#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use Test::More 'no_plan';
use lib 't/lib';
my $schema = Schema::RBAC->connect(
print "schema=$schema\n";
my $roles = [ 'anonymous', 'admin', 'member' ];
my $can_access = {
'/' => [ 1, 1, 1, ],
'/login' => [ 1, 0, 0, ],
'/admin' => [ 0, 1, 0, ],
'/admin/user' => [ 0, 1, 0, ],
'/admin/user/add' => [ 0, 1, 0, ],
'/access_denied' => [ 1, 1, 1, ],
'/A/B/C/D' => [ 0, 1, 1, ],
# And now test all permissions
# With field_unique = path
my $confs = [ 't/conf/permsfromdb.yml'];
my $rbac;
foreach my $conf ( @$confs ){
ok( $rbac = Authorization::RBAC->new( conf => $conf, schema => $schema ),
"Create RBAC (conf: $conf)");
my $schema = $rbac->schema;
my $backend = $rbac->config->{backend}->{name};
ok($rbac->can('get_permission'), "Backend $backend provide get_permission");
my $count = 0;
foreach my $role ( @$roles) {
my $role_rs = $schema->resultset('Role')->search( { name => $role })->single;
foreach my $path ( sort keys %$can_access) {
my $can = ${$can_access->{$path}}[$count];
ok( my $objects = $schema->resultset('Page')->retrieve_pages_from_path($path), "retrieve pages from path $path");
$can ? &is_allowed([$role_rs], $objects, $path ) : &is_denied([$role_rs], $objects, $path);
my $inexistant_path = '/another/inexistant/page';
ok( my $objects = $schema->resultset('Page')->retrieve_pages_from_path($inexistant_path), "retrieve pages from path $inexistant_path");
ok( my $anonymous_role = $schema->resultset('Role')->search( { name => 'anonymous' })->single, "retrieve role 'anonymous'");
ok ( ! $rbac->can_access([ $anonymous_role ], $objects, ['create_Page']), "Role 'anonymous' cannot view/create Page $inexistant_path");
ok( my $admin_role = $schema->resultset('Role')->search( { name => 'admin' })->single, "retrieve role 'admin'");
ok ( $rbac->can_access([ $admin_role ], $objects, ['create_Page']), "Role 'admin' can view/create Page $inexistant_path");
ok ( $rbac->can_access([ $anonymous_role,$admin_role ], $objects, ['create_Page']), "Role ['anonymous', 'admin'] can view/create Page $inexistant_path");
# test access to a comment attached to a page
ok( my $comment1 = $schema->resultset('Comment')->find(1), "retrieve first 'Comment'");
ok ( $rbac->can_access([ $admin_role ], [ $comment1 ]), "Role 'admin' can view_Comment (first comment)");
ok( my $comment2 = $schema->resultset('Comment')->find(2), "retrieve second 'Comment'");
ok( ! $rbac->can_access([ $anonymous_role ], [ $comment2 ]), "Role 'anonyme' can not view_Comment (second comment)");
ok( my $tagPerl = $schema->resultset('Tag')->search({name => 'Perl'})->first, "retrieve Perl 'Tag'");
ok( ! $rbac->can_access([ $anonymous_role ], [ $tagPerl ]), "Role 'anonyme' can not view_Tag Perl");
ok( $rbac->can_access([ $admin_role ], [ $tagPerl ]), "Role 'admin' can view_Tag Perl");
# End of tests
sub is_allowed {
my ($roles, $objects, $path ) = @_;
my @roles_name = map { $_->name} @$roles;
ok ($rbac->can_access($roles, $objects), "Role @roles_name can access to $path");
sub is_denied {
my ($roles, $objects, $path) = @_;
my @roles_name = map { $_->name} @$roles;
ok (! $rbac->can_access($roles, $objects), "Role @roles_name cannot access to $path");