# This script is intended to build a grammar for werder based on a syllable list provided.
# It reads text files fed in and attempts to dissect them and builds linkages of each syllable
use POSIX qw(locale_h);
use locale;
setlocale("LC_CTYPE", "en_US");
# Homecooked char set of Latin-1 alphas
$charset = "A-Za-z\xa0-\xbf\xc0-\xd6\xda-\xdd\xdf-\xf6\xf9-\xfd\xff'\\-";
$syllables = "../Werder/data/syllables";
sub parse($) {
my $werd = shift;
my $start_at = shift;
my ($syl, $ready, $next_syl);
if($werd eq "") { return(1); }
$werd =~ /^((.).?)/;
my $first = lc($2);
my $firsttwo = lc($1);
# gotta remember to check for syls that are just 1 in length
foreach $syl (@{$indexed_syllables{$first}{$first}}, @{$indexed_syllables{$first}{$firsttwo}}) {
$next_syl = 0;
if($start_at && !$ready) { $next_syl = 1; }
if($syl eq $start_at) { $ready = 1; }
next if $next_syl;
if($werd =~ /^$syl(.*)$/si) {
push @werd_parts, $syl;
my $ret = parse($1);
return($ret) if $ret;
if(scalar(@werd_parts)) {
my $oldsyl = pop @werd_parts;
print "* going back from $oldsyl\n" if $debug;
my $ret = parse($oldsyl . $werd, $oldsyl);
return($ret) if $ret;
else {
# Load the syllable list
open SYLS, $syllables;
chomp(@syllables = <SYLS>);
close SYLS;
# Sort the list, but sorting longer words higher
@syllables = sort { $min = (length($a) < length($b)) ? length($a) : length($b);
( substr($a,0,$min) cmp substr($b,0,$min) ||
length($b) <=> length($a) )
} @syllables;
# foreach $syl(@syllables) { print "$syl\n"; } exit;
foreach $syl (@syllables) {
$syl =~ /^((.).?)/;
my $first = lc($2);
my $firsttwo = lc($1);
push @{$indexed_syllables{$first}{$firsttwo}}, $syl;
while(<>) {
$line = $_;
while($line =~ /[^$charset]*([$charset]+)[^$charset]*/sig) {
$werd = $1;
$werd =~ s/^['\-]*//;
$werd =~ s/['\-]*$//;
if($werd eq "") { next; }
if(!parse($werd)) {
print "* couldnt parse $werd\n";
else {
my $werd_sep = join ' ',@werd_parts;
# print "$werd_sep\n";
undef @werd_parts;