use strict;
use YAML;
sub trim_comment {
my $c = shift;
$c =~ s/#.*$//; # skip comment
return $c;
sub trim {
my $c = shift;
$c =~ s/^\s*//;
$c =~ s/\s*$//;
return $c;
=head1 Synopsis
=head2 Generic VIM Meta file format
=name new_plugin
=abstract vim plugin blah blah blah
=author Cornelius (
=version_from plugin/new_plugin.vim # extract version infomation from this file
=type syntax
=script_id [script id on] # for uploading script to
autocomplpop.vim > 0.3
rainbow.vim >= 1.2
| autoload/libperl.vim | http://....../..././.../libperl.vim
| autoload/std.vim | http://....../..././.../std.vim
cpan.vim > 0
git:// # install from git repository
=repository git://....../
=head1 Description
=head1 Constant
available metafile names: F<VIMMETA>, F<META>, F<VIMMETA.yml>
use constant META_FILES => [ 'VIMMETA','META','VIMMETA.yml'];
=head1 Functions
=head2 new
sub new { bless {} , shift }
=head2 meta
sub meta { my $self = shift; return $self->{meta} ||= {}; }
=head2 read_metafile
read_metafile function tries to find available vim meta file
and parse meta file into hashref.
return meta information in hashref.
sub read_metafile {
my $self = shift;
# read meta_reader file
my $file = $self->find_meta_file();
die 'Can not found META file' unless -e $file;
open my $fh , "<" , $file ;
$self->read( $fh );
close $fh;
return $self->meta;
=head2 find_meta_file
find_meta_file function tries to find available vim meta file
return the filename of vim meta file (string)
sub find_meta_file {
my $files = META_FILES;
for ( @$files ) {
return $_ if -e $_;
sub read {
my $self = shift;
my $fh = shift;
my @lines = <$fh>;
my $cur_section;
my %sections = ();
for ( @lines ) {
$_ = trim trim_comment($_);
next if blank($_);
if( /^=(\w+)(?:\s+(.*?))?$/ ) {
$cur_section = $1;
$sections{$cur_section} = $2 if $2;
push @{ $sections{ $cur_section } } , $_;
for my $sec ( keys %sections ) {
my $lines = $sections{ $sec };
my $dispatch = '__' . $sec;
if( $self->can( $dispatch ) ) {
$self->$dispatch( $lines );
else {
# print "Meta tag $sec is not supported. but we will still save to Makefile\n";
$self->{meta}->{ $sec } = $lines;
# XXX: check for mandatory meta info
my $fall;
my $meta = $class->meta;
for ( qw(name author version type vim_version) ) {
if( ! defined $meta->{ $_ } ) {
print STDOUT "META: column '$_' is required. ";
$fall = 1;
die if $fall;
my $package_re = '[0-9a-zA-Z._-]+';
sub blank {
my $c = shift;
return $c =~ /^\s*$/;
sub _get_value {
my $cur = shift;
my ($v) = ( $cur =~ /^=\w+\s+(.*)$/ ) ;
return $v;
sub __name {
my ($self,$value) = @_;
$self->meta->{name} =$value;
sub __email {
my ($self,$value) = @_;
$self->meta->{email} =$value;
sub __author {
my ($self,$value) = @_;
$self->meta->{author} =$value;
sub __version {
my ($self,$value) = @_;
$self->meta->{version} = $value;
sub __abstract {
my ($self,$value) = @_;
$self->meta->{abstract} =$value;
sub __type {
my ($self,$value) = @_;
$self->meta->{type} =$value;
sub __version_from {
my ($self,$version_file) = @_;
$self->meta->{version_from} = $version_file;
open FH, "<" , $version_file;
my @lines = <FH>;
close FH;
for ( @lines ) {
if( /^"=VERSION ([0-9.]+)$/ or /^"\s*Version:\s*([0-9.]+)$/i ) {
$self->meta->{version} = $1;
print "Warning: Can not found version, you should declare your version in your vim script.\n";
print "For example \n";
print " \" Version: 0.3 \n";
=head2 __install_dirs
if you don't like F<vimlib/>
sub __install_dirs {
my ($self,$lines) = @_;
$self->meta->{install_dirs} = [];
for ( @$lines ) {
$_ = trim $_;
push @{ $self->meta->{install_dirs} },$_ if $_;
sub __dependency {
my ( $self, $lines ) = @_;
$self->meta->{dependency} = [];
my %pkgs = ();
my $cur_name;
for ( @$lines ) {
# for lines like:
# plugin.vim > 1.0
if( m{^ ($package_re) \s+ ([=<>]{1,2}) \s+ ([0-9.]+) }x ) {
my ( $name, $op, $version ) = ( $1, $2, $3 );
$cur_name = $name;
$pkgs{ $name } = {
name => $name,
op => $op,
version => $version,
# for lines like:
# plugin.vim
# | plugin/plugin.vim | http://...../.../plugin.vim
elsif( m{^($package_re)$} ) {
$cur_name = $1;
$pkgs{ $cur_name } = [];
elsif( m{^\|\s*(.*?)\s*\|\s*(\S+)} ) {
my ( $target, $from ) = ( $1, $2 );
push @{ $pkgs{ $cur_name } } , { from => $from , target => $target };
# from git repository
elsif( m{^git://} ) {
my $git_repo = $_;
$pkgs{ $cur_name }->{git_repo} = $git_repo;
$self->meta->{dependency} = [
map( { { name => $_, required_files => $pkgs{$_} } } grep { ref( $pkgs{$_} ) eq 'ARRAY' } keys %pkgs ),
map( { $pkgs{$_} } grep { ref( $pkgs{$_} ) ne 'ARRAY' } keys %pkgs ),
sub __script {
my ( $self, $lines ) = @_;
$self->meta->{script} = $lines;
sub __repository {
my ( $self, $value ) = @_;
$self->meta->{repository} = $value;
sub __vim_version {
my ( $self , $v ) = @_;
my ( $op , $version ) = $v =~ m/^([<=>]{1,2})\s+([0-9.-a-z]+)/;
$self->meta->{vim_version} = {
op => $op,
version => $version,
# some alias
# ....