$Net::Async::Webservice::UPS::VERSION = '1.1.2';
$Net::Async::Webservice::UPS::DIST = 'Net-Async-Webservice-UPS';
use Moo;
use Types::Standard 1.000003 qw(Str Int Bool Object Dict Optional ArrayRef HashRef Undef);
use Types::URI qw(Uri);
use Type::Params qw(compile);
use Net::Async::Webservice::UPS::Types qw(:types to_Service);
use List::AllUtils 'pairwise';
use Encode;
use Future;
use 5.010;
# ABSTRACT: UPS API client, non-blocking
my %code_for_pickup_type = (
DAILY => '01',
ONE_TIME => '06',
ON_CALL_AIR => '07',
my %code_for_customer_classification = (
WHOLESALE => '01',
RETAIL => '04'
my %base_urls = (
has live_mode => (
is => 'rw',
isa => Bool,
trigger => 1,
default => sub { 0 },
has base_url => (
is => 'lazy',
isa => Uri,
clearer => '_clear_base_url',
coerce => Uri->coercion,
sub _trigger_live_mode {
my ($self) = @_;
sub _build_base_url {
my ($self) = @_;
return $base_urls{$self->live_mode ? 'live' : 'test'};
has user_id => (
is => 'ro',
isa => Str,
required => 1,
has password => (
is => 'ro',
isa => Str,
required => 1,
has access_key => (
is => 'ro',
isa => Str,
required => 1,
has account_number => (
is => 'ro',
isa => Str,
has customer_classification => (
is => 'rw',
isa => CustomerClassification,
has pickup_type => (
is => 'rw',
isa => PickupType,
default => sub { 'ONE_TIME' },
has cache => (
is => 'ro',
isa => Cache|Undef,
sub does_caching {
my ($self) = @_;
return defined $self->cache;
around BUILDARGS => sub {
my ($orig,$class,@args) = @_;
my $ret = $class->$orig(@args);
if ($ret->{cache_life}) {
require CHI;
if (not $ret->{cache_root}) {
require File::Spec;
$ret->{cache_root} =
$ret->{cache} = CHI->new(
driver => 'File',
root_dir => $ret->{cache_root},
depth => 5,
expires_in => $ret->{cache_life} . ' min',
return $ret;
sub transaction_reference {
my ($self,$args) = @_;
our $VERSION; # this, and the ||0 later, are to make it work
# before dzil munges it
return {
CustomerContext => ($args->{customer_context} // "Net::Async::Webservice::UPS"),
XpciVersion => "".($VERSION||0),
sub access_as_xml {
my $self = shift;
return XMLout({
AccessRequest => {
AccessLicenseNumber => $self->access_key,
Password => $self->password,
UserId => $self->user_id,
}, NoAttr=>1, KeepRoot=>1, XMLDecl=>1);
sub request_rate {
state $argcheck = compile(Object, Dict[
from => Address|Shipper,
to => Address,
packages => PackageList,
limit_to => Optional[ArrayRef[Str]],
exclude => Optional[ArrayRef[Str]],
mode => Optional[RequestMode],
service => Optional[Service],
customer_context => Optional[Str],
my ($self,$args) = $argcheck->(@_);
$args->{mode} ||= 'rate';
$args->{service} ||= to_Service('GROUND');
if ($args->{from}->isa('Net::Async::Webservice::UPS::Address')) {
$args->{from} ||= $self->_shipper_from_address($args->{from});
if ( $args->{exclude} && $args->{limit_to} ) {
Error::TypeTiny::croak("You cannot use both 'limit_to' and 'exclude' at the same time");
my $packages = $args->{packages};
unless (scalar(@$packages)) {
Error::TypeTiny::croak("request_rate() was given an empty list of packages");
my $cache_key;
if ($self->does_caching) {
$cache_key = $self->generate_cache_key(
[ $args->{from},$args->{to},@$packages, ],
mode => $args->{mode},
service => $args->{service}->code,
pickup_type => $self->pickup_type,
customer_classification => $self->customer_classification,
if (my $cached_services = $self->cache->get($cache_key)) {
return Future->wrap($cached_services);
my %request = (
RatingServiceSelectionRequest => {
Request => {
RequestAction => 'Rate',
RequestOption => $args->{mode},
TransactionReference => $self->transaction_reference($args),
PickupType => {
Code => $code_for_pickup_type{$self->pickup_type},
Shipment => {
Service => { Code => $args->{service}->code },
Package => [map { $_->as_hash() } @$packages],
Shipper => $args->{from}->as_hash('AV'),
ShipTo => $args->{to}->as_hash('AV'),
( $self->customer_classification ? (
CustomerClassification => { Code => $code_for_customer_classification{$self->customer_classification} }
) : () ),
# default to "all allowed"
my %ok_labels = map { $_ => 1 } @{ServiceLabel->values};
if ($args->{limit_to}) {
# deny all, allow requested
%ok_labels = map { $_ => 0 } @{ServiceLabel->values};
$ok_labels{$_} = 1 for @{$args->{limit_to}};
elsif ($args->{exclude}) {
# deny requested
$ok_labels{$_} = 0 for @{$args->{exclude}};
data => \%request,
url_suffix => '/Rate',
XMLin => {
ForceArray => [ 'RatedPackage', 'RatedShipment' ],
done => sub {
my ($response) = @_;
my @services;
for my $rated_shipment (@{$response->{RatedShipment}}) {
my $code = $rated_shipment->{Service}{Code};
my $label = Net::Async::Webservice::UPS::Service::label_for_code($code);
next if not $ok_labels{$label};
push @services, my $service = Net::Async::Webservice::UPS::Service->new({
code => $code,
label => $label,
total_charges => $rated_shipment->{TotalCharges}{MonetaryValue},
# TODO check this logic
( ref($rated_shipment->{GuaranteedDaysToDelivery})
? ()
: ( guaranteed_days => $rated_shipment->{GuaranteedDaysToDelivery} ) ),
rated_packages => $packages,
# TODO check this pairwise
rates => [ pairwise {
rated_package => $b,
from => $args->{from},
to => $args->{to},
} @{$rated_shipment->{RatedPackage}},@$packages ],
# fixup service-rate-service refs
$_->_set_service($service) for @{$service->rates};
@services = sort { $a->total_charges <=> $b->total_charges } @services;
my $ret = Net::Async::Webservice::UPS::Response::Rate->new({
services => \@services,
$self->cache->set($cache_key,$ret) if $self->does_caching;
return $ret;
sub validate_address {
state $argcheck = compile(
Address, Optional[Tolerance],
my ($self,$address,$tolerance) = $argcheck->(@_);
$tolerance //= 0.05;
my %data = (
AddressValidationRequest => {
Request => {
RequestAction => "AV",
TransactionReference => $self->transaction_reference(),
my $cache_key;
if ($self->does_caching) {
$cache_key = $self->generate_cache_key(
[ $address ],
{ tolerance => $tolerance },
if (my $cached_services = $self->cache->get($cache_key)) {
return Future->wrap($cached_services);
data => \%data,
url_suffix => '/AV',
XMLin => {
ForceArray => [ 'AddressValidationResult' ],
done => sub {
my ($response) = @_;
my @addresses;
for my $address (@{$response->{AddressValidationResult}}) {
next if $address->{Quality} < (1 - $tolerance);
for my $possible_postal_code ($address->{PostalCodeLowEnd} .. $address->{PostalCodeHighEnd}) {
$address->{Address}{PostalCode} = $possible_postal_code;
push @addresses, Net::Async::Webservice::UPS::Address->new($address);
my $ret = Net::Async::Webservice::UPS::Response::Address->new({
addresses => \@addresses,
$self->cache->set($cache_key,$ret) if $self->does_caching;
return $ret;
sub validate_street_address {
state $argcheck = compile(
my ($self,$address) = $argcheck->(@_);
my %data = (
AddressValidationRequest => {
Request => {
RequestAction => 'XAV',
RequestOption => '3',
TransactionReference => $self->transaction_reference(),
my $cache_key;
if ($self->does_caching) {
$cache_key = $self->generate_cache_key(
[ $address ],
if (my $cached_services = $self->cache->get($cache_key)) {
return Future->wrap($cached_services);
data => \%data,
url_suffix => '/XAV',
XMLin => {
ForceArray => [ 'AddressValidationResponse','AddressLine', 'AddressKeyFormat' ],
sub {
my ($response) = @_;
if ($response->{NoCandidatesIndicator}) {
return Future->new->fail(Net::Async::Webservice::UPS::Exception::UPSError->new({
error => {
ErrorDescription => 'The Address Matching System is not able to match an address from any other one in the database',
ErrorCode => 'NoCandidates',
if ($response->{AmbiguousAddressIndicator}) {
return Future->new->fail(Net::Async::Webservice::UPS::Exception::UPSError->new({
error => {
ErrorDescription => 'The Address Matching System is not able to explicitly differentiate an address from any other one in the database',
ErrorCode => 'AmbiguousAddress',
my $quality = 0;
if ($response->{ValidAddressIndicator}) {
$quality = 1;
my @addresses;
for my $ak (@{$response->{AddressKeyFormat}}) {
push @addresses, Net::Async::Webservice::UPS::Address->new({
AddressKeyFormat => $ak,
Quality => $quality,
my $ret = Net::Async::Webservice::UPS::Response::Address->new({
addresses => \@addresses,
$self->cache->set($cache_key,$ret) if $self->does_caching;
return Future->wrap($ret);
sub ship_confirm {
state $argcheck = compile(Object, Dict[
from => Contact,
to => Contact,
shipper => Optional[Shipper],
service => Optional[Service],
description => Str,
payment => Payment,
label => Optional[Label],
packages => PackageList,
return_service => Optional[ReturnService],
customer_context => Optional[Str],
delivery_confirmation => Optional[Int],
my ($self,$args) = $argcheck->(@_);
$args->{service} //= to_Service('GROUND');
$args->{shipper} //= $self->_shipper_from_contact($args->{from});
my $packages = $args->{packages};
unless (scalar(@$packages)) {
Error::TypeTiny::croak("ship_confirm() was given an empty list of packages");
my $package_data = [map { $_->as_hash() } @$packages];
if ($args->{delivery_confirmation}) {
for my $p (@$package_data) {
$p->{PackageServiceOptions}{DeliveryConfirmation}{DCISType} =
my %data = (
ShipmentConfirmRequest => {
Request => {
TransactionReference => $self->transaction_reference($args),
RequestAction => 'ShipConfirm',
RequestOption => 'validate', # this makes the request
# fail if there are
# address problems
Shipment => {
Service => { Code => $args->{service}->code },
Description => $args->{description},
( $args->{return_service} ? (
ReturnService => { Code => $args->{return_service}->code }
) : () ),
Shipper => $args->{shipper}->as_hash,
( $args->{from} ? ( ShipFrom => $args->{from}->as_hash ) : () ),
ShipTo => $args->{to}->as_hash,
PaymentInformation => $args->{payment}->as_hash,
Package => $package_data,
( $args->{label} ? ( LabelSpecification => $args->{label}->as_hash ) : () ),
data => \%data,
url_suffix => '/ShipConfirm',
done => sub {
my ($response) = @_;
return Net::Async::Webservice::UPS::Response::ShipmentConfirm->new({
packages => $packages,
sub ship_accept {
state $argcheck = compile( Object, Dict[
confirm => ShipmentConfirm,
customer_context => Optional[Str],
my ($self,$args) = $argcheck->(@_);
my %data = (
ShipmentAcceptRequest => {
Request => {
TransactionReference => $self->transaction_reference($args),
RequestAction => 'ShipAccept',
ShipmentDigest => $args->{confirm}->shipment_digest,
my $packages = $args->{confirm}->packages;
data => \%data,
url_suffix => '/ShipAccept',
XMLin => {
ForceArray => [ 'PackageResults' ],
done => sub {
my ($response) = @_;
return Net::Async::Webservice::UPS::Response::ShipmentAccept->new({
packages => $packages,
sub qv_events {
state $argcheck = compile( Object, Dict[
subscriptions => Optional[ArrayRef[QVSubscription]],
bookmark => Optional[Str],
customer_context => Optional[Str],
my ($self,$args) = $argcheck->(@_);
my %data = (
QuantumViewRequest => {
Request => {
TransactionReference => $self->transaction_reference($args),
RequestAction => 'QVEvents',
( $args->{subscriptions} ? ( SubscriptionRequest => [
map { $_->as_hash } @{$args->{subscriptions}}
] ) : () ),
($args->{bookmark} ? (Bookmark => $args->{bookmark}) : () ),
data => \%data,
url_suffix => '/QVEvents',
done => sub {
my ($response) = @_;
return Net::Async::Webservice::UPS::Response::QV->new($response);
sub xml_request {
state $argcheck = compile(
data => HashRef,
url_suffix => Str,
XMLout => Optional[HashRef],
XMLin => Optional[HashRef],
my ($self, $args) = $argcheck->(@_);
# default XML::Simple args
my $xmlargs = {
NoAttr => 1,
KeyAttr => [],
my $request =
$self->access_as_xml .
%{ $xmlargs },
XMLDecl => 1,
KeepRoot => 1,
%{ $args->{XMLout}||{} },
return $self->post( $self->base_url . $args->{url_suffix}, $request )->then(
sub {
my ($response_string) = @_;
my $response = XMLin(
%{ $xmlargs },
%{ $args->{XMLin} },
if ($response->{Response}{ResponseStatusCode}==0) {
return Future->new->fail(
error => $response->{Response}{Error}
return Future->wrap($response);
sub generate_cache_key {
state $argcheck = compile(Object, Str, ArrayRef[Cacheable],Optional[HashRef]);
my ($self,$kind,$things,$args) = $argcheck->(@_);
return join ':',
( map { $_->cache_id } @$things ),
( map {
sprintf '%s:%s',
( defined($args->{$_}) ? '"'.$args->{$_}.'"' : 'undef' )
} sort keys %{$args || {}}
sub _shipper_from_address {
my ($self,$addr) = @_;
return Net::Async::Webservice::UPS::Shipper->new({
address => $addr,
( $self->account_number ? ( account_number => $self->account_number ) : () ),
sub _shipper_from_contact {
my ($self,$contact) = @_;
return $contact if $contact->isa('Net::Async::Webservice::UPS::Shipper');
return Net::Async::Webservice::UPS::Shipper->new({
%$contact, # ugly!
( $self->account_number ? ( account_number => $self->account_number ) : () ),
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
Net::Async::Webservice::UPS - UPS API client, non-blocking
=head1 VERSION
version 1.1.2
use IO::Async::Loop;
use Net::Async::Webservice::UPS;
my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new;
my $ups = Net::Async::Webservice::UPS->new({
config_file => $ENV{HOME}.'/.naws_ups.conf',
loop => $loop,
$ups->validate_address($postcode)->then(sub {
my ($response) = @_;
say $_->postal_code for @{$response->addresses};
return Future->wrap();
use Net::Async::Webservice::UPS;
my $ups = Net::Async::Webservice::UPS->new({
config_file => $ENV{HOME}.'/.naws_ups.conf',
user_agent => LWP::UserAgent->new,
my $response = $ups->validate_address($postcode)->get;
say $_->postal_code for @{$response->addresses};
This class implements some of the methods of the UPS API, using
L<Net::Async::HTTP> as a user agent I<by default> (you can still pass
something like L<LWP::UserAgent> and it will work). All methods that
perform API calls return L<Future>s (if using a synchronous user
agent, all the Futures will be returned already completed).
B<NOTE>: I've kept many names and codes from the original L<Net::UPS>,
so the API of this distribution may look a bit strange. It should make
it simpler to migrate from L<Net::UPS>, though.
=head2 C<live_mode>
Boolean, defaults to false. When set to true, the live API endpoint
will be used, otherwise the test one will. Flipping this attribute
will reset L</base_url>, so you generally don't want to touch this if
you're using some custom API endpoint.
=head2 C<base_url>
A L<URI> object, coercible from a string. The base URL to use to send
API requests to (actual requests will be C<POST>ed to an actual URL
built from this by appending the appropriate service path). Defaults
to the standard UPS endpoints:
=over 4
=item *
=item *
See also L</live_mode>.
=head2 C<user_id>
=head2 C<password>
=head2 C<access_key>
Strings, required. Authentication credentials.
=head2 C<account_number>
String. Used in some requests as "shipper number".
=head2 C<customer_classification>
String, usually one of C<WHOLESALE>, C<OCCASIONAL>, C<RETAIL>. Used
when requesting rates.
=head2 C<pickup_type>
String, defaults to C<ONE_TIME>. Used when requesting rates.
=head2 C<cache>
Responses are cached if this is set. You can pass your own cache
object (that implements the C<get> and C<set> methods like L<CHI>
does), or use the C<cache_life> and C<cache_root> constructor
parameters to get a L<CHI> instance based on L<CHI::Driver::File>.
=head2 C<user_agent>
A user agent object, looking either like L<Net::Async::HTTP> (has
C<do_request> and C<POST>) or like L<LWP::UserAgent> (has C<request>
and C<post>). You can pass the C<loop> constructor parameter to get a
default L<Net::Async::HTTP> instance.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 C<does_caching>
Returns a true value if caching is enabled.
=head2 C<new>
my $ups = Net::Async::Webservice::UPS->new({
loop => $loop,
config_file => $file_name,
cache_life => 5,
my $ups = Net::Async::Webservice::UPS->new({
user_agent => LWP::UserAgent->new,
config_file => $file_name,
cache_life => 5,
In addition to passing all the various attributes values, you can use
a few shortcuts.
=over 4
=item C<loop>
a L<IO::Async::Loop>; a locally-constructed L<Net::Async::HTTP> will be registered to it and set as L</user_agent>
=item C<config_file>
a path name; will be parsed with L<Config::Any>, and the values used as if they had been passed in to the constructor
=item C<cache_life>
lifetime, in I<minutes>, of cache entries; a L</cache> will be built automatically if this is set (using L<CHI> with the C<File> driver)
=item C<cache_root>
where to store the cache files for the default cache object, defaults to C<naws_ups> under your system's temporary directory
A few more examples:
=over 4
=item *
no config file, no cache, async:
=item *
no config file, no cache, custom user agent (sync or async):
it's your job to register the custom user agent to the event loop, if
you're using an async agent
=item *
config file, async, custom cache:
=head2 C<transaction_reference>
Constant data used to fill something in requests. I don't know what
it's for, I just copied it from L<Net::UPS>.
=head2 C<access_as_xml>
Returns a XML document with the credentials.
=head2 C<request_rate>
from => $address_a,
to => $address_b,
packages => [ $package_1, $package_2 ],
}) ==> (Net::Async::Webservice::UPS::Response::Rate)
C<from> and C<to> are instances of
L<Net::Async::Webservice::UPS::Address>, or postcode strings that will
be coerced to addresses.
C<packages> is an arrayref of L<Net::Async::Webservice::UPS::Package>
(or a single package, will be coerced to a 1-element array ref).
I<NOTE>: the C<id> field of the packages I<used to be modified>. It no
longer is.
Optional parameters:
=over 4
=item C<limit_to>
only accept some services (see L<Net::Async::Webservice::UPS::Types/ServiceLabel>)
=item C<exclude>
exclude some services (see L<Net::Async::Webservice::UPS::Types/ServiceLabel>)
=item C<mode>
defaults to C<rate>, could be C<shop>
=item C<service>
defaults to C<GROUND>, see L<Net::Async::Webservice::UPS::Service>
=item C<customer_context>
optional string for reference purposes
The L<Future> returned will yield an instance of
L<Net::Async::Webservice::UPS::Response::Rate>, or fail with an
Identical requests can be cached.
=head2 C<validate_address>
==> (Net::Async::Webservice::UPS::Response::Address)
==> (Net::Async::Webservice::UPS::Response::Address)
C<$address> is an instance of L<Net::Async::Webservice::UPS::Address>,
or a postcode string that will be coerced to an address.
Optional parameter: a tolerance (float, between 0 and 1). Returned
addresses with quality below 1 minus tolerance will be filtered out.
The L<Future> returned will yield an instance of
L<Net::Async::Webservice::UPS::Response::Address>, or fail with an
Identical requests can be cached.
=head2 C<validate_street_address>
==> (Net::Async::Webservice::UPS::Response::Address)
C<$address> is an instance of L<Net::Async::Webservice::UPS::Address>,
or a postcode string that will be coerced to an address.
The L<Future> returned will yield an instance of
L<Net::Async::Webservice::UPS::Response::Address>, or fail with an
Identical requests can be cached.
=head2 C<ship_confirm>
from => $source_contact,
to => $destination_contact,
description => 'something',
payment => $payment_method,
packages => \@packages,
}) ==> $shipconfirm_response
Performs a C<ShipConfirm> request to UPS. The parameters are:
=over 4
=item C<from>
required, instance of L<Net::Async::Webservice::UPS::Contact>, where the shipments starts from
=item C<to>
required, instance of L<Net::Async::Webservice::UPS::Contact>, where the shipments has to be delivered to
=item C<shipper>
optional, instance of L<Net::Async::Webservice::UPS::Shipper>, who is requesting the shipment; if not specified, it's taken to be the same as the C<from> with the L</account_number> of this UPS object
=item C<service>
the shipping service to use, see L<Net::Async::Webservice::UPS::Types/Service>, defaults to C<GROUND>
=item C<description>
required string, description of the shipment
=item C<payment>
required instance of L<Net::Async::Webservice::UPS::Payment>, how to pay for this shipment
=item C<label>
optional instance of L<Net::Async::Webservice::UPS::Label>, what kind of label to request
=item C<packages>
an arrayref of L<Net::Async::Webservice::UPS::Package> (or a single package, will be coerced to a 1-element array ref), the packages to ship
=item C<return_service>
optional, instance of L<Net::Async::Webservice::UPS::ReturnService>, what kind of return service to request
=item C<delivery_confirmation>
optional, 1 means "signature required", 2 mean "adult signature required"
=item C<customer_context>
optional string for reference purposes
Returns a L<Future> yielding an instance of
B<NOTE>: the API of this call may change in the future, let me know if
features you need are missing or badly understood!
=head2 C<ship_accept>
confirm => $shipconfirm_response,
}) ==> $shipaccept_response
Performs a C<ShipAccept> request to UPS. The parameters are:
=over 4
=item C<confirm>
required, instance of L<Net::Async::Webservice::UPS::Response::ShipmentConfirm>,as returned by L</ship_confirm>
=item C<customer_context>
optional string for reference purposes
Returns a L<Future> yielding an instance of
=head2 C<qv_events>
subscriptions => [ Net::Async::Webservice::UPS::QVSubscription->new(
name => 'MySubscription',
) ],
}) ==> $qv_response
Performs a C<QVEvennts> request to UPS. The parameters are:
=over 4
=item C<subscriptions>
optional, array of L<Net::Async::Webservice::UPS::QVSubscription>, specifying what you want to retrieve
=item C<bookmark>
optional, string retrieved from a previous call, used for pagination (see L<Net::Async::Webservice::UPS::Response::QV>)
=item C<customer_context>
optional string for reference purposes
Returns a L<Future> yielding an instance of
=head2 C<xml_request>
url_suffix => $string,
data => \%request_data,
XMLout => \%xml_simple_out_options,
XMLin => \%xml_simple_in_options,
}) ==> ($parsed_response);
This method is mostly internal, you shouldn't need to call it.
It builds a request XML document by concatenating the output of
L</access_as_xml> with whatever L<XML::Simple> produces from the given
C<data> and C<XMLout> options.
It then posts (possibly asynchronously) this to the URL obtained
concatenating L</base_url> with C<url_suffix> (see the L</post>
method). If the request is successful, it parses the body (with
L<XML::Simple> using the C<XMLin> options) and completes the returned
future with the result.
If the parsed response contains a non-zero
C</Response/ResponseStatusCode>, the returned future will fail with a
L<Net::Async::Webservice::UPS::Exception::UPSError> instance.
=head2 C<post>
$ups->post($url_suffix,$body) ==> ($decoded_content)
Posts the given C<$body> to the URL obtained concatenating
L</base_url> with C<$url_suffix>. If the request is successful, it
completes the returned future with the decoded content of the
response, otherwise it fails the future with a
L<Net::Async::Webservice::Common::Exception::HTTPError> instance.
=head2 C<generate_cache_key>
Generates a cache key (a string) identifying a request. Two requests
with the same cache key should return the same response.
=for Pod::Coverage BUILDARGS
=head1 AUTHORS
=over 4
=item *
Gianni Ceccarelli <gianni.ceccarelli@net-a-porter.com>
=item *
Sherzod B. Ruzmetov <sherzodr@cpan.org>
This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Gianni Ceccarelli <gianni.ceccarelli@net-a-porter.com>.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.