use strict;
our $VERSION = '0.1206'; # VERSION:
# PODNAME: Stenciller::Wrap
use Module::Pluggable search_path => ['Stenciller::Plugin'];
class Stenciller::Wrap using Moose with Stenciller::Utils {
use Carp 'croak';
has filepath => (
is => 'ro',
isa => File,
required => 1,
coerce => 1,
documentation => 'The textfile to parse.',
has is_utf8 => (
is => 'ro',
isa => Bool,
default => 1,
documentation => 'Determines how the stencil file is read.'
has stencils => (
is => 'ro',
isa => ArrayRef[Stencil],
traits => ['Array'],
default => sub { [ ] },
documentation => 'After parsing, this contains all parsed stencils.',
init_arg => undef,
handles => {
add_stencil => 'push',
all_stencils => 'elements',
get_stencil => 'get',
count_stencils => 'count',
has_stencils => 'count',
has header_lines => (
is => 'ro',
isa => ArrayRef[Str],
traits => ['Array'],
default => sub { [] },
init_arg => undef,
documentation => 'After parsing, this contains all lines in the header.',
handles => {
add_header_line => 'push',
all_header_lines => 'elements',
has skip_if_input_empty => (
is => 'ro',
isa => Bool,
default => 1,
documentation => 'If a stencil has no input content, skip entire stencil.',
has skip_if_output_empty => (
is => 'ro',
isa => Bool,
default => 1,
documentation => 'If a stencil has no output content, skip entire stencil.',
around BUILDARGS($next: $class, @args) {
if(scalar @args == 1 && ref $args[0] eq 'HASH') {
$class->$next(%{ $args[0] });
else {
method BUILD {
around has_stencils($next: $self) {
my $count = $self->$next;
return !!$count || 0;
method transform(Str :$plugin_name does doc('Plugin to read contents with.'),
HashRef :$constructor_args? does doc('Constructor arguments for the plugin.') = {},
HashRef :$transform_args? does doc('Settings for the specific transformation.') = {}, ...
--> Str but assumed does doc('Returns the transformed content.')
) {
my $plugin_class = "Stenciller::Plugin::$plugin_name";
die sprintf "Can't load %s: %s", $plugin_class, $@ if $@;
if(!$plugin_class->does('Stenciller::Transformer')) {
croak("[$plugin_name] doesn't do the Stenciller::Transformer role. Quitting.");
return $plugin_class->new(stenciller => $self, %{ $constructor_args })->transform($transform_args);
method parse {
my @contents = split /\v/ => $self->is_utf8 ? $self->filepath->slurp_utf8 : $self->filepath->slurp;
my $stencil_start = qr/^== +stencil +(\{.*\} +)?==$/;
my $input_start = qr/^--+input--+$/;
my $input_end = qr/^--+end input--+$/;
my $output_start = qr/^--+output--+$/;
my $output_end = qr/^--+end output--+$/;
my $environment = 'header';
my $line_count = 0;
my $stencil = undef;
foreach my $line (@contents) {
++$line_count if $environment ne 'next_stencil'; # because then we are redo-ing the line
if(any { $environment eq $_ } (qw/header next_stencil/)) {
$self->add_header_line($line) and next LINE if $line !~ $stencil_start;
my $possible_hash = $1;
my $settings = defined $possible_hash && $possible_hash =~ m{\{.*\}}
? $self->eval_to_hashref($possible_hash, $self->filepath)
: {}
$stencil = Stenciller::Stencil->new(
name => exists $settings->{'name'} ? delete $settings->{'name'} : $self->filepath->basename . "-$line_count",
loop_values => delete $settings->{'loop'},
line_number => $line_count,
maybe skip => delete $settings->{'skip'},
provided scalar keys %{ $settings }, extra_settings => $settings,
$environment = 'before_input';
elsif($environment eq 'before_input') {
$stencil->add_before_input($line) and next LINE if $line !~ $input_start;
$environment = 'input';
elsif($environment eq 'input') {
$stencil->add_input($line) and next LINE if $line !~ $input_end;
$environment = 'between';
elsif($environment eq 'between') {
$stencil->add_between($line) and next LINE if $line !~ $output_start;
$environment = 'output';
elsif($environment eq 'output') {
$stencil->add_output($line) and next LINE if $line !~ $output_end;
$environment = 'after_output';
elsif($environment eq 'after_output') {
$stencil->add_after_output($line) and next LINE if $line !~ $stencil_start;
$environment = 'next_stencil';
redo LINE;
if($environment ne 'after_output') {
croak (sprintf 'File <%s> appears malformed. Ended on <%s>', $self->filepath, $environment);
method handle_completed_stencil(Maybe[Stencil] $stencil) {
return if !Stencil->check($stencil);
return if $stencil->skip;
return if !$stencil->has_input && $self->skip_if_input_empty;
return if !$stencil->has_output && $self->skip_if_output_empty;
if(!$stencil->has_loop_values) {
foreach my $loop_value ($stencil->all_loop_values) {
my $clone = $stencil->clone_with_loop_value($loop_value);
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
=head1 VERSION
Version 0.1206, released 2015-02-07.
=head1 SOURCE
=head1 AUTHOR
Erik Carlsson <>
This software is copyright (c) 2015 by Erik Carlsson <>.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.