parcel KinoSearch cnick Kino;
#include "KinoSearch/Util/SortUtils.h"
typedef chy_bool_t
(*kino_VA_gather_test_t)(kino_VArray *self, uint32_t tick, void *data);
#define kino_VA_gather_test_t kino_VA_gather_test_t
/** Variable-sized array.
class KinoSearch::Object::VArray cnick VA inherits KinoSearch::Object::Obj {
Obj **elems;
uint32_t size;
uint32_t cap;
inert incremented VArray*
new(uint32_t capacity);
* @param capacity Initial number of elements that the object will be able
* to hold before reallocation.
inert VArray*
init(VArray *self, uint32_t capacity);
/** Push an item onto the end of a VArray.
Push(VArray *self, decremented Obj *element);
/** Push all the elements of another VArray onto the end of this one.
Push_VArray(VArray *self, VArray *other);
/** Pop an item off of the end of a VArray.
incremented nullable Obj*
Pop(VArray *self);
/** Unshift an item onto the front of a VArray.
Unshift(VArray *self, decremented Obj *element);
/** Shift an item off of the front of a VArray.
incremented nullable Obj*
Shift(VArray *self);
/** Ensure that the VArray has room for at least <code>capacity</code>
* elements.
Grow(VArray *self, uint32_t capacity);
/** Fetch the element at <code>tick</tick>.
nullable Obj*
Fetch(VArray *self, uint32_t tick);
/** Store an element at index <code>tick</code>, possibly displacing an
* existing element.
Store(VArray *self, uint32_t tick, decremented Obj *elem);
/** Replace an element in the VArray with NULL and return it.
* @return whatever was stored at <code>tick</code>.
incremented nullable Obj*
Delete(VArray *self, uint32_t tick);
/** Remove <code>length</code> elements from the array, starting at
* <code>offset</code>. Move elements over to fill in the gap.
Excise(VArray *self, uint32_t offset, uint32_t length);
/** Clone the VArray but merely increment the refcounts of its elements
* rather than clone them.
incremented VArray*
Shallow_Copy(VArray *self);
/** Dupe the VArray, cloning each internal element.
public incremented VArray*
Clone(VArray *self);
/** Quicksort the VArry using the supplied comparison routine. Safety
* checks are the responsibility of the caller.
* @param compare Comparison routine. The default uses Obj_Compare_To and
* sorts NULL elements towards the end.
* @param context Argument supplied to the comparison routine.
Sort(VArray *self, kino_Sort_compare_t compare = NULL,
void *context = NULL);
/** Set the size for the VArray. If the new size is larger than the
* current size, grow the object to accommodate NULL elements; if smaller
* than the current size, decrement and discard truncated elements.
Resize(VArray *self, uint32_t size);
/** Empty the VArray.
Clear(VArray *self);
/** Accessor for <code>size</code> member.
public uint32_t
Get_Size(VArray *self);
/** Accessor for <code>capacity</code> member.
Get_Capacity(VArray *self);
/** Return all elements for which <code>test</code> returns true.
public incremented VArray*
Gather(VArray *self, kino_VA_gather_test_t test, void *data);
public bool_t
Equals(VArray *self, Obj *other);
public incremented VArray*
Dump(VArray *self);
public incremented VArray*
Load(VArray *self, Obj *dump);
public void
Serialize(VArray *self, OutStream *outstream);
public incremented VArray*
Deserialize(VArray *self, InStream *instream);
public void
Destroy(VArray *self);
/* Copyright 2006-2011 Marvin Humphrey
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* under the same terms as Perl itself.