->max_y), '==', 175, 'max_y';