use 5.020;
open my $fh, '>:raw', \my $buffer;
my $t = Term::Output::List->new(
fh => $fh,
my @running = map { sprintf "# Task %d",$_ } 1..3;
$t->output_permanent("# Permanent message 1");
$t->output_permanent("# Permanent message 2");
push @running, "# Task 4";
$t->output_permanent("# Permanent message 3");
$t->output_permanent("# Permanent message 4");
$t->output_permanent("# Permanent message 5 (clearing running list)");
# Now clear the list
is $buffer, join( "\n",
"# Permanent message 1",
"# Permanent message 2",
"# Permanent message 3",
"# Permanent message 4",
"# Permanent message 5 (clearing running list)",
) . "\n", "Non-interactive output has only the permanent messages";