use 5.010_001;
use strict;
use Carp qw/croak/;
use FindBin qw/$Bin/;
use lib "$Bin/lib";
use_ok('DBIx::Squirrel', database_entities => [qw/db artist artists/]) || print "Bail out!\n";
use_ok('T::Squirrel', qw/:var diagdump/) || print "Bail out!\n";
diag("Testing DBIx::Squirrel $DBIx::Squirrel::VERSION, Perl $], $^X");
# Filter out artists whose ArtistId is outside the 128...131 range.
sub filter {($_->ArtistId < 128 or $_->ArtistId > 131) ? () : $_}
# Inject some additional (pending) results for the artist whose ArtistId is 128,
# else just return the artist's Name-field.
sub artist_name {($_->ArtistId == 128) ? ($_->Name, 'Envy of None', 'Alex Lifeson') : $_->[1]}
artist(db->results('SELECT * FROM artists WHERE ArtistId=? LIMIT 1'));
my $artist = artist->_private_state;
artists(db->results('SELECT * FROM artists ORDER BY ArtistId' => \&filter => \&artist_name));
my $artists = artists->_private_state;
# This test will exercise buffer control, transformations, pending results injection and
# results filtering.
my $results = artists->all;
my $expected = ['Rush', 'Envy of None', 'Alex Lifeson', 'Simply Red', 'Skank', 'Smashing Pumpkins'];
is_deeply($results, $expected, 'iteration, filtering, injection ok');
is($artists->{cache_size_fixed}, !!0, 'artists->{cache_size_fixed}');
is($artists->{cache_size}, &DBIx::Squirrel::Iterator::CACHE_SIZE_LIMIT, 'artists->{cache_size}');
$results = artists->all;
is_deeply($results, $expected, 'iteration, filtering, injection ok');
is($artists->{cache_size_fixed}, !!1, 'artists->{cache_size_fixed}');
is($artists->{cache_size}, 8, 'artists->{cache_size}');