#! perl
use strict;
=head1 NAME
install-perl-prereqs - Install missing modules explicitly
loaded in Perl files
=head1 VERSION
Version 0.6.2
install-perl-prereqs FILE_OR_DIR [FILE_OR_DIR ...]
-h, --help
-d, --dry-run
-q, --quiet
-v, --version
=head1 AUTHOR
Michael F. Covington, <mfcovington@gmail.com>
=head1 BUGS
Please report any bugs or feature requests at
Copyright 2014 Michael F. Covington.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the the Artistic License (2.0). You may obtain a
copy of the full license at:
my ( $help, $dry_run, $quiet, $version );
my $options = GetOptions(
"help" => \$help,
"dry-run" => \$dry_run,
"quiet" => \$quiet,
"version" => \$version,
my @paths = @ARGV;
my $script_path = $0;
my $script_name = fileparse $script_path;
if ( defined $version ) {
die "$script_name v$Perl::PrereqInstaller::VERSION\n";
my $usage = <<EOF;
Usage: $script_name FILE_OR_DIR [FILE_OR_DIR ...]
-h, --help
-d, --dry-run
-q, --quiet
-v, --version
Please report bugs or feature requests: https://github.com/mfcovington/Perl-PrereqInstaller/issues
die $usage if defined $help;
die $usage if scalar @paths == 0;
my $installer = Perl::PrereqInstaller->new;
$installer->quiet(1) if $quiet;
{ 'not_installed' => 1,
'previously_installed' => 1,
'newly_installed' => 0,
'failed_install' => 0,
'scan_errors' => 1,
'scan_warnings' => 0,
exit if $dry_run;
my @results = ( $installer->newly_installed, $installer->failed_install );
print "\n" if scalar @results;
{ 'not_installed' => 0,
'previously_installed' => 0,
'newly_installed' => 1,
'failed_install' => 1,
'scan_errors' => 0,
'scan_warnings' => 0,