use strict;
use Data::TreeValidator::Sugar qw( branch leaf repeating );
test 'branch with no chidren' => sub {
my $branch = branch {};
isa_ok($branch, 'Data::TreeValidator::Branch',
'branch {} creates a branch');
is($branch->children, 0,
'branch {} has no children');
test 'branch with children' => sub {
my $branch = branch {
first_name => leaf,
last_name => leaf,
details => branch {},
isa_ok($branch => Branch,
'branch { ... } creates a branch');
is($branch->children => 3,
'branch { ... } has children');
ok(defined $branch->child('first_name'), 'has the "first_name" child');
ok(defined $branch->child('last_name'), 'has the "last_name" child');
ok(defined $branch->child('details'), 'has the "details" branch');
ok(!defined $branch->child('missing'), 'does not have the "missing" child');
test 'simple leaf' => sub {
my $leaf = leaf;
isa_ok($leaf, Leaf, 'leaf() creates a leaf');
is($leaf->constraints, 0, 'leaf has no constraints');
is($leaf->transformations, 0, 'leaf has no transformations');
test 'leaf with constraints' => sub {
my $constraint = sub { };
my $leaf = leaf( constraints => [ $constraint ] );
isa_ok($leaf => Leaf, 'leaf() creates a leaf');
is($leaf->constraints => 1, 'leaf has 1 constraint');
is(($leaf->constraints)[0] => $constraint, 'leaf has the constraint');
is($leaf->transformations, 0, 'leaf has no transformations');
test 'leaf with transformations' => sub {
local $TODO = "Sugar for transformations";
fail('Not yet implemented');
test 'repeating branches' => sub {
my $branch = repeating {};
isa_ok($branch => RepeatingBranch,
'repeating {} creates a repeating branch');
is($branch->children => 0, 'branch has no children');