use strict;
use VIM::Packager::Utils qw(vim_rtp_home vim_inst_record_dir findbin);
use YAML;
our $VERSION = 0.0.1;
my $VERBOSE = 1;
$ vim-packager build
$ make
# auto install dependency
$ make install
=head1 Constants
LIBPATH: F<vimlib/>
use constant {
LIBPATH => 'vimlib',
=head1 Makefile Helper Functions
=head2 multi_line Array:Lines
=head2 add_macro ArrayRef:Makefile Lines , String: Macro Name , String: Macro
=head2 new_section ArrayRef:Makefile Lines , String: Section Name , Array: Depended macro names
=head2 add_st ArrayRef:Makefile Lines , String: Statement , Array: Statement Arguments
Statement Arguments is for Statement string, which is in sprintf format.
=head2 add_noop_st ArrayRef:Makefile Lines
sub multi_line {
my @items = @_;
return join " \\\n\t", @items ;
sub add_macro {
my $ref = shift;
my ( $name, $content ) = @_;
push @{ $ref } , qq|$name = $content|;
sub new_section {
my $ref = shift;
my ( $name , @deps ) = @_;
push @{ $ref } , qq|| , qq|$name : | . join( " ", @deps );
sub add_st {
my ($ref, $st , @args ) = @_;
push @{ $ref } , qq|\t\t| . sprintf($st , @args);
sub add_noop_st {
add_st $_[0] => q|$(NOECHO) $(NOOP)|;
=head1 Main Functions
=head2 new
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $cmd = shift; # command object
my $self = bless {}, $class;
my $meta = VIM::Packager::MetaReader->new->read_metafile();
$self->{cmd} = $cmd;
YAML::DumpFile( "VIMMETA.yml" , $meta );
$self->meta( $meta ); # save meta object
my $makefile = {};
$makefile->{meta} = $meta;
my $info = vim_version_info();
my $op = $meta->{vim_version}->{op} ;
my $version = $meta->{vim_version}->{version} ;
my $installed_vim_version = $info->{version};
print STDOUT "Found installed VIM, version $installed_vim_version\n";
unless( eval "$installed_vim_version $op $version" ) {
print STDOUT "This distrubution needs a newer vim ( $version )\n";
print STDOUT "VIM::Packager::MakeMaker (v$VERSION)\n" if $VERBOSE;
if (-f "MANIFEST" && ! -f "Makefile"){
my $main = [ ];
push @$main, q|.PHONY: all install clean uninstall help upload link|;
my $filelist = $self->make_filelist();
$makefile->{filelist} = $filelist;
my @meta_section = $self->meta_section( $meta );
my @config_section = $self->config_section();
my @file_section = $self->file_section( $filelist );
$self->section_all( $main );
$self->section_install( $main );
# main install section
$self->section_pure_install( $main , $makefile );
# dependency section
$self->section_deps( $main );
$self->section_link( $main , $filelist );
# -----------
new_section $main => 'manifest';
add_st $main => q|$(FULLPERL) $(PERLFLAGS) -MVIM::Packager::Manifest=mkmanifest -e 'mkmanifest'|;
add_st $main => q|$(NOECHO) $(TOUCH) MANIFEST.SKIP|;
new_section $main => 'dist';
add_st $main => q|$(TAR) $(TARFLAGS) $(DISTNAME).tar.gz $(TO_INST_VIMS) $(META_FILE) $(README)|;
add_noop_st $main;
new_section $main => 'help';
add_st $main => q|perldoc VIM::Packager|;
new_section $main => 'uninstall';
for( values %$filelist ) {
add_st $main => q|$(RM_F) | . $_ ;
# XXX: prompt user to uninstall depedencies
new_section $main => 'upload' , qw(dist);
add_st $main => q|$(FULLPERL) $(PERLFLAGS) -MVIM::Packager::Uploader=upload -e 'upload()' |
. multi_line qw|$(PWD)/$(DISTNAME).tar.gz $(VIM_VERSION) $(VERSION) $(SCRIPT_ID)|;
new_section $main => 'clean';
add_st $main => multi_line q|$(RM)|, qw(pure_install install-deps);
add_st $main => q|$(MV) $(FIRST_MAKEFILE) $(MAKEFILE_OLD)|;
$self->generate_makefile( [
{ meta => \@meta_section },
{ config => \@config_section },
{ file => \@file_section },
{ main => $main } ] );
=head2 meta
return current meta object.
sub meta {
my $self = shift;
$self->{meta} = shift if @_;
return $self->{meta};
=head2 section_all
sub section_all {
my $self = shift;
my $main = shift;
new_section $main => "all" => qw(install-deps);
add_noop_st $main;
=head2 section_install
sub section_install {
my $self = shift;
my $main = shift;
new_section $main => "install" => qw(pure_install install-deps) ;
add_noop_st $main;
=head2 section_pure_install
sub section_pure_install {
my ($self,$main,$makefile) = @_;
new_section $main => "pure_install";
# pure makefile option let
# makefile doesnt depend on perl module.
if ( $self->{cmd}->{pure} ) {
print "Making pure makefile (not to depend on perl module)\n";
my %files = %{ $makefile->{filelist} };
while ( my ($from,$to) = each %files ) {
add_st $main => sprintf( q|$(CP) %s %s| , $from , $to );
else {
add_st $main =>
q|$(NOECHO) $(FULLPERL) $(PERLFLAGS) -MVIM::Packager::Installer=install|
. q| -e 'install()' $(VIMS_TO_RUNT) |;
add_st $main =>
q|$(NOECHO) $(FULLPERL) $(PERLFLAGS) -MVIM::Packager::Installer=install|
. q| -e 'install()' $(BIN_TO_RUNT) |;
=head2 section_deps
sub section_deps {
my $self = shift;
my $main = shift;
new_section $main => "install-deps";
if( $self->{cmd}->{pure} ) {
print "You are making a pure makefile that doesn't depend on perl module.\n";
print "We are going to skip deps section.\n";
add_noop_st $main;
my %unsatisfied = $self->check_dependency( $self->meta );
my @pkgs_nonversion = grep { ref($unsatisfied{$_}) eq 'ARRAY' } sort keys %unsatisfied;
for my $pkgname ( @pkgs_nonversion ) {
my @nonversion_params = map { ( $_->{target} , $_->{from} ) }
map { @{ $unsatisfied{ $_ } } } $pkgname ;
add_st $main => multi_line q|$(NOECHO) $(FULLPERL) $(PERLFLAGS)|
. qq| -MVIM::Packager::Installer=install_deps_remote |
. qq| -e 'install_deps_remote()' $pkgname |
, @nonversion_params ;
my @pkgs_version = grep { ref($unsatisfied{$_}) ne 'ARRAY' } sort keys %unsatisfied;
if( @pkgs_version > 0 ) {
add_st $main => q|$(NOECHO) $(FULLPERL) $(PERLFLAGS) -MVIM::Packager::Installer=install_deps |
. qq| -e 'install_deps()' '@{[ join ",",@pkgs_version ]}' |;
=head2 section_link
sub section_link {
my ($self,$main , $filelist) = @_;
new_section $main => 'link';
while( my ($src,$target) = each %$filelist ) {
add_st $main => q|$(NOECHO) $(LN_S) | . File::Spec->join( '$(PWD)' , $src ) . " " . $target;
new_section $main => 'link-force';
while( my ($src,$target) = each %$filelist ) {
add_st $main => q|$(NOECHO) $(LN_SF) | . File::Spec->join( '$(PWD)' , $src ) . " " . $target;
new_section $main => 'unlink';
while( my ($src,$target) = each %$filelist ) {
add_st $main => q|$(NOECHO) $(RM) | . $target;
sub generate_makefile {
my $self = shift;
my $sections = shift;
print "Write to Makefile.\n";
open my $fh , ">" , 'Makefile';
print $fh <<'END';
# VIM::Packager::MakeMaker
# This Makefile is generated by VIM::Packager::MakeMaker version $VERSION from
# the contents of META . don't edit this file, edit META file instead.
# Author: Cornelius
# Email :
for my $s ( @$sections ) {
my $n = (keys %$s)[0];
my $list = $s->{$n};
print $fh "\n" for ( 1 .. 3 );
print $fh sprintf("# -------- %s section ------\n" , $n );
print $fh join("\n", @$list );
print $fh "\n" for ( 1 .. 2 );
close $fh;
print "DONE\n";
sub meta_section {
my $self = shift;
my $meta = shift;
my @section = ();
map { add_macro \@section, uc($_) => $meta->{$_} } grep { ! ref $meta->{$_} } keys %$meta;
my $distname = $meta->{name};
$distname =~ tr/._/--/;
$distname .= '-' . $meta->{version};
add_macro \@section , DISTNAME => $distname;
# XXX: op skipeed
add_macro \@section , VIM_VERSION => $meta->{vim_version}->{version};
return @section;
sub config_section {
my $self = shift;
my @section = ();
my %configs = ();
my %dir_configs = $self->init_vim_dir_macro();
my $perl = find_perl();
die "Can not found perl." unless $perl;
$configs{FULLPERL} ||= $perl;
$configs{NOECHO} ||= '@';
$configs{TOUCH} ||= 'touch';
$configs{ECHO} ||= 'echo';
$configs{ECHO_N} ||= 'echo -n';
$configs{RM_F} ||= "rm -vf";
$configs{RM_RF} ||= "rm -rf";
$configs{TEST_F} ||= "test -f";
$configs{CP} ||= "cp";
$configs{MV} ||= "mv";
$configs{CHMOD} ||= "chmod";
$configs{FALSE} ||= 'false';
$configs{TRUE} ||= 'true';
$configs{NOOP} ||= '$(TRUE)';
$configs{LN_S} ||= 'ln -sv';
$configs{LN_SF} ||= 'ln -svf';
$configs{PWD} ||= '`pwd`';
$configs{CP} ||= 'cp -v';
$configs{README} ||= 'README README.*';
$configs{META_FILE} ||= VIM::Packager::MetaReader->find_meta_file();
$configs{FIRST_MAKEFILE} ||= 'Makefile';
$configs{MAKEFILE_OLD} ||= 'Makefile.old';
$configs{TARFLAGS} ||= 'cvzf';
$configs{PERLFLAGS} ||= ' -Ilib ';
map { add_macro \@section, $_ => $configs{$_} } sort keys %configs;
map { add_macro \@section, $_ => $dir_configs{$_} } sort keys %dir_configs;
return @section;
sub file_section {
my $self = shift;
my $filelist = shift;
my $meta = $self->meta;
my @section = ();
my @to_install = keys %$filelist;
add_macro \@section , VIMLIB => LIBPATH;
add_macro \@section , VIMMETA => VIM::Packager::MetaReader::find_meta_file();
add_macro \@section , TO_INST_VIMS => multi_line @to_install ;
my @vims_to_runtime = %$filelist;
add_macro \@section , VIMS_TO_RUNT => multi_line @vims_to_runtime ;
my %bin_to_runtime = ();
if( $meta->{script} ) {
my @bin = @{ $meta->{script} };
for (@bin) {
my ( $v, $d, $f ) = File::Spec->splitpath($_);
# $bin_to_runtime{ $_ } = File::Spec->join( vim_rtp_home() , 'bin' , $f );
$bin_to_runtime{$_} = File::Spec->join( '$(VIM_BASEDIR)', 'bin', $f );
add_macro \@section , TO_INST_BIN => multi_line keys %bin_to_runtime ;
add_macro \@section , BIN_TO_RUNT => multi_line %bin_to_runtime ;
return @section;
sub get_installed_pkgs {
my ($self, $dir ) = @_;
unless( -e $dir ) {
File::Path::mkpath [ $dir ];
return ();
my @pkg_record_files = ();
my $closure = sub {
my $file = $_;
my $dir = $File::Find::dir;
return unless -f $file;
my $path = File::Spec->join($dir , $file );
push @pkg_record_files , $path;
File::Find::find( \&$closure ,$dir );
return @pkg_record_files;
sub check_dependency {
my $self = shift;
my $meta = shift;
my $record_dir = $self->vim_inst_record_dir();
my @pkg_records = $self->get_installed_pkgs($record_dir);
my %unsatisfied = ();
for my $dep ( @{ $meta->{dependency} } ) {
if ( defined $dep->{version} ) {
my ( $prereq, $required_version, $version_op ) = @$dep{qw(name version op)};
my $installed_files; # XXX: get installed files of prerequire plugins
# XXX: check if prerequire plugin is installed.
# try to get installed package record by vimana manager
# or just look into file and parse the version
my $pr_version = 0 ; $pr_version = parse_version( $installed_files ) if $installed_files;
if( ! $installed_files ) {
warn sprintf "Warning: prerequisite %s - %s not found.\n",
$prereq, $required_version;
$unsatisfied{ $prereq } = 'not installed';
elsif ( eval "$pr_version $version_op $required_version" ) {
warn sprintf "Warning: prerequisite %s - %s not found. We have %s.\n",
$prereq, $required_version, ($pr_version || 'unknown version') ;
$unsatisfied{ $prereq } = $pr_version;
else {
# if we can not detect installed package version
# here is the other way to install dependencies.
my ( $prereq , $require_files ) = ( $dep->{name} , $dep->{required_files} );
$unsatisfied{ $prereq } = $require_files;
# XXX: grep out ?
for ( @$require_files ) {
# XXX: expand Makefile variable to support such things like:
# $(VIM_BASEDIR)/path/to/
my $target_path = File::Spec->join( vim_rtp_home() , $_->{target} ) ;
unless( -e $target_path ) {
warn sprintf "Warning: prerequisite %s - %s not found.\n\tWill be retreived from %s\n",
$prereq , $target_path , $_->{from} ;
else {
printf "[ %s : %s ] .... OK\n" , $prereq , $_->{target} ;
return %unsatisfied;
sub init_vim_dir_macro {
my $self = shift;
my %dir_configs = ();
$dir_configs{ VIM_BASEDIR } = $ENV{VIM_BASEDIR} || vim_rtp_home();
$dir_configs{ VIM_AFTERBASE_DIR} = $ENV{VIM_AFTERBASE_DIR} || File::Spec->join( $dir_configs{VIM_BASEDIR} , 'after' );
for my $sub ( qw(after syntax ftplugin compiler plugin macros colors) ) {
my $path_name = 'VIM_' . uc($sub) . '_DIR';
my $after_path_name = 'VIM_AFTER_' . uc($sub) . '_DIR';
$dir_configs{$path_name} = $ENV{$path_name}
|| File::Spec->join( $dir_configs{VIM_BASEDIR}, $sub );
$dir_configs{$after_path_name} = $ENV{$after_path_name}
|| File::Spec->join( $dir_configs{VIM_BASEDIR}, $sub );
return %dir_configs;
sub make_filelist {
my $self = shift;
my %install = ();
my $base_prefix = LIBPATH;
# my $prefix = File::Spec->join($ENV{HOME} , '.vim');
my $prefix = '$(VIM_BASEDIR)';
File::Find::find( sub {
return unless -f $_;
return if /\#/;
return if /~$/; # emacs temp files
return if /,v$/; # RCS files
return if m{\.swp$}; # vim swap files
my $src = File::Spec->catfile( $File::Find::dir , $_ );
my $target;
( $target = $src ) =~ s{^$base_prefix/}{};
$target = File::Spec->catfile( $prefix , $target );
$install{ $src } = $target;
} , $base_prefix );
return \%install;
# XXX: implement me
sub full_setup {
my @attrib_help = qw(
my @MM_Sections = qw(
# XXX:
# parse version from vim runtime path files
# neeed to find a way to do it
sub parse_version {
sub vim_version_info {
# check_vim_version
my $where_is_vim = findbin('vim');
unless( $where_is_vim ) {
print STDOUT "It seems you dont have vim installed.";
my $version_output = qx{$where_is_vim --version};
my @lines = split /\n/, $version_output;
my ( $version, $date_string )
= $lines[ 0 ] =~ /^VIM - Vi IMproved ([0-9.]+) \((.*?)\)/;
my ( $revision_date, $compiled_time ) = split /,/, $date_string;
$compiled_time =~ s/\s*compiled\s*//;
$compiled_time = DateTime::Format::DateParse->parse_datetime($compiled_time);
my ($platform) = $lines[ 1 ] =~ /^(.*?) version/;
# Included patches: 1-264
my ( $patch_from, $patch_to )
= $lines[ 2 ] =~ /^Included patches: (\d+)-(\d+)$/;
# Compiled by [who]
my ($compiled_by) = $lines[ 3 ] =~ /^Compiled by (.*?)$/;
return {
version => $version,
platform => $platform,
compiled_on => $compiled_time,
patch_from => $patch_from,
patch_to => $patch_to,
compiled_by => $compiled_by
sub check_manifest {
print STDOUT "Checking if your kit is complete...\n";
# avoid warning
$ExtUtils::Manifest::Quiet = $ExtUtils::Manifest::Quiet = 1;
my(@missed) = ExtUtils::Manifest::manicheck();
if (@missed) {
print STDOUT "Warning: the following files are missing in your kit:\n";
print "\t", join "\n\t", @missed;
print STDOUT "\n";
print STDOUT "Please inform the author.\n";
} else {
print STDOUT "Looks good\n";
sub prompt ($;$) { ## no critic
my($mess, $def) = @_;
Carp::confess("prompt function called without an argument")
unless defined $mess;
my $isa_tty = -t STDIN && (-t STDOUT || !(-f STDOUT || -c STDOUT)) ;
my $dispdef = defined $def ? "[$def] " : " ";
$def = defined $def ? $def : "";
local $|=1;
local $\;
print "$mess $dispdef";
my $ans;
if ($ENV{PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT} || (!$isa_tty && eof STDIN)) {
print "$def\n";
else {
$ans = <STDIN>;
if( defined $ans ) {
chomp $ans;
else { # user hit ctrl-D
print "\n";
return (!defined $ans || $ans eq '') ? $def : $ans;
sub find_perl {
my @paths = split /:/,$ENV{PATH};
my @names = qw(perl);
for my $path ( @paths ) {
for my $name ( @names ) {
my $abspath = File::Spec->join( $path , $name );
return $abspath if -e $abspath;
return undef;