#!perl -w
# vim: ft=perl
use DBI;
use strict;
use lib 't', '.';
require 'lib.pl';
$|= 1;
use vars qw($table $test_dsn $test_user $test_passwd);
my $dbh;
eval {$dbh= DBI->connect($test_dsn, $test_user, $test_passwd,
{ RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 1, AutoCommit => 0 });};
if ($@) {
plan skip_all => "ERROR: $DBI::errstr. Can't continue test";
plan tests => 30;
# test primary_key_info ()
ok(defined $dbh, "Connected to database for key info tests");
ok($dbh->do("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $table"), "Dropped table");
# Non-primary key is there as a regression test for Bug #26786.
ok($dbh->do("CREATE TABLE $table (a int, b varchar(20), c int,
primary key (a,b))"),
"Created table $table");
my $sth= $dbh->primary_key_info(undef, undef, $table);
ok($sth, "Got primary key info");
my $key_info= $sth->fetchall_arrayref({});
is($key_info->[0]->{TABLE_NAME}, "test_cubrid");
is($key_info->[0]->{COLUMN_NAME}, "a");
is($key_info->[0]->{KEY_SEQ}, 1);
is($key_info->[0]->{PK_NAME}, "pk_test_cubrid_a_b");
is($key_info->[1]->{TABLE_NAME}, "test_cubrid");
is($key_info->[1]->{COLUMN_NAME}, "b");
is($key_info->[1]->{KEY_SEQ}, 2);
is($key_info->[1]->{PK_NAME}, "pk_test_cubrid_a_b");
is_deeply([ $dbh->primary_key(undef, undef, $table) ], [ 'a', 'b' ],
"Check primary_key results");
ok($dbh->do("DROP TABLE $table"), "Dropped table");
# test foreign_key_info ()
ok($dbh->do(qq{DROP TABLE IF EXISTS child, parent}), "cleaning up");
ok($dbh->do(qq{CREATE TABLE parent(id INT NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (id))}));
ok($dbh->do(qq{CREATE TABLE child(id INT, parent_id INT,
FOREIGN KEY (parent_id)
$sth = $dbh->foreign_key_info(undef, undef, 'parent', undef, undef, 'child');
my ($info) = $sth->fetchall_arrayref({});
is($info->[0]->{PKTABLE_NAME}, "parent");
is($info->[0]->{PKCOLUMN_NAME}, "id");
is($info->[0]->{FKTABLE_NAME}, "child");
is($info->[0]->{FKCOLUMN_NAME}, "parent_id");
$sth= $dbh->foreign_key_info(undef, undef, 'parent', undef, undef, undef);
($info)= $sth->fetchall_arrayref({});
is($info->[0]->{PKTABLE_NAME}, "parent");
is($info->[0]->{PKCOLUMN_NAME}, "id");
is($info->[0]->{FKTABLE_NAME}, "child");
is($info->[0]->{FKCOLUMN_NAME}, "parent_id");
$sth= $dbh->foreign_key_info(undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, 'child');
($info)= $sth->fetchall_arrayref({});
is($info->[0]->{PKTABLE_NAME}, "parent");
is($info->[0]->{PKCOLUMN_NAME}, "id");
is($info->[0]->{FKTABLE_NAME}, "child");
is($info->[0]->{FKCOLUMN_NAME}, "parent_id");
ok($dbh->do(qq{DROP TABLE IF EXISTS child, parent}), "cleaning up");
#test close with dbh
#$sth= $dbh->foreign_key_info(undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, 'child');
#$sth= $dbh->primary_key_info(undef, undef, $table);