use strict;
use Test::More 0.98;
use XML::Minifier qw(minify);
# chdir to file
chdir 't/data/';
# Actually we test that the processing of entities which is a feature implemeted by xmlprocessor (XML::LibXML) is preserved by our minifier
# Read file
open my $fh, '<', 'entitynotag.xml' or die "Can't open file $!";
my $entity = do { local $/; <$fh> };
close $fh;
my $entityexpanded = << "END";
<catalog xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:xi="" version="1.0">
Just Another Perl Hacker,
# Same as xmllint entity.xml --noent
my $entitynotexpanded = << "END";
<catalog xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:xi="" version="1.0">
chomp $entityexpanded;
chomp $entitynotexpanded;
#is(minify($entity, no_prolog => 1, expand_entities => 1), $entityexpanded, "Process entities");
is(minify($entity, no_prolog => 1), $entitynotexpanded, "Do not process entities (default)");
# Read file
open $fh, '<', 'entitywithtag.xml' or die "Can't open file $!";
$entity = do { local $/; <$fh> };
close $fh;
$entityexpanded = << "END";
<catalog xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:xi="" version="1.0"><strong>Just Another Perl Hacker,</strong></catalog>
# Same as xmllint entity.xml --noent
$entitynotexpanded = << "END";
<catalog xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:xi="" version="1.0">
chomp $entityexpanded;
chomp $entitynotexpanded;
#is(minify($entity, no_prolog => 1, expand_entities => 1), $entityexpanded, "Process entities with a tag therefore some blanks cleaning is done");
is(minify($entity, no_prolog => 1), $entitynotexpanded, "Do not process entities (default)");