# Yubico OTP second factor authentication
# This plugin handle authentications to ask Yubikey second factor for users that
# have registered their Yubikey using legacy OTP mode
use strict;
use Mouse;
use JSON qw(from_json to_json);
use Lemonldap::NG::Common::Util qw/display2F/;
our $VERSION = '2.17.0';
has type => ( is => 'rw', default => 'UBK' );
has prefix => ( is => 'ro', default => 'yubikey' );
has logo => ( is => 'rw', default => 'yubikey.png' );
has yubi => ( is => 'rw' );
sub init {
my ($self) = @_;
eval { require Auth::Yubikey_WebClient };
if ($@) {
$self->logger->error("Can't load Yubikey_WebClient library: $@");
$self->error("Can't load Yubikey_WebClient library: $@");
return 0;
# Try to be smart about Yubikey 2F activation
if ( $self->conf->{yubikey2fActivation} eq '1' ) {
my @newrules;
# If self registration is enabled,
# detect if user has registered its key
push @newrules, 'has2f("UBK")'
if $self->conf->{yubikey2fSelfRegistration};
# If Yubikey looked up from an attribute, test attribute's presence
if ( $self->conf->{yubikey2fFromSessionAttribute} ) {
my $attr = $self->conf->{yubikey2fFromSessionAttribute};
push @newrules, "\$$attr";
# Aggregate rules
if (@newrules) {
my $rule = join( " || ", @newrules );
$self->conf->{yubikey2fActivation} = $rule;
$self->prefix . "2f: activation rule -> $rule" );
unless ($self->conf->{yubikey2fClientID}
and $self->conf->{yubikey2fSecretKey} )
$self->error( $self->prefix
. '2f: missing mandatory parameters (client ID or secret key)' );
return 0;
Auth::Yubikey_WebClient->new( {
id => $self->conf->{yubikey2fClientID},
api => $self->conf->{yubikey2fSecretKey},
? ( nonce => $self->conf->{yubikey2fNonce} )
: ()
? ( url => $self->conf->{yubikey2fUrl} )
: ()
return $self->SUPER::init();
sub _findYubikeyForCode {
my ( $self, $req, $session, $code ) = @_;
my ( $yubikey, @ubk2f );
my $id_from_code = substr( $code, 0, $self->conf->{yubikey2fPublicIDSize} );
# First, lookup from session attribute
if ( $self->conf->{yubikey2fFromSessionAttribute} ) {
my $attr = $self->conf->{yubikey2fFromSessionAttribute};
$yubikey = $session->{$attr};
if ($yubikey) {
if ( $yubikey eq $id_from_code ) {
return { _yubikey => $yubikey, };
else {
# If we didn't find a key, lookup psession
if ( !$yubikey and $session->{_2fDevices} ) {
@ubk2f = $self->find2fDevicesByType( $req, $session, $self->type );
my @results = grep { $_->{_yubikey} eq $id_from_code } @ubk2f;
return $results[0];
sub _hasYubikey {
my ( $self, $req, $session ) = @_;
my ( $yubikey, @ubk2f );
# Does the user have a session attribute
if ( $self->conf->{yubikey2fFromSessionAttribute} ) {
my $attr = $self->conf->{yubikey2fFromSessionAttribute};
$yubikey = $session->{$attr};
# If we didn't find a value, lookup registered devices
if ( !$yubikey and $session->{_2fDevices} ) {
@ubk2f = $self->find2fDevicesByType( $req, $session, $self->type );
$yubikey = $_->{_yubikey} foreach @ubk2f;
return ( $yubikey ? 1 : 0 );
sub run {
my ( $self, $req, $token ) = @_;
unless ( $self->_hasYubikey( $req, $req->sessionInfo ) ) {
$self->userLogger->warn( $self->prefix
. '2f: user '
. $req->{sessionInfo}->{ $self->conf->{whatToTrace} }
. ' has no device registered' );
return PE_BADOTP;
# Prepare form
my $tmp = $self->p->sendHtml(
params => {
TOKEN => $token,
TARGET => '/yubikey2fcheck?skin=' . $self->p->getSkin($req),
INPUTLOGO => $self->logo,
LEGEND => 'clickOnYubikey',
$self->logger->debug( $self->prefix . '2f: display form' );
sub verify {
my ( $self, $req, $session ) = @_;
my $code;
unless ( $code = $req->param('code') ) {
$self->userLogger->error( $self->prefix . '2f: no code provided' );
# Verify OTP
my $yubikey = $self->_findYubikeyForCode( $req, $session, $code );
unless ($yubikey) {
$self->userLogger->warn( $self->prefix . '2f: device not registered' );
return PE_BADOTP;
$self->logger->debug( $self->prefix
. "2f: validating $code of $yubikey against external API" );
if ( $self->yubi->otp($code) ne 'OK' ) {
$self->userLogger->warn( $self->prefix . '2f: verification failed' );
return PE_BADOTP;
my $uid = $session->{ $self->conf->{whatToTrace} };
if ( $yubikey->{epoch} ) {
$req->data->{_2fDevice} = $yubikey;
"User $uid authenticated with 2F device: " . display2F($yubikey) );
else {
$self->userLogger->info("User $uid authenticated with Yubikey");
return PE_OK;