use strict;
use Mouse;
use URI;
use HTML::Entities qw(encode_entities);
our $VERSION = '2.19.0';
has rule => ( is => 'rw' );
has ssoUrlRe => ( is => 'rw' );
has ssoUrlArtifact => ( is => 'rw' );
has ssoGetUrl => ( is => 'rw' );
use constant sessionKind => 'ISAML';
use constant lsDump => '_lassoSessionDumpI';
use constant liDump => '_lassoIdentityDumpI';
# Simply store SP in $req->env
use constant beforeAuth => 'storeEnv';
sub init {
my ($self) = @_;
# Parse activation rule
my $hd = $self->p->HANDLER;
$self->logger->debug( "SAML rule -> " . $self->conf->{issuerDBSAMLRule} );
my $rule =
$hd->buildSub( $hd->substitute( $self->conf->{issuerDBSAMLRule} ) );
unless ($rule) {
my $error = $hd->tsv->{jail}->error || '???';
$self->error("Bad SAML activation rule -> $error");
return 0;
$self->{rule} = $rule;
# Prepare SSO URL catching
my $saml_sso_get_url = $self->ssoGetUrl(
"samlIDPSSODescriptorSingleSignOnServiceHTTPRedirect", 1
my $saml_sso_get_url_ret = $self->getMetaDataURL(
"samlIDPSSODescriptorSingleSignOnServiceHTTPRedirect", 2 );
my $saml_sso_post_url =
$self->getMetaDataURL( "samlIDPSSODescriptorSingleSignOnServiceHTTPPost",
1 );
my $saml_sso_post_url_ret =
$self->getMetaDataURL( "samlIDPSSODescriptorSingleSignOnServiceHTTPPost",
2 );
my $saml_sso_art_url = $self->getMetaDataURL(
"samlIDPSSODescriptorSingleSignOnServiceHTTPArtifact", 1 );
my $saml_sso_art_url_ret = $self->getMetaDataURL(
"samlIDPSSODescriptorSingleSignOnServiceHTTPArtifact", 2 );
# Launch parents initialization subroutines, then launch IdP en SP lists
my $res = (
# Load SAML service
and $self->Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Lib::SAML::init()
# Load SAML service providers
and $self->loadSPs()
# Load SAML identity providers
# Required to manage SLO in Proxy mode
and $self->loadIDPs()
return 0 unless ($res);
if ( $self->conf->{samlOverrideIDPEntityID} ) {
$self->conf->{samlOverrideIDPEntityID} );
# Single logout routes
1, 'sloServer', ['POST'] );
2, 'sloServer', ['POST'] );
1, 'sloServer', ['GET'] );
2, 'sloServer', ['GET'] );
1, 'sloServer', ['POST'] );
2, 'sloServer', ['POST'] );
1, 'authSloServer', ['POST'] );
2, 'authSloServer', ['POST'] );
1, 'authSloServer', ['GET'] );
2, 'authSloServer', ['GET'] );
1, 'authSloServer', ['POST'] );
2, 'authSloServer', ['POST'] );
# SOAP routes (access without authentication)
3, 'artifactServer', ['POST'] );
1, 'attributeServer', ['POST'] );
$self->path => { relaySingleLogoutSOAP => 'sloRelaySoap' },
[ 'GET', 'POST' ]
$self->path => { relaySingleLogoutPOST => 'sloRelayPost' },
[ 'GET', 'POST' ]
$self->path => { relaySingleLogoutPOST => 'sloRelayPost' },
[ 'GET', 'POST' ]
$self->path => { singleLogoutResume => 'sloResume' },
[ 'GET', 'POST' ]
$self->path => { relaySingleLogoutTermination => 'sloRelayTerm' },
[ 'GET', 'POST' ]
return $res;
# "beforeAuth" entry point. Store just SP and SP confKey in $req->env
sub storeEnv {
my ( $self, $req ) = @_;
return PE_OK
if ( $req->uri !~ $self->ssoUrlRe or $req->uri =~ $self->ssoUrlArtifact );
# This doesn't always work, especially when coming from a HTTP-Redirect flow and
# POST-ing the login form
my ( $request, $response, $method, $relaystate, $artifact ) =
$self->checkMessage( $req, $req->uri, $req->method, $req->content_type );
return PE_OK if ( $artifact or !$request );
my $login = $self->createLogin( $self->lassoServer );
$self->processAuthnRequestMsgWithError( $login, $request, 'debug' );
if ( my $sp = $login->remote_providerID() ) {
$req->env->{llng_saml_sp} = $sp;
if ( my $spConfKey = $self->spList->{$sp}->{confKey} ) {
$req->env->{llng_saml_spconfkey} = $spConfKey;
# Store target authentication level in pdata
my $targetAuthnLevel =
$req->pdata->{targetAuthnLevel} = $targetAuthnLevel
if $targetAuthnLevel;
if ( $login->request ) {
my $acs = $login->request->AssertionConsumerServiceURL;
$req->env->{llng_saml_acs} = $acs if $acs;
return PE_OK;
sub ssoMatch {
my ( $self, $req ) = @_;
my $url = $self->normalize_url( $req->uri, $self->conf->{issuerDBSAMLPath},
$self->ssoGetUrl );
return (
$url =~ $self->ssoUrlRe or $req->data->{_proxiedRequest}
? 1
: 0
# Main method (launched only for authenticated users, see Main/Issuer)
sub run {
my ( $self, $req ) = @_;
my $login;
my $protocolProfile;
my $artifact_method;
my $authn_context;
# Check activation rule
unless ( $self->rule->( $req, $req->sessionInfo ) ) {
$self->userLogger->error('SAML service not authorized');
# Session ID
my $session_id = $req->{sessionInfo}->{_session_id} || $req->id;
# Session creation timestamp
my $time = $req->{sessionInfo}->{_utime} || time();
# Get HTTP request information to know
# if we are receving SAML request or response
my $url = $req->uri;
my $request_method = $req->param('issuerMethod') || $req->method;
my $content_type = $req->content_type();
my $idp_initiated = $req->param('IDPInitiated');
my $idp_initiated_sp = $req->param('sp');
my $idp_initiated_spConfKey = $req->param('spConfKey');
my $idp_initiated_spDest = $req->param('spDest');
# Normalize URL to be tolerant to SAML Path
$url = $self->normalize_url( $url, $self->conf->{issuerDBSAMLPath},
$self->ssoGetUrl );
# Get domain GET attribute
my $domain = $req->param('domain');
if ($domain) {
$self->logger->debug("Found domain $domain in SAML GET parameter");
# 1.1. SSO (SSO URL or Proxy Mode)
if ( $url =~ $self->ssoUrlRe or $req->data->{_proxiedRequest} ) {
$self->logger->debug("URL $url detected as an SSO request URL");
# Check message
my ( $request, $response, $method, $relaystate, $artifact ) =
$self->checkMessage( $req, $url, $request_method, $content_type );
# Create Login object
my $login = $self->createLogin( $self->lassoServer );
# Ignore signature verification
if ($request) {
$req->data->{_proxiedSamlRequest} = $login->request();
$req->data->{_proxiedRequest} = $request;
$req->data->{_proxiedMethod} = $method;
$req->data->{_proxiedRelayState} = $relaystate,
$req->data->{_proxiedArtifact} = $artifact;
# Process the request or use IDP initiated mode
if ( $request or $idp_initiated ) {
# Load Session and Identity if they exist
my $session = $req->{sessionInfo}->{ $self->lsDump };
my $identity = $req->{sessionInfo}->{ $self->liDump };
if ($session) {
unless ( $self->setSessionFromDump( $login, $session ) ) {
return $self->_failAuthnRequest( $req,
msg => "Unable to load Lasso Session" );
$self->logger->debug("Lasso Session loaded");
if ($identity) {
unless ( $self->setIdentityFromDump( $login, $identity ) ) {
return $self->_failAuthnRequest( $req,
msg => "Unable to load Lasso Identity" );
$self->logger->debug("Lasso Identity loaded");
my $result;
# Create fake request if IDP initiated mode
if ($idp_initiated) {
# Need sp or spConfKey parameter
unless ( $idp_initiated_sp or $idp_initiated_spConfKey ) {
return $self->_failAuthnRequest(
msg => (
"sp or spConfKey parameter needed"
. " to make IDP initiated SSO"
userLogger => 1,
unless ($idp_initiated_sp) {
# Get SP from spConfKey
foreach ( keys %{ $self->spList } ) {
if ( $self->spList->{$_}->{confKey} eq
$idp_initiated_spConfKey )
$idp_initiated_sp = $_;
else {
unless ( defined $self->spList->{$idp_initiated_sp} ) {
return $self->_failAuthnRequest(
msg => "SP $idp_initiated_sp not known",
userLogger => 1,
$idp_initiated_spConfKey =
# Check if IDP Initiated SSO is allowed
unless ( $self->spOptions->{$idp_initiated_sp}
->{samlSPMetaDataOptionsEnableIDPInitiatedURL} )
return $self->_failAuthnRequest(
msg => (
"IDP Initiated SSO not allowed"
. " for SP $idp_initiated_spConfKey"
userLogger => 1,
$result =
$self->initIdpInitiatedAuthnRequest( $login,
$idp_initiated_sp );
unless ($result) {
return $self->_failAuthnRequest(
msg => (
"SSO: Fail to init IDP Initiated"
. " authentication request"
# Force NameID Format
my $nameIDFormatKey =
->{samlSPMetaDataOptionsNameIDFormat} || "email";
eval {
->Format( $self->getNameIDFormat($nameIDFormatKey) );
# Force AllowCreate to TRUE
eval { $login->request()->NameIDPolicy()->AllowCreate(1); };
# Allow selection the AssertionConsumerServiceURL by the user
if ($idp_initiated_spDest) {
my $lasso_error;
# Process authentication request
if ($artifact) {
$result = $self->processArtResponseMsg( $login, $request );
else {
( $result, $lasso_error ) =
$self->processAuthnRequestMsgWithError( $login, $request );
unless ($result) {
if ( $lasso_error ==
my $sp = eval { $login->remote_providerID() };
return $self->_failAuthnRequest(
msg => (
"SSO: Incoming entity ID $sp was not found"
. " in registered Service Providers metadata."
elsif ( $lasso_error ==
if ( my $ACS =
eval { $login->request->AssertionConsumerServiceURL } )
"Requested AssertionConsumerServiceURL $ACS"
. " might be missing from registered metadata" );
else {
"Make sure AssertionConsumerServiceURL from the "
. " SAML requests is defined in registered metadata"
return $self->_failAuthnRequest( $req,
msg => "SSO: Fail to process authentication request" );
else {
return $self->_failAuthnRequest( $req,
msg => "SSO: Fail to process authentication request" );
# Get SP entityID
my $sp = $request ? $login->remote_providerID() : $idp_initiated_sp;
$self->logger->debug("Found entityID $sp in SAML message");
# SP conf key
my $spConfKey = $self->spList->{$sp}->{confKey};
unless ($spConfKey) {
return $self->_failAuthnRequest(
msg => "$sp do not match any SP in configuration",
logInfo => {
sp => $spConfKey,
entity_id => $sp,
userLogger => 1,
$self->logger->debug("$sp match $spConfKey SP in configuration");
# Do we check signature?
my $checkSSOMessageSignature =
if ($checkSSOMessageSignature) {
my $lasso_error;
if ($artifact) {
$result = $self->processArtResponseMsg( $login, $request );
else {
( $result, $lasso_error ) =
$self->processAuthnRequestMsgWithError( $login,
$request );
unless ($result) {
return $self->_failAuthnRequest(
msg => (
"Could not verify signature of "
. "incoming SSO request from $spConfKey"
logInfo => {
sp => $spConfKey,
entity_id => $sp,
else {
$self->logger->debug("Signature is valid");
else {
$self->logger->debug("Message signature will not be checked");
# Hook must be run after processAuthnRequestMsg
my $h =
$self->p->processHook( $req, 'samlGotAuthnRequest', $login );
return $self->_failAuthnRequest(
msg => 'samlGotAuthnRequest hook failed',
res => $h,
logInfo => {
sp => $spConfKey,
entity_id => $sp,
) if ( $h != PE_OK );
# Set environment for rule/macro evaluation
$req->env->{llng_saml_sp} = $sp;
$req->env->{llng_saml_spconfkey} = $spConfKey;
if ( $login->request ) {
my $acs = $login->request->AssertionConsumerServiceURL;
if ($acs) {
$req->env->{llng_saml_acs} = $acs;
"Using AssertionConsumerServiceURL $acs");
# Check access rule
if ( my $rule = $self->spRules->{$spConfKey} ) {
unless ( $rule->( $req, $req->sessionInfo ) ) {
return $self->_failAuthnRequest(
msg => (
'User '
. $req->sessionInfo->{ $self->conf->{whatToTrace}
. " is not authorized to access to $spConfKey"
userLogger => 1,
logInfo => {
sp => $spConfKey,
entity_id => $sp,
my $nameIDFormat;
# Check NameID Policy in request
if ( $login->request()->NameIDPolicy ) {
$nameIDFormat = $login->request()->NameIDPolicy->Format();
"Get NameID format $nameIDFormat from request");
# Get default NameID Format from configuration
# Set to "email" if no value in configuration
my $nameIDFormatKey =
|| "email";
# NameID unspecified is forced to default NameID format
if ( !$nameIDFormat
or $nameIDFormat eq $self->getNameIDFormat("unspecified") )
$nameIDFormat = $self->getNameIDFormat($nameIDFormatKey);
# Update NameIDFormat in request
eval {
if ( !$login->request()->NameIDPolicy ) {
# Create NameIDFormat object if it doesnt exist
->NameIDPolicy( Lasso::Samlp2NameIDPolicy->new() );
if ($@) {
"Could not update NameIDPolicy in request: $@");
# Force AllowCreate to TRUE for transient/persistent NameIDPolicy
if ( $login->request()->NameIDPolicy ) {
if ( $nameIDFormat eq $self->getNameIDFormat("transient")
or $nameIDFormat eq $self->getNameIDFormat("persistent") )
"Force AllowCreate flag in NameIDPolicy");
eval { $login->request()->NameIDPolicy()->AllowCreate(1); };
# Validate request
unless ( $self->validateRequestMsg( $login, 1, 1 ) ) {
return $self->_failAuthnRequest(
msg => "Unable to validate SSO request message",
logInfo => {
sp => $spConfKey,
entity_id => $sp,
$self->logger->debug("SSO: authentication request is valid");
my $spAuthnLevel =
$self->spOptions->{$sp}->{samlSPMetaDataOptionsAuthnLevel} || 0;
# Get ForceAuthn flag
my $force_authn;
eval { $force_authn = $login->request()->ForceAuthn(); };
if ($@) {
"Unable to get ForceAuthn flag, set it to false");
$force_authn = 0;
"Found ForceAuthn flag with value $force_authn");
# Force authentication if flag is on, or previous flag still active
if (
and (
time - $req->sessionInfo->{_utime} >
$self->conf->{portalForceAuthnInterval} )
"SAML SP $spConfKey ask to refresh session of "
. $req->sessionInfo->{ $self->conf->{whatToTrace} } );
# Replay authentication process
$req->pdata->{targetAuthnLevel} = $spAuthnLevel;
return $self->reAuth($req);
# Check Destination (only in non proxy mode)
unless ( $req->data->{_proxiedRequest} ) {
if ( !$self->checkDestination( $login->request, $url ) ) {
return $self->_failAuthnRequest(
msg => "Invalid destination",
logInfo => {
sp => $spConfKey,
entity_id => $sp,
# Check if we have sufficient auth level
my $authenticationLevel =
$req->{sessionInfo}->{authenticationLevel} || 0;
if ( $authenticationLevel < $spAuthnLevel ) {
"Insufficient authentication level for service $spConfKey"
. " (has: $authenticationLevel, want: $spAuthnLevel)" );
# Reauth with sp auth level as target
$req->pdata->{targetAuthnLevel} = $spAuthnLevel;
return $self->upgradeAuth($req);
$authn_context =
$self->logger->debug("Authentication context is $authn_context");
# Get SP options notOnOrAfterTimeout
my $notOnOrAfterTimeout =
# Build Assertion
unless (
$req, $login, $authn_context, $notOnOrAfterTimeout
return $self->_failAuthnRequest(
msg => "Unable to build assertion",
logInfo => {
sp => $spConfKey,
entity_id => $sp,
$self->logger->debug("SSO: assertion is built");
# Get session key associated with NameIDFormat
# Not for unspecified, transient, persistent, entity, encrypted
my $nameIDFormatConfiguration = {
$self->getNameIDFormat("email") => 'samlNameIDFormatMapEmail',
$self->getNameIDFormat("x509") => 'samlNameIDFormatMapX509',
$self->getNameIDFormat("windows") =>
$self->getNameIDFormat("kerberos") =>
my $nameIDSessionKey =
? $self->conf->{ $nameIDFormatConfiguration->{$nameIDFormat} }
: '';
# Override default NameID Mapping
if (
$nameIDSessionKey =
my $nameIDContent;
if ( $nameIDSessionKey
and $self->spMacros->{$spConfKey}->{$nameIDSessionKey} )
$nameIDContent =
->( $req, $req->{sessionInfo} );
elsif ( $nameIDSessionKey
and ( defined $req->{sessionInfo}->{$nameIDSessionKey} ) )
$nameIDContent =
$req->{sessionInfo}->{$nameIDSessionKey} );
# Manage Entity NameID format
if ( $nameIDFormat eq $self->getNameIDFormat("entity") ) {
$nameIDContent = $self->getMetaDataURL( "samlEntityID", 0, 1 );
# Manage Transient NameID format
if ( $nameIDFormat eq $self->getNameIDFormat("transient") ) {
eval {
my @assert = $login->response->Assertion;
$nameIDContent = $assert[0]->Subject->NameID->content;
if ( $login->nameIdentifier ) {
if $nameIDContent;
else {
my $nameIdentifier = Lasso::Saml2NameID->new();
if $nameIDContent;
"NameID Format is " . $login->nameIdentifier->Format );
$self->logger->debug( "NameID Content is "
. ( $login->nameIdentifier->content || "" ) );
# Push attributes
my @attributes;
my %log_attributes;
foreach ( keys %{ $self->spAttributes->{$sp} } ) {
# Extract fields from exportedAttr value
my ( $mandatory, $name, $format, $friendly_name ) =
split( /;/, $self->spAttributes->{$sp}->{$_} );
# Name is required
next unless $name;
# Lookup attribute value in SP macros or session
my $value;
if ( $self->spMacros->{$spConfKey}->{$_} ) {
$value = $self->spMacros->{$spConfKey}->{$_}
->( $req, $req->{sessionInfo} );
else {
$value = $req->{sessionInfo}->{$_};
# Check whether the value is required or not
unless ( defined $value ) {
if ($mandatory) {
return $self->_failAuthnRequest(
msg => (
"Session key $_ is required to set"
. " SAML $name attribute ($sp)"
logInfo => {
sp => $spConfKey,
entity_id => $sp,
else {
"SAML2 attribute $name has no value"
. " but is not mandatory ($sp), skip it" );
$self->logger->debug( "SAML2 attribute $name will be set"
. " with $_ session key ($sp)" );
# SAML2 attribute
my $attribute =
$self->createAttribute( $name, $format, $friendly_name );
unless ($attribute) {
return $self->_failAuthnRequest(
msg => "Unable to create a new SAML attribute",
logInfo => {
sp => $spConfKey,
entity_id => $sp,
# Set attribute value(s)
my @values = split $self->conf->{multiValuesSeparator}, $value;
my @saml2values;
foreach (@values) {
# SAML2 attribute value
my $saml2value = $self->createAttributeValue( $_,
->{samlSPMetaDataOptionsForceUTF8} );
unless ($saml2value) {
return $self->_failAuthnRequest(
msg =>
"Unable to create a new SAML attribute value",
logInfo => {
sp => $spConfKey,
entity_id => $sp,
push @saml2values, $saml2value;
$self->logger->debug("Push $_ in SAML attribute $name");
# Push attribute in attribute list
push @attributes, $attribute;
# For logging
$log_attributes{ $friendly_name || $name } = [@values];
# Get response assertion
my @response_assertions = $login->response->Assertion;
unless ( $response_assertions[0] ) {
return $self->_failAuthnRequest(
msg => "Unable to get response assertion",
logInfo => {
sp => $spConfKey,
entity_id => $sp,
# Rewrite Issuer with domain
if ($domain) {
my $original_issuer = $login->response->Issuer->content;
"Add domain $domain to Issuer $original_issuer");
my $new_issuer = $original_issuer . "?domain=$domain";
# Set subject NameID
->set_subject_name_id( $login->nameIdentifier );
# Set basic conditions
my $oneTimeUse =
$self->spOptions->{$sp}->{samlSPMetaDataOptionsOneTimeUse} // 0;
my $conditionNotOnOrAfter = $notOnOrAfterTimeout || "86400";
eval {
->set_basic_conditions( 60, $conditionNotOnOrAfter,
$oneTimeUse );
if ($@) {
$self->logger->debug("Basic conditions not set: $@");
# Create attribute statement
if ( scalar @attributes ) {
my $attribute_statement;
eval {
$attribute_statement =
if ($@) {
return $self->_failAuthnRequest(
msg => "Unable to create attribute statement",
logInfo => {
sp => $spConfKey,
entity_id => $sp,
# Register attributes in attribute statement
# Add attribute statement in response assertion
my @attributes_statement = ($attribute_statement);
# Get AuthnStatement
my @authn_statements = $response_assertions[0]->AuthnStatement();
# Set sessionIndex
my $sessionIndexSession = $self->getSamlSession();
if ( !$sessionIndexSession ) {
return $self->_failAuthnRequest(
msg => "Unable to create SAML Session",
logInfo => {
sp => $spConfKey,
entity_id => $sp,
{ '_utime' => time, '_saml_id' => $session_id } );
my $sessionIndex = $sessionIndexSession->id;
"Set sessionIndex $sessionIndex (linked to session $session_id)"
# Set SessionNotOnOrAfter
my $sessionNotOnOrAfterTimeout =
$sessionNotOnOrAfterTimeout ||= $self->conf->{timeout};
my $timeout = $time + $sessionNotOnOrAfterTimeout;
my $sessionNotOnOrAfter = $self->timestamp2samldate($timeout);
"Set sessionNotOnOrAfter $sessionNotOnOrAfter");
# Register AuthnStatement in assertion
# Set response assertion
# Signature
my $signSSOMessage =
// -1;
if ( $signSSOMessage == 0 ) {
$self->logger->debug("SSO response will not be signed");
elsif ( $signSSOMessage == 1 ) {
$self->logger->debug("SSO response will be signed");
else {
"SSO response signature according to metadata");
$h =
$self->p->processHook( $req, 'samlBuildAuthnResponse', $login );
return $self->_failAuthnRequest(
msg => 'samlBuildAuthnResponse hook failed',
res => $h,
logInfo => {
sp => $spConfKey,
entity_id => $sp,
) if ( $h != PE_OK );
# Build SAML response
$protocolProfile = $login->protocolProfile();
# Artifact
# Choose method
if ( $artifact
or $protocolProfile ==
$artifact = 1;
if ( $method == $self->getHttpMethod("post")
|| $method == $self->getHttpMethod("artifact-post") )
$artifact_method = $self->getHttpMethod("artifact-post");
else {
$artifact_method = $self->getHttpMethod("artifact-get");
if ( $protocolProfile ==
# Build artifact message
unless ( $self->buildArtifactMsg( $login, $artifact_method ) ) {
return $self->_failAuthnRequest(
msg => "Unable to build SSO artifact response message",
logInfo => {
sp => $spConfKey,
entity_id => $sp,
$self->logger->debug("SSO: artifact response is built");
# Get artifact ID and Content, and store them
my $artifact_id = $login->get_artifact;
my $artifact_message = $login->get_artifact_message;
$self->storeArtifact( $artifact_id, $artifact_message,
$session_id );
# No artifact
else {
unless ( $self->buildAuthnResponseMsg($login) ) {
return $self->_failAuthnRequest(
msg => "Unable to build SSO response message",
logInfo => {
sp => $spConfKey,
entity_id => $sp,
$self->logger->debug("SSO: authentication response is built");
# Save Identity and Session
if ( $login->is_identity_dirty ) {
# Update session
$self->logger->debug("Save Lasso identity in session");
$self->p->updatePersistentSession( $req,
{ $self->liDump => $login->get_identity->dump },
undef, $session_id );
if ( $login->is_session_dirty ) {
$self->logger->debug("Save Lasso session in session");
$self->p->updateSession( $req,
{ $self->lsDump => $login->get_session->dump },
$session_id );
# Keep SAML elements for later queries
my $nameid = $login->nameIdentifier;
$self->logger->debug( "Store NameID "
. $nameid->dump
. " and SessionIndex $sessionIndex for session $session_id" );
my $infos;
$infos->{type} = 'saml'; # Session type
$infos->{_utime} = $time; # Creation time
$infos->{_saml_id} = $session_id; # SSO session id
$infos->{_nameID} = $nameid->dump; # SAML NameID
$infos->{_sessionIndex} = $sessionIndex; # SAML SessionIndex
my $samlSessionInfo = $self->getSamlSession( undef, $infos );
if ( !$samlSessionInfo ) {
return $self->_failAuthnRequest(
msg => "Could not get SAML session",
logInfo => {
sp => $spConfKey,
entity_id => $sp,
my $saml_session_id = $samlSessionInfo->id;
"Link session $session_id to SAML session $saml_session_id");
$self->p->registerProtectedAppAccess($req, $req->{sessionInfo}->{ $self->conf->{whatToTrace} }, "saml:$spConfKey");
# Send SSO Response
# Register IDP in Common Domain Cookie if needed
if ( $self->conf->{samlCommonDomainCookieActivation}
and $self->conf->{samlCommonDomainCookieWriter} )
my $cdc_idp = $self->getMetaDataURL( "samlEntityID", 0, 1 );
"Will register IDP $cdc_idp in Common Domain Cookie");
# Redirection to CDC Writer page in a hidden iframe
my $cdc_writer_url =
$cdc_writer_url .= (
$self->conf->{samlCommonDomainCookieWriter} =~ /\?/
? '&idp=' . $cdc_idp
: '?url=' . $cdc_idp
my $cdc_iframe =
qq'<iframe src="$cdc_writer_url"'
. ' alt="Common Dommain Cookie" marginwidth="0"'
. ' marginheight="0" scrolling="no" class="hiddenFrame"'
. ' width="0" height="0" frameborder="0"></iframe>';
$req, 'simpleInfo',
params => { trspan => 'updateCdc' }
. $cdc_iframe
# log that a SAML authn response is build
my $user = $req->{sessionInfo}->{ $self->conf->{whatToTrace} };
my $nameIDLog = '';
foreach my $format (qw(persistent transient)) {
if ( $login->nameIdentifier->Format eq
$self->getNameIDFormat($format) )
$nameIDLog =
" with $format NameID " . $login->nameIdentifier->content;
my $name_id_content = $login->nameIdentifier->content;
my $attr_str = (
? ( " with attributes "
. join( ',', sort( keys(%log_attributes) ) ) )
: ""
if ( (
and $protocolProfile eq
or ( $artifact
and $artifact_method ==
$self->getHttpMethod("artifact-post") )
entity_id => $sp,
sp => $spConfKey,
message => (
'User '
. $req->sessionInfo->{ $self->conf->{whatToTrace} }
. " is authorized to access to $sp."
. " SAML authentication response sent to"
. " SAML SP $spConfKey for $user$nameIDLog$attr_str"
user => $user,
saml_name_id => $name_id_content,
attributes => \%log_attributes,
# Use autosubmit form
my $sso_url = $login->msg_url;
my $sso_body = $login->msg_body;
if ( $artifact_method
and $artifact_method ==
$self->getHttpMethod("artifact-post") )
$req->{postFields} = { 'SAMLart' => $sso_body };
else {
$req->{postFields} = { 'SAMLResponse' => $sso_body };
# RelayState
if ($relaystate) {
$req->{postFields}->{'RelayState'} =
$req->data->{safeHiddenFormValues}->{RelayState} = 1;
$req->steps( ['autoPost'] );
return PE_OK;
if ( $protocolProfile eq
Lasso::Constants::LOGIN_PROTOCOL_PROFILE_REDIRECT or $artifact )
entity_id => $sp,
sp => $spConfKey,
message => (
'User '
. $req->sessionInfo->{ $self->conf->{whatToTrace} }
. " is authorized to access to $sp."
. " SAML authentication response sent to"
. " SAML SP $spConfKey for $user$nameIDLog$attr_str"
user => $user,
saml_name_id => $name_id_content,
attributes => \%log_attributes,
# Redirect user to response URL
my $sso_url = $login->msg_url;
$self->logger->debug("Redirect user to $sso_url");
$req->{urldc} = $sso_url;
$req->steps( [] );
return PE_OK;
elsif ($response) {
"Authentication responses are not managed by this module");
return PE_OK;
else {
# No request or response
# This should not happen
$self->logger->debug("No request or response found");
return PE_OK;
$self->logger->debug("Not an issuer request $url");
return PE_OK;
sub _failAuthnRequest {
my ( $self, $req, %params ) = @_;
my $reason = $params{'msg'} ? ": $params{'msg'}" : "";
my $res = $params{res} || PE_SAML_SSO_ERROR;
my $user = $req->sessionInfo->{ $self->conf->{whatToTrace} };
my %logInfo = %{ $params{logInfo} || {} };
message => ( "SAML login failed" . $reason ),
( $params{'msg'} ? ( reason => $params{'msg'} ) : () ),
portal_error => portalConsts->{$res},
user => $user,
return $res;
sub artifactServer {
my ( $self, $req ) = @_;
$self->logger->debug( "URL "
. $req->uri
. " detected as an artifact resolution service URL" );
# Artifact request are sent with SOAP trough POST
my $art_request = $req->content;
my $art_response;
# Create Login object
my $login = $self->createLogin( $self->lassoServer );
# Process request message
unless ( $self->processArtRequestMsg( $login, $art_request ) ) {
return $self->p->sendError( $req,
'Unable to process artifact request message', 400 );
# Check Destination
unless ( $self->checkDestination( $login->request, $req->uri ) ) {
return $self->p->sendError( $req, 'Bad request', 400 );
# Create artifact response
unless ( $art_response = $self->createArtifactResponse( $req, $login ) ) {
return $self->p->sendError( $req,
"Unable to create artifact response message", 400 );
$self->{SOAPMessage} = $art_response;
# Return SOAP message
$self->logger->debug("Send SOAP Message: $art_response");
return [
'Content-Type' => 'text/xml',
'Content-Length' => length($art_response)
sub soapSloServer {
my ( $self, $req ) = @_;
my $url = $req->uri;
my $request_method = $req->param('issuerMethod') || $req->method;
my $content_type = $req->content_type();
$self->logger->debug("URL $url detected as an SLO URL");
# Check SAML Message
my ( $request, $response, $method, $relaystate, $artifact ) =
$self->checkMessage( $req, $url, $request_method, $content_type,
"logout" );
# Create Logout object
my $logout = $self->createLogout( $self->lassoServer );
# Ignore signature verification
if ($request) {
# Process logout request
unless ( $self->processLogoutRequestMsg( $logout, $request ) ) {
return $self->p->sendError( $req,
"SLO: Fail to process logout request", 400 );
$self->logger->debug("SLO: Logout request is valid");
my $h = $self->p->processHook( $req, 'samlGotLogoutRequest', $logout );
if ( $h != PE_OK ) {
return $self->p->sendError( $req,
"SLO: samlGotLogoutRequest hook returned error", 400 );
# We accept only SOAP here
unless ( $method eq $self->getHttpMethod('soap') ) {
return $self->p->sendError( $req,
"Only SOAP requests allowed here", 400 );
# Get SP entityID
my $sp = $logout->remote_providerID();
$self->logger->debug("Found entityID $sp in SAML message");
# SP conf key
my $spConfKey = $self->spList->{$sp}->{confKey};
unless ($spConfKey) {
return $self->p->sendError( $req,
"$sp do not match any SP in configuration", 400 );
$self->logger->debug("$sp match $spConfKey SP in configuration");
# Do we check signature?
my $checkSLOMessageSignature =
if ($checkSLOMessageSignature) {
unless ( $self->processLogoutRequestMsg( $logout, $request ) ) {
return $self->p->sendError( $req, "Signature is not valid",
400 );
else {
$self->logger->debug("Signature is valid");
else {
$self->logger->debug("Message signature will not be checked");
# Get SAML request
my $saml_request = $logout->request();
unless ($saml_request) {
return $self->p->sendError( $req, "No SAML request found", 400 );
# Check Destination
return $self->sendSLOSoapErrorResponse( $req, $logout, $method )
unless ( $self->checkDestination( $saml_request, $url ) );
# Get session index
my $session_index;
eval { $session_index = $logout->request()->SessionIndex; };
# SLO requests without session index are not accepted in SOAP mode
unless ( defined $session_index ) {
$self->p->sendError( $req,
"No session index in SLO request from $spConfKey SP", 400 );
# Get session index
my $sessionIndexSession = $self->getSamlSession($session_index);
return $self->p->sendError( $req, 'SAML session not found', 400 )
unless $sessionIndexSession;
my $local_session_id = $sessionIndexSession->data->{_saml_id};
$self->logger->debug( "Get session id $local_session_id"
. " (from session index $session_index)" );
# Open local session
my $local_session = $self->p->getApacheSession($local_session_id);
unless ($local_session) {
return $self->p->sendError( $req, "No local session found", 400 );
# Load Session and Identity if they exist
my $session = $local_session->data->{ $self->lsDump };
my $identity = $local_session->data->{ $self->liDump };
if ($session) {
unless ( $self->setSessionFromDump( $logout, $session ) ) {
return $self->p->sendError( $req,
"Unable to load Lasso Session", 400 );
$self->logger->debug("Lasso Session loaded");
if ($identity) {
unless ( $self->setIdentityFromDump( $logout, $identity ) ) {
return $self->p->sendError( $req,
"Unable to load Lasso Identity", 400 );
$self->logger->debug("Lasso Identity loaded");
# Close SAML sessions
unless ( $self->deleteSAMLSecondarySessions($local_session_id) ) {
return $self->p->sendError( $req, "Fail to delete SAML sessions",
400 );
# Close local session
unless ( $self->p->_deleteSession( $req, $local_session ) ) {
return $self->p->sendError( $req,
"Fail to delete session $local_session_id", 400 );
# Validate request if no previous error
unless ( $self->validateLogoutRequest($logout) ) {
return $self->p->sendError( $req, "SLO request is not valid", 400 );
# Try to send SLO request trough SOAP
while ( my $providerID = $self->getNextProviderId($logout) ) {
# Send logout request
my ( $rstatus, $rmethod, $rinfo ) =
$self->sendLogoutRequestToProvider( $logout, $providerID,
$self->getHttpMethod('soap'), 0 );
if ($rstatus) {
$self->logger->debug("SOAP SLO successful on $providerID");
else {
$self->logger->debug("SOAP SLO error on $providerID");
# Set RelayState
if ($relaystate) {
$self->logger->debug("Set $relaystate in RelayState");
# Signature
my $signSLOMessage =
$self->spOptions->{$sp}->{samlSPMetaDataOptionsSignSLOMessage} // 0;
if ( $signSLOMessage == 0 ) {
$self->logger->debug("SLO response will not be signed");
elsif ( $signSLOMessage == 1 ) {
$self->logger->debug("SLO response will be signed");
else {
"SLO response signature according to metadata");
$h = $self->p->processHook( $req, 'samlBuildLogoutResponse', $logout );
if ( $h != PE_OK ) {
return $self->p->sendError( $req,
"SLO: samlBuildLogoutResponse hook returned error", 400 );
# Send logout response
unless ( $self->buildLogoutResponseMsg($logout) ) {
$self->logger->error("Unable to build SLO response for $spConfKey");
return $self->p->sendError( $req, 'Unable to build SLO response',
400 );
my $slo_body = $logout->msg_body;
return [
'Content-Type' => 'text/xml',
'Content-Length' => length($slo_body)
sub logout {
my ( $self, $req ) = @_;
return PE_OK if ( $req->data->{samlSLOCalled} );
# Session ID
my $session_id = $req->{sessionInfo}->{_session_id} || $req->id;
# Close SAML sessions
unless ( $self->deleteSAMLSecondarySessions($session_id) ) {
$self->logger->error("Fail to delete SAML sessions");
# Create Logout object
my $logout = $self->createLogout( $self->lassoServer );
# Load Session and Identity if they exist
my $session = $req->{sessionInfo}->{ $self->lsDump };
my $identity = $req->{sessionInfo}->{ $self->liDump };
if ($session) {
unless ( $self->setSessionFromDump( $logout, $session ) ) {
$self->logger->error("Unable to load Lasso Session");
return PE_SLO_ERROR;
$self->logger->debug("Lasso Session loaded");
# No need to initiate logout requests on SP, if no SAML session is
# available into the session.
else {
$self->logger->debug('No SAML session available into this session');
return PE_OK;
if ($identity) {
unless ( $self->setIdentityFromDump( $logout, $identity ) ) {
$self->logger->error("Unable to load Lasso Identity");
return PE_SLO_ERROR;
$self->logger->debug("Lasso Identity loaded");
# Proceed to logout on all others SP.
# Verify that logout response is correctly sent. If we have to wait for
# providers during HTTP-REDIRECT process, return PE_INFO to notify to wait
# for them.
# Redirect on logout page when all is done.
if ( $self->sendLogoutRequestToProviders( $req, $logout ) ) {
$req->urldc( $self->p->buildUrl($req->portal, { logout => 1 } ) );
return PE_OK;
return PE_OK;
sub sloRelaySoap {
my ( $self, $req ) = @_;
"URL " . $req->uri . " detected as a SOAP relay service URL" );
# Check if relay parameter is present (mandatory)
my $relayID;
unless ( $relayID = $req->param('relay') ) {
$self->logger->error("No relayID detected");
return $self->imgnok($req);
# Retrieve the corresponding data from samlStorage
my $relayInfos = $self->getSamlSession($relayID);
unless ($relayInfos) {
$self->logger->error("Could not get relay session $relayID");
return $self->imgnok($req);
$self->logger->debug("Found relay session $relayID");
# Rebuild the logout object
my $logout;
unless ( $logout = $self->createLogout( $self->lassoServer ) ) {
$self->logger->error("Could not rebuild logout object");
return $self->imgnok($req);
# Load Session and Identity if they exist
my $session = $relayInfos->data->{ $self->lsDump };
my $identity = $relayInfos->data->{ $self->liDump };
my $providerID = $relayInfos->data->{_providerID};
my $relayState = $relayInfos->data->{_relayState} // '';
my $spConfKey = $self->spList->{$providerID}->{confKey};
if ($session) {
unless ( $self->setSessionFromDump( $logout, $session ) ) {
$self->logger->error("Unable to load Lasso Session");
return $self->imgnok($req);
$self->logger->debug("Lasso Session loaded");
if ($identity) {
unless ( $self->setIdentityFromDump( $logout, $identity ) ) {
$self->logger->error("Unable to load Lasso Identity");
return $self->imgnok($req);
$self->logger->debug("Lasso Identity loaded");
# Send the logout request
my ( $rstatus, $rmethod, $rinfo ) =
$self->sendLogoutRequestToProvider( $req, $logout, $providerID,
undef, $relayState );
unless ($rstatus) {
"Fail to process SOAP logout request to $providerID");
return $self->imgnok($req);
# Store success status for this SLO request
my $sloStatusSessionInfos =
$self->getSamlSession( $relayState,
{ $spConfKey => 1, _utime => time() } );
if ($sloStatusSessionInfos) {
"Store SLO status for $spConfKey in session $relayState");
else {
"Unable to store SLO status for $spConfKey in session $relayState");
# Delete relay session
# SLO response is OK
$self->logger->debug("Display OK status for SLO on $spConfKey");
return $self->imgok($req);
sub sloRelayPost {
my ( $self, $req ) = @_;
"URL " . $req->uri . " detected as a POST relay service URL" );
# Check if relay parameter is present (mandatory)
my $relayID;
unless ( $relayID = $req->param('relay') ) {
return $self->p->sendError( $req, 'No relayID detected' );
# Retrieve the corresponding data from samlStorage
my $relayInfos = $self->getSamlSession($relayID);
unless ($relayInfos) {
return $self->p->sendError( $req,
"Could not get relay session $relayID" );
$self->logger->debug("Found relay session $relayID");
# Get data to build POST form
$req->{postUrl} = $relayInfos->data->{url};
$req->{postFields}->{'SAMLRequest'} = $relayInfos->data->{body};
# RelayState
if ( $relayInfos->data->{relayState} ) {
$req->{postFields}->{'RelayState'} =
encode_entities( $relayInfos->data->{relayState} );
$req->data->{safeHiddenFormValues}->{RelayState} = 1;
# Delete relay session
return $self->p->do( $req, ['autoPost'] );
sub sloRelayTerm {
my ( $self, $req ) = @_;
$self->logger->debug( "URL "
. $req->uri
. " detected as a SLO Termination relay service URL" );
# Check if relay parameter is present (mandatory)
my $relayID = $self->p->getHiddenFormValue( $req, 'relay', '', 0 )
|| $req->param('relay');
unless ($relayID) {
return $self->p->sendError( $req, 'No relayID detected' );
# Retrieve the corresponding data from samlStorage
my $relayInfos = $self->getSamlSession($relayID);
unless ($relayInfos) {
return $self->p->sendError( $req,
"Could not get relay session $relayID" );
$self->logger->debug("Found relay session $relayID");
# Get data from relay session
my $logout_dump = $relayInfos->data->{_logout};
my $session_dump = $relayInfos->data->{_session};
my $method = $relayInfos->data->{_method};
unless ($logout_dump) {
$self->logger->error("Could not get logout dump");
return PE_SLO_ERROR;
# Rebuild Lasso::Logout object
my $logout = $self->createLogout( $self->lassoServer, $logout_dump );
unless ($logout) {
$self->logger->error("Could not build Lasso::Logout");
return PE_SLO_ERROR;
# Inject session
unless ($session_dump) {
$self->logger->error("Could not get session dump");
return PE_SLO_ERROR;
unless ( $self->setSessionFromDump( $logout, $session_dump ) ) {
$self->logger->error("Could not set session from dump");
return PE_SLO_ERROR;
# Get Lasso::Session
my $session = $logout->get_session();
unless ($session) {
$self->logger->error("Could not get session from logout");
return PE_SLO_ERROR;
# Loop on assertions and remove them if SLO status is OK
while ( my $sp = $self->getNextProviderId($logout) ) {
# Try to get SLO status from SLO session
my $spConfKey = $self->spList->{$sp}->{confKey};
my $status = $relayInfos->data->{$spConfKey};
# Remove assertion if status is OK
if ($status) {
eval { $session->remove_assertion($sp); };
if ($@) {
$self->logger->warn("Unable to remove assertion for $sp");
else {
$self->logger->debug("Assertion removed for $sp");
else {
"SLO status was not ok for $sp, assertion not removed");
# Reinject session
unless ( $session->is_empty() ) {
$self->setSessionFromDump( $logout, $session->dump );
# Delete relay session
# Send SLO response
if ( my $tmp =
$self->sendLogoutResponseToServiceProvider( $req, $logout, $method ) )
return $tmp;
else {
$self->logger->error("Fail to send SLO response");
return PE_SLO_ERROR;
sub authSloServer {
my ( $self, $req ) = @_;
return $self->sloServer($req);
sub sloResume {
my ( $self, $req ) = @_;
my $ResumeParams = $req->params('ResumeParams');
unless ($ResumeParams) {
$self->logger->error("Could not find resumption info");
return PE_SLO_ERROR;
my $logoutContextSession = $self->getSamlSession($ResumeParams);
unless ($logoutContextSession) {
$self->logger->error("Could not find logout context session");
return PE_SLO_ERROR;
my $spConfKey = $logoutContextSession->data->{spConfKey};
my $method = $logoutContextSession->data->{method};
my $provider_nb = $logoutContextSession->data->{provider_nb};
my $relayID = $logoutContextSession->data->{relayID};
# Restore Lasso logout object from XML dump
my $logout = $self->createLogout( $self->lassoServer,
$logoutContextSession->data->{logout} );
# Restore session info (for logout of other SPs)
$req->setInfo( $logoutContextSession->data->{info} )
if $logoutContextSession->data->{info};
return $self->_finishSlo( $req, $logout, $method, $spConfKey,
$provider_nb, $relayID );
sub _finishSlo {
my ( $self, $req, $logout, $method, $spConfKey, $provider_nb, $relayID ) =
# Signature
my $sp = $logout->remote_providerID;
my $signSLOMessage = '';
$signSLOMessage =
if $sp;
unless ($signSLOMessage) {
$self->logger->debug("Do not sign this SLO response");
return $self->sendSLOErrorResponse( $req, $logout, $method )
unless ( $self->disableSignature($logout) );
# If no waiting SP, return directly SLO response
unless ($provider_nb) {
return $self->sendLogoutResponseToServiceProvider( $req, $logout,
$method );
# Else build SLO status relay URL and display info
else {
$req->{urldc} =
$self->p->buildUrl( $req->portal, 'saml', 'relaySingleLogoutTermination' );
$self->p->setHiddenFormValue( $req, 'relay', $relayID, '', 0 );
return $self->p->do( $req, [] );
sub sloServer {
my ( $self, $req ) = @_;
my $url = $req->uri;
my $request_method = $req->param('issuerMethod') || $req->method;
my $content_type = $req->content_type();
$self->logger->debug("URL $url detected as an SLO URL");
# Check SAML Message
my ( $request, $response, $method, $relaystate, $artifact ) =
$self->checkMessage( $req, $url, $request_method, $content_type,
"logout" );
# Create Logout object
my $logout = $self->createLogout( $self->lassoServer );
# Ignore signature verification
# Disable Content-Security-Policy header since logout can be embedded in
# a frame
if ($request) {
# Process logout request
unless ( $self->processLogoutRequestMsg( $logout, $request ) ) {
return $self->p->sendError( $req,
"SLO: Fail to process logout request", 400 );
$self->logger->debug("SLO: Logout request is valid");
my $h = $self->p->processHook( $req, 'samlGotLogoutRequest', $logout );
if ( $h != PE_OK ) {
return $self->p->sendError( $req,
"SLO: samlGotLogoutRequest hook returned error", 400 );
# Get SP entityID
my $sp = $logout->remote_providerID();
$req->env->{llng_saml_sp} = $sp;
$self->logger->debug("Found entityID $sp in SAML message");
# SP conf key
my $spConfKey = $self->spList->{$sp}->{confKey};
unless ($spConfKey) {
return $self->p->sendError( $req,
"$sp do not match any SP in configuration", 400 );
$self->logger->debug("$sp match $spConfKey SP in configuration");
$req->env->{llng_saml_spconfkey} = $spConfKey;
# Load Session and Identity if they exist
my ( $session, $session_index, $identity, $local_session_id );
eval { $session_index = $logout->request()->SessionIndex; };
# SLO requests without session index can be accepted
unless ( defined $session_index ) {
"No session index in SLO request from $spConfKey SP");
if ($session_index) {
my $sessionIndexSession = $self->getSamlSession($session_index);
return $self->p->do( $req, [ sub { PE_SESSIONEXPIRED } ] )
unless $sessionIndexSession;
$local_session_id = $sessionIndexSession->data->{_saml_id};
$self->logger->debug( "Get session id $local_session_id"
. " (from session index $session_index)" );
else {
$local_session_id = $req->id;
"Get session id $local_session_id (from cookie)");
if ( $req->{sessionInfo} ) {
$session = $req->{sessionInfo}->{ $self->lsDump };
$identity = $req->{sessionInfo}->{ $self->liDump };
unless ($session) {
# Open local session
my $local_session = $self->p->getApacheSession($local_session_id);
unless ($local_session) {
$self->logger->error("No local session found");
return $self->sendSLOErrorResponse( $req, $logout, $method );
# Load Session and Identity if they exist
$session = $local_session->data->{ $self->lsDump };
$identity = $local_session->data->{ $self->liDump };
# Import user data in $req (for other "logout" subs)
$req->id( $local_session->data->{_session_id} );
$req->sessionInfo( $local_session->data );
$req->user( $local_session->data->{ $self->conf->{whatToTrace} } );
if ($session) {
unless ( $self->setSessionFromDump( $logout, $session ) ) {
return $self->p->sendError( $req,
"Unable to load Lasso Session", 400 );
$self->logger->debug("Lasso Session loaded");
if ($identity) {
unless ( $self->setIdentityFromDump( $logout, $identity ) ) {
return $self->p->sendError( $req,
"Unable to load Lasso Identity", 400 );
$self->logger->debug("Lasso Identity loaded");
# Do we check signature?
my $checkSLOMessageSignature =
if ($checkSLOMessageSignature) {
unless ( $self->processLogoutRequestMsg( $logout, $request ) ) {
return $self->p->sendError( $req, "Signature is not valid",
400 );
else {
$self->logger->debug("Signature is valid");
else {
$self->logger->debug("Message signature will not be checked");
# Check Destination
return $self->sendSLOErrorResponse( $req, $logout, $method )
unless ( $self->checkDestination( $logout->request, $url ) );
# Validate request if no previous error
unless ( $self->validateLogoutRequest($logout) ) {
return $self->p->sendError( $req, "SLO request is not valid", 400 );
# Set RelayState
if ($relaystate) {
$self->logger->debug("Set $relaystate in RelayState");
my $sloInfos;
$sloInfos->{type} = 'sloStatus';
$sloInfos->{_utime} = time;
$sloInfos->{_logout} = $logout->dump;
$sloInfos->{_session} =
$logout->get_session() ? $logout->get_session()->dump : "";
$sloInfos->{_method} = $method;
# Create SLO status session and get ID
my $sloStatusSessionInfo = $self->getSamlSession( undef, $sloInfos );
my $relayID = $sloStatusSessionInfo->id;
$self->logger->debug("Create relay session $relayID");
# Prepare logout on all others SP
my $provider_nb =
$self->sendLogoutRequestToProviders( $req, $logout, $relayID );
# Close SAML sessions
unless ( $self->deleteSAMLSecondarySessions($local_session_id) ) {
$self->logger->error("Fail to delete SAML sessions");
# Close local session
# This flag is for logout() to say that SAML logout is already done
$req->data->{samlSLOCalled} = 1;
# This variable decides if we call the authLogout step
# (which can redirect away)
my $doAuthLogout = 0;
my $logoutContextSession;
# TODO: for now, we only try authLogout to disconnect an
# external IDP if the current session has been opened on a
# SAML IDP. We only propagate logout to the IDP our SP is SAML
# AND our IDP is SAML too
if ( $req->sessionInfo->{_lassoSessionDump} ) {
$doAuthLogout = 1;
# In case we have to redirect to the IDP, save current state
# to allow resumption. This needs to be done here because
# issuerUrldc will be put in the IdP logout's RelayState
my $logoutInfos = {
logout => $logout->dump,
spConfKey => $spConfKey,
method => $method,
provider_nb => $provider_nb,
relayID => $relayID,
_utime => time(),
$logoutContextSession =
$self->getSamlSession( undef, $logoutInfos );
my $uri =
$self->p->buildUrl( $req->portal, 'saml', 'singleLogoutResume' ) );
$uri->query_param( ResumeParams => $logoutContextSession->id );
$req->{issuerUrldc} = $uri->as_string;
# We don't want info to interfere with the auth logout process
my $savedInfo = $req->info;
# Launch normal logout and ignore errors
my $tmp = $req->data->{nofail};
$req->data->{nofail} = 1;
$req->steps( [
@{ $self->p->beforeLogout },
( $doAuthLogout ? 'authLogout' : () ),
my $res = $self->p->process($req);
$req->data->{nofail} = $tmp;
if ( $res eq PE_REDIRECT ) {
# Save session info (for logout of other SP)
if ($savedInfo) {
$logoutContextSession->update( { info => $savedInfo } );
return $self->p->do( $req, [ sub { PE_REDIRECT } ] );
return $self->_finishSlo( $req, $logout, $method, $spConfKey,
$provider_nb, $relayID );
elsif ($response) {
# Process logout response
my $result = $self->processLogoutResponseMsg( $logout, $response );
unless ($result) {
$self->logger->error("Fail to process logout response");
$self->logger->debug("Logout response is valid");
my $h = $self->p->processHook( $req, 'samlGotLogoutResponse', $logout );
$self->imgnok($req) if ( $h != PE_OK );
# Check Destination
unless ( $self->checkDestination( $logout->response, $url ) );
# Get SP entityID
my $sp = $logout->remote_providerID();
$self->logger->debug("Found entityID $sp in SAML message");
# SP conf key
my $spConfKey = $self->spList->{$sp}->{confKey};
unless ($spConfKey) {
$self->logger->error("$sp do not match any SP in configuration");
$self->logger->debug("$sp match $spConfKey SP in configuration");
# Do we check signature?
my $checkSLOMessageSignature =
if ($checkSLOMessageSignature) {
unless ( $self->checkSignatureStatus($logout) ) {
$self->logger->error( "Could not verify signature of"
. " incoming SLO request from $spConfKey" );
else {
$self->logger->debug("Signature is valid");
else {
$self->logger->debug("Message signature will not be checked");
# Store success status for this SLO request
if ($relaystate) {
my $sloStatusSessionInfos = $self->getSamlSession($relaystate);
if ($sloStatusSessionInfos) {
$sloStatusSessionInfos->update( { $spConfKey => 1 } );
"Store SLO status for $spConfKey in session $relaystate");
else {
$self->logger->warn( "Unable to store SLO status for"
. " $spConfKey in session $relaystate" );
else {
$self->logger->warn( "Unable to store SLO status for"
. " $spConfKey because there is no RelayState" );
# SLO response is OK
$self->logger->debug("Display OK status for SLO on $spConfKey");
else {
# No request or response
# This should not happen
return $self->p->sendError( $req, "No request or response found", 400 );
sub attributeServer {
my ( $self, $req, ) = @_;
my $url = $req->uri;
$self->logger->debug("URL $url detected as an attribute service URL");
# Attribute request are sent with SOAP trough POST
my $att_request = $req->content;
my $att_response;
# Process request
my $query =
$self->processAttributeRequest( $self->lassoServer, $att_request );
unless ($query) {
return $self->p->sendError( $req,
"Unable to process attribute request", 400 );
# Get SP entityID
my $sp = $query->remote_providerID();
$self->logger->debug("Found entityID $sp in SAML message");
# SP conf key
my $spConfKey = $self->spList->{$sp}->{confKey};
unless ($spConfKey) {
return $self->p->sendError( $req,
"$sp do not match any SP in configuration", 400 );
$self->logger->debug("$sp match $spConfKey SP in configuration");
# Check Destination
unless ( $self->checkDestination( $query->request, $url ) ) {
return $self->p->sendError( $req, "Bad destination $url", 400 );
# Validate request
unless ( $self->validateAttributeRequest($query) ) {
return $self->p->sendError( $req, "Attribute request not valid", 400 );
# Get NameID
my $name_id = $query->nameIdentifier();
unless ($name_id) {
$self->p->sendError( $req,
"Fail to get NameID from attribute request", 400 );
my $user = $name_id->content();
# Get sessionInfo for the given NameID
my $sessionInfo;
my $saml_sessions =
Lemonldap::NG::Common::Apache::Session->searchOn( $self->amOpts,
"_nameID", $name_id->dump );
if (
my @saml_sessions_keys =
grep { $saml_sessions->{$_}->{_session_kind} eq $self->sessionKind }
keys %$saml_sessions
# Warning if more than one session found
if ( $#saml_sessions_keys > 0 ) {
"More than one SAML session found for user $user");
# Take the first session
my $saml_session = shift @saml_sessions_keys;
# Get session
"Retrieve SAML session $saml_session for user $user");
my $samlSessionInfo = $self->getSamlSession($saml_session);
# Get real session
my $real_session = $samlSessionInfo->data->{_saml_id};
"Retrieve real session $real_session for user $user");
$sessionInfo = $self->p->getApacheSession($real_session);
unless ($sessionInfo) {
return $self->p->sendError( $req,
"Cannot get session $real_session", 500 );
else {
return $self->p->sendError( $req,
"No SAML session found for user $user", 400 );
# Get requested attributes
my @requested_attributes;
eval { @requested_attributes = $query->request()->Attribute(); };
if ($@) {
return $self->p->sendError( $req,
"Unable to get requested attributes", 400 );
# Returned attributes
my @returned_attributes;
# Browse SP authorized attributes
foreach ( keys %{ $self->spAttributes->{$sp} } ) {
my $sp_attr = $_;
# Extract fields from exportedAttr value
my ( $mandatory, $name, $format, $friendly_name ) =
split( /;/, $self->spAttributes->{$sp}->{$sp_attr} );
foreach (@requested_attributes) {
my $req_attr = $_;
my $rname = $req_attr->Name();
my $rformat = $req_attr->NameFormat();
my $rfriendly_name = $req_attr->FriendlyName();
# Skip if name does not match
next unless ( $rname =~ /^$name$/ );
# Check format and friendly name
next if ( $rformat and $rformat !~ /^$format$/ );
if ( $rfriendly_name
and $rfriendly_name !~ /^$friendly_name$/ );
"SP $spConfKey is authorized to access attribute $rname");
"Attribute $rname is linked to $sp_attr session key");
# Check if values are given
my $rvalue =
$self->getAttributeValue( $rname, $rformat, $rfriendly_name,
[$req_attr] );
"Some values are explicitly requested: $rvalue")
if defined $rvalue;
# Get session value
if ( $sessionInfo->data->{$sp_attr} ) {
my @values = split $self->conf->{multiValuesSeparator},
my @saml2values;
# SAML2 attribute
my $ret_attr =
$self->createAttribute( $rname, $rformat, $rfriendly_name );
unless ($ret_attr) {
return $self->p->sendError( $req,
"Unable to create a new SAML attribute", 500 );
foreach (@values) {
my $local_value = $_;
# Check if values were set in requested attribute
# In this case, only requested values can be returned
if (
and !map( /^$local_value$/,
$self->conf->{multiValuesSeparator}, $rvalue
) )
$self->logger->warn( "$local_value value is not in"
. " requested values, it will not be sent" );
# SAML2 attribute value
my $saml2value = $self->createAttributeValue( $local_value,
->{samlSPMetaDataOptionsForceUTF8} );
unless ($saml2value) {
return $self->p->sendError( $req,
"Unable to create a new SAML attribute value",
400 );
push @saml2values, $saml2value;
"Push $local_value in SAML attribute $name");
# Push attribute in attribute list
push @returned_attributes, $ret_attr;
else {
$self->logger->debug("No session value for $sp_attr");
# Create attribute statement
if ( scalar @returned_attributes ) {
my $attribute_statement;
eval { $attribute_statement = Lasso::Saml2AttributeStatement->new(); };
if ($@) {
return $self->p->sendError( $req, 'An error occurs, see IdP logs',
500 );
# Register attributes in attribute statement
# Create assetion
my $assertion;
eval { $assertion = Lasso::Saml2Assertion->new(); };
if ($@) {
return $self->p->sendError( $req, 'An error occurs, see IdP logs',
500 );
# Add attribute statement in response assertion
my @attributes_statement = ($attribute_statement);
# Set response assertion
$query->response->Assertion( ($assertion) );
# Build response
$att_response = $self->buildAttributeResponse($query);
unless ($att_response) {
$self->p->sendError( $req, "Unable to build attribute response", 500 );
return [
'Content-Type' => 'text/xml',
'Content-Length' => length($att_response)
# Remove in 3.0
sub imgok {
my $self = shift;
return $self->p->imgok(@_);
sub imgnok {
my $self = shift;
return $self->p->imgnok(@_);
sub sendImage {
my $self = shift;
return $self->p->sendImage(@_);
# Normalize url to be tolerant to SAML Path
# Usefull if SAML Path is a regex
# @return normalized url
sub normalize_url {
my ( $self, $url, $samlPath, $metadataUrl ) = @_;
my $initialPath = "";
my $finalPath = "";
# Get current (bad) path
if ( $url =~ m/($samlPath)/ ) {
$initialPath = $1;
# Get destination (good) path
if ( $metadataUrl =~ m/($samlPath)/ ) {
$finalPath = $1;
if ( $initialPath ne ""
and $finalPath ne ""
and $initialPath ne $finalPath )
"Normalizing url path form $initialPath to $finalPath");
$url =~ s/$initialPath/$finalPath/;
return $url;