use strict;
use Moo 2;
use feature 'signatures';
no warnings 'experimental::signatures';
our $VERSION = '0.01';
# We should have Win32 console support (maybe just Win32::Console::ANSI ?)
# -> Win32::Console->Mode & ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_PROCESSING != 0 -> VT sequences
# -> otherwise scroll_up via Win32::Console->Cursor()
# The API doesn't look great - do we want multiple instances at all? We can't
# handle them anyway, in a sensible way
=head1 NAME
Term::Output::List - output an updateable list of ongoing jobs
my $printer = Term::Output::List->new();
my @ongoing_tasks = ('file1: frobnicating', 'file2: bamboozling', 'file3: frobnicating');
$printer->output_permanent("Frobnicated gizmos"); # appears above the list
has '_last_lines' => (
is => 'rw',
=head1 MEMBERS
=head2 C<< fh >>
Filehandle used for output. Default is C<< STDOUT >>.
has 'fh' => (
is => 'lazy',
default => sub { \*STDOUT },
has 'terminfo' => (
is => 'lazy',
default => sub { Term::Cap->Tgetent({ OSPEED => 112000 })},
has 'term_scroll_up' => (
is => 'lazy',
default => sub { $_[0]->terminfo->Tputs('UP') },
has 'term_clear_eol' => (
is => 'lazy',
default => sub { $_[0]->terminfo->Tputs('ce') },
has 'interactive' => (
is => 'lazy',
default => sub { -t $_[0]->fh },
=head2 C<< width >>
Width of the terminal. This is initialized at first use. You may (or may not)
want to set up a C<< $SIG{WINCH} >> handler to set the terminal width when
the terminal size changes.
has 'width' => (
is => 'lazy',
default => sub { `tput cols` },
=head1 METHODS
=head2 C<< Term::Output::List->new() >>
=head2 C<< ->scroll_up >>
Helper method to place the cursor at the top of the updateable list.
sub scroll_up( $self, $count=$self->_last_lines ) {
if( !$count) {
} else {
# Overwrite the number of lines we printed last time
print { $self->fh } "\r" . sprintf $self->term_scroll_up(), ${count};
#sleep 1;
=head2 C<<->output_permanent>>
$o->output_permanent("Frobnicated 3 items for job 2");
$o->output_list("Frobnicating 9 items for job 1",
"Frobnicating 2 items for job 3",
Outputs items that should go on the permanent record. It is expected to
output the (remaining) list of ongoing jobs after that.
sub output_permanent( $self, @items ) {
my $total = $self->_last_lines // 0;
if( $self->interactive ) {
my $w = $self->width;
my $clear_eol = $self->term_clear_eol;
if( @items ) {
print { $self->fh }
map { length($_) > $w - 1 ? (substr($_,0,$w-3).'..'): $_
} @items)."$clear_eol\n";
} else {
print { $self->fh } join("\n", @items) . "\n";
#sleep 1;
if( $self->interactive ) {
my $blank = $total - @items;
my $clear_eol = $self->term_clear_eol;
if( $blank > 0 ) {
print { $self->fh } "$clear_eol\n"x ($blank);
$self->scroll_up( $blank );
=head2 C<<->output_list @items>>
$o->output_list("Frobnicating 9 items for job 1",
"Frobnicating 2 items for job 3",
Outputs items that can be updated later, as long as no intervening output
(like from C<print>, C<say> or C<warn>) has happened. If you want to output
lines that should not be overwritten later, see C<</->output_permanent>>
sub output_list( $self, @items ) {
if( $self->interactive ) {
#sleep 1;
$self->_last_lines( 0+@items);
=head2 C<<->fresh_output >>
Helper subroutine to make all items from the last output list remain as is.
For compatibility between output to a terminal and output without a terminal,
you should use C<< ->output_permanent >> for things that should be permanent
sub fresh_output( $self ) {
$self->_last_lines( 0 );