##@class Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Main::Init
# Initialization part of Lemonldap::NG portal
# 2 public methods:
# - init(): launch at startup. Load 'portal' section of lemonldap-ng.ini,
# initialize default route and launch reloadConf()
# - reloadConf(): (re)load configuration using localConf (ie 'portal' section
# of lemonldap-ng.ini) and underlying handler configuration
our $VERSION = '2.20.0';
use strict;
use Mouse;
use Lemonldap::NG::Common::Util qw(getSameSite);
use URI;
# Configuration storage
has localConfig => ( is => 'rw', default => sub { {} } );
has conf => ( is => 'rw', default => sub { {} } );
has trOver => ( is => 'rw', default => sub { { all => {} } } );
# Sub modules
has _authentication => ( is => 'rw' );
has _userDB => ( is => 'rw' );
has _passwordDB => ( is => 'rw' );
has _loadedServices => ( is => 'rw', default => sub { {} } );
# Legacy
sub _captcha { $_[0]->getService('captcha') }
sub _trustedBrowser { $_[0]->getService('trustedBrowser') }
sub _sfEngine { $_[0]->getService('secondFactor') }
sub menu { $_[0]->getService('menu') }
has _ppRules => ( is => 'rw', default => sub { {} } );
has loadedModules => ( is => 'rw' );
# Macros and groups
has _macros => ( is => 'rw' );
has _groups => ( is => 'rw' );
has _jsRedirect => ( is => 'rw' );
# TrustedDomain regexp
has trustedDomainsRe => ( is => 'rw' );
has additionalTrustedDomains => ( is => 'rw', default => sub { [] } );
# Entrypoints
has _pluginEntryPoints =>
( is => 'rw', isa => 'ArrayRef', default => sub { [] } );
# Lists to store plugins entry-points
my @entryPoints;
@entryPoints = (
# Auth process entrypoints
qw(beforeAuth betweenAuthAndData afterData endAuth),
# Authenticated users entrypoint
# Logout entrypoint
# Special endpoint
'authCancel', # Clean pdata when user click on "cancel"
foreach (@entryPoints) {
has $_ => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'ArrayRef',
default => sub { [] }
# Endpoints inserted after any main sub
has afterSub => ( is => 'rw', default => sub { {} } );
has aroundSub => ( is => 'rw', default => sub { {} } );
# Issuer hooks
has hook => ( is => 'rw', default => sub { {} } );
has spRules => (
is => 'rw',
default => sub { {} }
# Custom template parameters
has customParameters => ( is => 'rw', default => sub { {} } );
# Content-Security-Policy headers
has csp => ( is => 'rw' );
# Cross-Origine Resource Sharing headers
has cors => ( is => 'rw' );
# Cookie SameSite value
has cookieSameSite => ( is => 'rw' );
# Plugins may declare the session data they want to store in login history here
has pluginSessionDataToRemember =>
( is => 'rw', isa => "HashRef", default => sub { {} } );
sub _resetPluginsAndServices {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->loadedModules( {} );
$self->_loadedServices( {} );
$self->afterSub( {} );
$self->aroundSub( {} );
$self->spRules( {} );
$self->hook( {} );
$self->pluginSessionDataToRemember( {} );
$self->_pluginEntryPoints( [] );
# Reinitialize arrays
foreach ( qw(_macros _groups), @entryPoints ) {
$self->{$_} = [];
sub init {
my ( $self, $args ) = @_;
$args ||= {};
my $confAcc = Lemonldap::NG::Common::Conf->new( $args->{configStorage} );
unless ($confAcc) {
die( 'Could not read configuration: '
. $Lemonldap::NG::Common::Conf::msg );
$self->localConfig( { %{ $confAcc->getLocalConf('portal') }, %$args } );
# Load override messages from lemonldap-ng.ini
foreach my $k ( keys %{ $self->localConfig } ) {
if ( $k =~ /tpl_(.*)/ ) {
$self->customParameters->{$1} = $self->localConfig->{$k};
elsif ( $k =~ /error_(?:(\w+?)_)?(\d+)$/ ) {
my $lang = $1 || 'all';
$self->trOver->{$lang}->{"PE$2"} = $self->localConfig->{$k};
elsif ( $k =~ /msg_(?:([a-z][a-z](?:_[A-Z][A-Z])?)_)?(\w+)$/ ) {
my $lang = $1 || 'all';
$self->trOver->{$lang}->{$2} = $self->localConfig->{$k};
else {
$self->conf->{$k} = $self->localConfig->{$k};
$self->trOver( JSON::to_json( $self->trOver ) );
# Purge loaded module list
# Insert `reloadConf` in handler reload stack
Lemonldap::NG::Handler::Main->onReload( $self, 'reloadConf' );
# Handler::PSGI::Try initialization
unless ( $self->SUPER::init( $self->localConfig ) ) {
$self->logger->error( 'Initialization failed: ' . $self->error );
return 0;
if ( $self->error ) {
$self->logger->error( $self->error );
return 0;
# Default routes must point to routines declared above
return 1;
sub setPortalRoutes {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->authRoutes( {
GET => {},
POST => {},
PUT => {},
PATCH => {},
DELETE => {},
$self->unAuthRoutes( {
GET => {},
POST => {},
PUT => {},
PATCH => {},
DELETE => {},
# "/" or undeclared paths
->addUnauthRoute( '*' => 'login', ['GET'] )
->addUnauthRoute( '*' => 'postLogin', ['POST'] )
->addAuthRoute( '*' => 'authenticatedRequest', ['GET'] )
->addAuthRoute( '*' => 'postAuthenticatedRequest', ['POST'] )
# psgi.js
->addUnauthRoute( 'psgi.js' => 'sendJs', ['GET'] )
->addAuthRoute( 'psgi.js' => 'sendJs', ['GET'] )
# portal.css
->addUnauthRoute( 'portal.css' => 'sendCss', ['GET'] )
->addAuthRoute( 'portal.css' => 'sendCss', ['GET'] )
# lmerror
->addUnauthRoute( lmerror => { ':code' => 'lmError' }, ['GET'] )
->addAuthRoute( lmerror => { ':code' => 'lmError' }, ['GET'] )
->addUnauthRoute( ping => 'pleaseAuth', ['GET'] )
->addAuthRoute( ping => 'authenticated', ['GET'] )
# Refresh session
->addAuthRoute( refresh => 'refresh', ['GET'] )
->addAuthRoute( '*' => 'corsPreflight', ['OPTIONS'] )
->addUnauthRoute( '*' => 'corsPreflight', ['OPTIONS'] )
# Logout
->addAuthRoute( logout => 'logout', ['GET'] )
->addUnauthRoute( logout => 'unauthLogout', ['GET'] );
# Default routes must point to routines declared above
return 1;
sub reloadConf {
my ( $self, $conf ) = @_;
# Store default portal value in $self->portal
$self->portal( Lemonldap::NG::Handler::Main->tsv->{portal}->() );
# Handle requests (other path may be declared in enabled plugins)
# Reinitialize $self->conf
%{ $self->{conf} } = %{ $self->localConfig };
# Purge loaded module list
# Load conf in portal object
foreach my $key ( keys %$conf ) {
$self->{conf}->{$key} ||= $conf->{$key};
# Initialize content-security-policy headers
my $csp = '';
foreach (qw(default img src style font connect script)) {
my $prm = $self->conf->{ 'csp' . ucfirst($_) };
$csp .= "$_-src $prm;" if ($prm);
$self->logger->debug( "Initialized CSP headers : " . $self->csp );
# Initialize Cross-Origin Resource Sharing headers
my $cors = '';
foreach (
qw(Allow_Origin Allow_Credentials Allow_Headers Allow_Methods Expose_Headers Max_Age)
my $header = $_;
my $prm = $self->conf->{ 'cors' . $_ };
if ( $header and $prm ) {
$header =~ s/_/-/;
$prm =~ s/\s+//;
$cors .= "Access-Control-$header;$prm;";
$self->logger->debug( "Initialized CORS headers : " . $self->cors );
$self->{staticPrefix} = $self->conf->{staticPrefix} || '/static';
$self->{languages} = $self->conf->{languages} || 'en';
# Initialize session DBs
unless ( $self->conf->{globalStorage} ) {
'globalStorage not defined (perhaps configuration can not be read)'
return $self->fail;
# Initialize persistent session DB
unless ( $self->conf->{persistentStorage} ) {
$self->conf->{persistentStorage} = $self->conf->{globalStorage};
$self->conf->{persistentStorageOptions} =
# Initialize cookie SameSite value
$self->cookieSameSite( getSameSite( $self->conf ) );
"Cookies will use SameSite=" . $self->cookieSameSite );
# Load menu
# ---------
# Load authentication/userDB
# --------------------------
my $mod;
for my $type (qw(authentication userDB)) {
unless ( $self->conf->{$type} ) {
$self->error("$type is not set");
return $self->fail;
$mod = $self->conf->{$type}
unless ( $self->conf->{$type} eq 'Same' );
my $module = '::' . ucfirst($type) . '::' . $mod;
$module =~ s/Authentication/Auth/;
# Launch and initialize module
return $self->fail
unless ( $self->{"_$type"} = $self->loadPlugin($module) );
# Compile macros in _macros, groups in _groups
foreach my $type (qw(macros groups)) {
$self->{"_$type"} = {};
if ( $self->conf->{$type} ) {
for my $name ( sort keys %{ $self->conf->{$type} } ) {
my $sub =
HANDLER->substitute( $self->conf->{$type}->{$name} ) );
if ($sub) {
$self->{"_$type"}->{$name} = $sub;
else {
$self->logger->error( "$type $name returns an error: "
. HANDLER->tsv->{jail}->error );
$self->{_jsRedirect} =
HANDLER->buildSub( HANDLER->substitute( $self->conf->{jsRedirect} ) )
or $self->logger->error(
'jsRedirect returns an error: ' . HANDLER->tsv->{jail}->error );
# Load services
foreach my $service ( $self->enabledServices ) {
$self->loadService(@$service) or return $self->fail;
# Load plugins
foreach my $plugin ( $self->enabledPlugins ) {
$self->loadPlugin($plugin) or return $self->fail;
# Initialize trusted domain regexp
if ( $self->conf->{trustedDomains}
and $self->conf->{trustedDomains} =~ /^\s*\*\s*$/ )
else {
my $re = Regexp::Assemble->new();
if ( my $td = $self->conf->{trustedDomains} ) {
$td =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*/$1/;
foreach ( split( /\s+/, $td ) ) {
next unless ($td);
$self->logger->debug("Domain $_ added in trusted domains");
# This regexp is valid for the followings hosts:
# - $td
# - $domainlabel.$td
# $domainlabel is build looking RFC2396
# (see Regexp::Common::URI::RFC2396)
$_ =~
my $default_portal = HANDLER->tsv->{portal}->();
foreach ( @{ $self->{additionalTrustedDomains} }, $default_portal ) {
my $p = $_;
$p =~ s#https?://([^/]*).*$#$1#;
$re->add( quotemeta($p) );
foreach my $vhost ( sort keys %{ $self->conf->{locationRules} } ) {
my $expr = quotemeta($vhost);
# Handle wildcards
if ( $vhost =~ /[\%\*]/ ) {
$expr =~ s/\\\*/[A-Za-z0-9\-\.]\*/;
$expr =~ s/\\\%/[A-Za-z0-9\-]\*/;
$self->logger->debug("Vhost $vhost added in trusted domains");
$self->conf->{vhostOptions} ||= {};
if ( my $tmp =
$self->conf->{vhostOptions}->{$vhost}->{vhostAliases} )
foreach my $alias ( split /\s+/, $tmp ) {
"Alias $alias added in trusted domains");
$re->add( quotemeta($alias) );
my $tmp = '^https?://' . $re->as_string . '(?::\d+)?(?:/|$)';
# Clean $req->pdata after authentication
push @{ $self->endAuth }, sub {
my $tmp = $_[0]->pdata->{keepPdata} //= [];
foreach my $k ( keys %{ $_[0]->pdata } ) {
unless ( grep { $_ eq $k } @$tmp ) {
$self->logger->debug("Removing $k from pdata");
delete $_[0]->pdata->{$k};
my $user_log = $_[0]->{sessionInfo}->{ $self->conf->{whatToTrace} };
my $auth_module = $_[0]->{sessionInfo}->{_auth};
my $ipAddr = $_[0]->{sessionInfo}->{ipAddr};
if ($user_log) {
message => (
"User "
. $user_log
. " connected from $auth_module ($ipAddr)"
code => "LOGIN",
user => $user_log,
if (@$tmp) {
'Add ' . join( ',', @$tmp ) . ' in keepPdata' );
$_[0]->pdata->{keepPdata} = $tmp;
return PE_OK;
# Failsafe: allow handler access to portal in case it's missing in conf
my $default_portal_uri = URI->new( HANDLER->tsv->{portal}->() );
my $default_portal_host = eval { $default_portal_uri->host };
if ($default_portal_host) {
HANDLER->tsv->{defaultCondition}->{$default_portal_host} ||= sub { 1 };
# Method used to load plugins
sub loadService {
my ( $self, $name, $plugin ) = @_;
$self->logger->debug("Loading service $name from $plugin");
return $self->_loadedServices->{$name} = $self->loadPlugin($plugin);
sub getService {
my ( $self, $name ) = @_;
return $_[0]->_loadedServices->{$name};
sub loadPlugin {
my ( $self, $plugin ) = @_;
unless ($plugin) {
require Carp;
Carp::confess('Calling loadPugin without arg !');
my $obj;
return 0
unless ( $obj = $self->loadModule("$plugin") );
return $self->findEP( $plugin, $obj );
# Insert declared entry points into corresponding arrays
sub findEP {
my ( $self, $plugin, $obj ) = @_;
# Standards entry points
foreach my $sub (@entryPoints) {
if ( $obj->can($sub) ) {
$self->logger->debug(" Found $sub entry point:");
if ( my $callback = $obj->$sub ) {
push @{ $self->{$sub} }, sub {
eval {
$obj->logger->debug("Launching ${plugin}::$callback");
$self->logger->debug(" -> $callback");
if ( $obj->can('afterSub') ) {
$self->logger->debug("Found afterSub in $plugin");
my $h = $obj->afterSub;
unless ( ref $h and ref($h) eq 'HASH' ) {
'"afterSub" endpoint must be a hashref, skipped');
else {
foreach my $ep ( keys %$h ) {
my $callback = $h->{$ep};
push @{ $self->afterSub->{$ep} }, sub {
eval {
"Launching ${plugin}::$callback afterSub $ep");
if ( $obj->can('aroundSub') ) {
$self->logger->debug("Found aroundSub in $plugin");
my $h = $obj->aroundSub;
unless ( ref $h and ref($h) eq 'HASH' ) {
'"aroundSub" endpoint must be a hashref, skipped');
else {
foreach my $ep ( keys %$h ) {
my $callback = $h->{$ep};
my $previousSub = $self->aroundSub->{$ep} ||= sub {
"$ep launched inside ${plugin}::$callback");
$self->aroundSub->{$ep} = sub {
"Launching ${plugin}::$callback instead of $ep");
$obj->$callback( $previousSub, @_ );
if ( $obj->can('hook') ) {
$self->logger->debug("Found hook in $plugin");
my $h = $obj->hook;
unless ( ref $h and ref($h) eq 'HASH' ) {
$self->logger->error('"hook" endpoint must be a hashref, skipped');
else {
foreach my $hookname ( keys %$h ) {
my $callback = $h->{$hookname};
push @{ $self->hook->{$hookname} }, sub {
eval {
"Launching ${plugin}::$callback on hook $hookname");
# Rules for menu
if ( $obj->can('spRules') ) {
foreach my $k ( keys %{ $obj->spRules } ) {
"$k is defined more than one time, it can have some bad effects on Menu display"
) if ( $self->spRules->{$k} );
$self->spRules->{$k} = $obj->spRules->{$k};
# Plugin entrypoints
for my $ep ( @{ $self->_pluginEntryPoints } ) {
if ( ( $ep->{can} and $obj->can( $ep->{can} ) )
or ( $ep->{isa} and $obj->isa( $ep->{isa} ) )
or ( $ep->{does} and $obj->does( $ep->{does} ) ) )
my @args = @{ $ep->{args} || [] };
if ( my $callback = $ep->{callback} ) {
"Invoking callback registered by $ep->{_pkg}");
$callback->( $obj, @args );
elsif ( $ep->{service} && $ep->{method} ) {
my $service = $self->getService( $ep->{service} );
if ($service) {
if ( my $method = $service->can( $ep->{method} ) ) {
"Invoking $ep->{method} on $ep->{service}"
. " on behalf of $ep->{_pkg}" );
$service->$method( $obj, @args );
else {
"Service $ep->{service} has no $ep->{method} method"
. " in entrypoint added by $ep->{_pkg}" );
else {
"Could not find service $ep->{service}"
. " in entrypoint added by $ep->{_pkg}" );
$self->logger->debug("Plugin $plugin initialized");
return $obj;
sub loadModule {
my ( $self, $module, $conf, %args ) = @_;
$conf //= $self->conf;
my $obj;
$module = "Lemonldap::NG::Portal$module" if ( $module =~ /^::/ );
eval "require $module";
if ($@) {
$self->logger->error("$module load error: $@");
$self->error("$module load error: $@");
return 0;
eval {
$obj = $module->new( { p => $self, conf => $conf, %args } );
$self->logger->debug("Module $module loaded");
if ($@) {
$self->logger->error("Unable to build $module object: $@");
return 0;
unless ($obj) {
$self->logger->error("$module new() method returned undef");
return 0;
if ( $obj->can("init") and ( !$obj->init ) ) {
$self->logger->error("$module init failed");
$self->error("$module init failed");
return 0;
$self->loadedModules->{$module} = $obj;
return $obj;
sub fail {
$_[0]->logger->error( $_[0]->error );
$_[0]->addUnauthRoute( '*' => 'displayError' );
$_[0]->addAuthRoute( '*' => 'displayError' );
return 0;
sub displayError {
my ( $self, $req ) = @_;
return $self->sendError( $req,
'Portal error, contact your administrator', 500 );
# This helper method builds a rule from a string expression
# - $rule: rule text
# - $ruleDesc optional hint of what the rule is for, to display in error message
# returns undef if the rule syntax was invalid
sub buildRule {
my ( $self, $rule, $ruleDesc ) = @_;
if ($ruleDesc) {
$ruleDesc = " $ruleDesc ";
else {
$ruleDesc = " ";
my $compiledRule =
$self->HANDLER->buildSub( $self->HANDLER->substitute($rule) );
unless ($compiledRule) {
my $error =
$self->HANDLER->tsv->{jail}->error || 'Unable to compile rule';
$self->logger->error( "Bad" . $ruleDesc . "rule: " . $error );
return $compiledRule,;
sub addPasswordPolicyDisplay {
my ( $self, $id, $options ) = @_;
$self->_ppRules->{$id} = {%$options};
sub _addPluginEntryPoint {
my ( $self, %entryPointDescription ) = @_;
push @{ $self->_pluginEntryPoints },
{ _pkg => "[unknown]", %entryPointDescription };