use strict;
package SVG::Estimate;
$SVG::Estimate::VERSION = '1.02';
use List::MoreUtils qw/any/;
use Moo;
=head1 NAME
SVG::Estimate - Estimates the length of all the vectors in an SVG file.
=head1 VERSION
version 1.02
my $se = SVG::Estimate->new(
file_path => '/path/to/file.svg',
$se->estimate; # performs all the calculations
my $length = $se->length;
SVG::Estimate is a suite of modules that allow you to accurately estimate the length of the vectors inside of a Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) file. It is only an estimate because we lack the math to give absolutely precise lengths of really complex curves in a time-efficient manner. Therefore, we take guesses in some cases, though those guesses are still quite accurate (to within about 0.1%). In a battery of tests against our own equipment, our measurements were more accurate than those provided by the equipment itself.
This is highly useful for any 2 dimensional CNC machines that use vector files to create tool paths, as you may want to know how long a job will take to quote your customer.
This class consumes L<SVG::Estimate::Role::Round>.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 new(properties)
=item properties
A hash of properties for this class.
=item file_path
The path to the SVG file.
=item summarize
Have each parse SVG object emit its starting coordinates, ending coordinates, travel length, shape length and total length,
all in pixels.
has file_path => (
is => 'ro',
required => 1,
=head2 length()
Returns the length in user units (pixels) of the SVG. This is equivalent of adding C<travel_length> and C<shape_length> together. B<NOTE:> The number of user units within any given element could be variable depending upon how the vector was specified and how the SVG editor exports its documents. For example, if you have a line that is 1 inch long in Adobe Illustrator it will export that as 72 user units, and a 1 inch line in Inkscape will export that as 90 user units.
has length => (
is => 'rw',
default => sub { 0 },
=head2 travel_length()
Returns the length of tool travel in user units that a toolhead would have to move to get into position for the next shape.
has travel_length => (
is => 'rw',
default => sub { 0 },
=head2 shape_length()
Returns the length of the vectors (in user units) that make up the shapes in this document.
has shape_length => (
is => 'rw',
default => sub { 0 },
=head2 shape_count()
The count of all the shapes in this document.
has shape_count => (
is => 'rw',
default => sub { 0 },
=head2 cursor()
Returns a point (an array ref with 2 values) of where the toolhead will be at the end of estimation.
has cursor => (
is => 'rw',
default => sub { [0,0] },
=head2 min_x()
Returns the left most x value of the bounding box for this document.
has min_x => (
is => 'rwp',
default => sub { 1e10 },
=head2 max_x()
Returns the right most x value of the bounding box for this document.
has max_x => (
is => 'rwp',
default => sub { -1e10 },
=head2 min_y()
Returns the top most y value of the bounding box for this document.
has min_y => (
is => 'rwp',
default => sub { 1e10 },
=head2 max_y()
Returns the bottom most y value of the bounding box for this document.
has max_y => (
is => 'rwp',
default => sub { -1e10 },
has summarize => (
is => 'ro',
default => sub { 0 },
has transform_stack => (
is => 'rwp',
default => sub { [] },
trigger => 1,
sub _trigger_transform_stack {
my $self = shift;
my $cts = join ' ', map { $_ } @{ $self->transform_stack };
sub push_transform {
my $self = shift;
my $stack = $self->transform_stack;
push @{ $stack }, @_;
sub pop_transform {
my $self = shift;
my $stack = $self->transform_stack;
my $element = pop @{ $stack };
return $element;
has transformer => (
is => 'lazy',
sub _build_transformer {
return Image::SVG::Transform->new();
=head2 read_svg()
Reads in the SVG document specified by C<file_path> in the constructor.
sub read_svg {
my $self = shift;
my $xml = read_file($self->file_path);
my $doc = XML::LibXML->load_xml(string => $xml, load_ext_dtd => 0);
my $hash = xml2hash($doc, order => 1);
return $hash;
=head2 estimate()
Performs all the calculations on this document. B<NOTE:> before C<estimate()> is run, none of the measurements will produce valid values.
sub estimate {
my $self = shift;
my $hash = $self->read_svg();
return $self;
=head2 sum(elements)
This is used by C<estimate> to do calculations on the various elements of the document. It recurses over a list of elements. This method is likely only useful to you if you want to evaluate only a section of a document.
=item elements
An array reference of SVG elements as parsed by L<XML::Hash::LX>.
sub sum {
my ($self, $elements) = @_;
my $length = 0;
my $shape_length = 0;
my $travel_length = 0;
my $shape_count = 0;
my $has_transform = 0; ##Flag for g/svg element having a transform
##xml2hash rules
## * Just one element, you get a hash
## * Two elements, you get an array of hashes
## * One element, container has properties, you get an array of hashes
if (ref $elements eq 'ARRAY') {
foreach my $element (@{$elements}) {
my @keys = keys %{$element};
if (any { $keys[0] eq $_} qw(g svg)) {
elsif (any {$keys[0] eq $_} qw(line ellipse rect circle polygon polyline path)) {
my $class = 'SVG::Estimate::'.ucfirst($keys[0]);
my %params = $self->parse_params($element->{$keys[0]});
##Have to pass this into Path with all its Commands
if ($self->summarize) {
$params{summarize} = 1;
##Handle transforms on an element
if (exists $params{transform}) {
if ($self->summarize) {
print "transform stack: ". join(' ', @{ $self->transform_stack });
print "\n";
$params{transformer} = $self->transformer;
my $shape = $class->new(%params);
if ($self->summarize) {
$shape_length += $shape->shape_length;
$travel_length += $shape->travel_length;
$length += $shape->length;
$self->_set_min_x($shape->min_x) if $shape->min_x < $self->min_x;
$self->_set_max_x($shape->max_x) if $shape->max_x > $self->max_x;
$self->_set_min_y($shape->min_y) if $shape->min_y < $self->min_y;
$self->_set_max_y($shape->max_y) if $shape->max_y > $self->max_y;
if (exists $params{transform}) {
##Handle transforms on a containing svg or g element
else {
if (exists $element->{'-transform'}) {
$has_transform = 1;
if ($self->summarize) {
print "transform stack: ". join(' ', @{ $self->transform_stack });
print "\n";
##Resubmit hashes (which should only have one key/value pair) as an array
elsif (ref $elements eq 'HASH') {
$self->sum([ $elements ]);
$self->length($self->length + $length);
$self->shape_length($self->shape_length + $shape_length);
$self->travel_length($self->travel_length + $travel_length);
$self->shape_count($self->shape_count + $shape_count);
$self->pop_transform if $has_transform;
=head2 parse_params ( in )
Removes the C<-> added to attributes by L<XML::Hash::LX> and returns a hash with the fixed paramter names.
=item in
A hash reference of parameters from L<XML::Hash::LX> with the preceeding C<-> on each key.
sub parse_params {
my ($self, $in) = @_;
my %out = (start_point => $self->cursor);
foreach my $key (keys %{$in}) {
my $newkey = substr($key, 1);
$out{$newkey} = $in->{$key};
return %out;
=head1 PREREQS
=head1 SUPPORT
=item Repository
=item Bug Reports
=head1 AUTHOR
This module was created by JT Smith <jt_at_plainblack_dot_com> and Colin Kuskie <colink_at_plainblack_dot_com>.
=head1 LEGAL
SVG::Estimate is Copyright 2016 Plain Black Corporation (L<>) and is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.