use utf8;
use strict;
use DBI;
use Encode qw/encode decode FB_CROAK LEAVE_SRC/;
use DBD::SQLite 1.68; # minimal version for 'sqlite_string_mode' attr
use DBD::SQLite::Constants ':dbd_sqlite_string_mode';
# NOTE : this test program takes command-line options so that it can be tried on various databases.
# See %valid_options below -- you should at least supply -data_source, -user and -passwd.
# If no data source is explicitly given, a SQLite database is used as default.
# drivers known to properly upgrade latin1 native strings
my %driver_autoupgrades_latin1 = map {($_ => 1)} qw/SQLite Pg/;
# strings to be used in tests
my %tst_encodings = (
default => "cette hétaïre me plaît",
'iso-8859-1' => "cette hétaïre me plaît",
cp1252 => "il était une bergère, elle vendait ses œufs en ¥, ça paie 5¾ ‰ de mieux qu’en €",
# parse command-line options and supply default values
my %valid_options = (
# name Getopt format default
# ==== ============= =======
data_source => ['s' , ],
user => ['s' , '' ],
passwd => ['s' , '' ],
connect_attr => ['s%{,}' , {RaiseError => 1} ], # usage: -connect_attr key1=val1 key2=val2 ...
TABLE => ['s' , 'TST' ], # name of a table where we can insert rows ..
KEY_COL => ['s' , 'KEY' ], # .. with keys of that name
VAL_COL => ['s' , 'VAL' ], # .. and with values of that name
KEY_NATIVE => ['s' , 'TST_NATIVE' ], # key value for inserting a native string
KEY_UTF8 => ['s' , 'TST_UTF8' ], # key value for inserting a utf8 string
sqlite_file => ['s' , 'foo.sqlite' ],
GetOptions \my %opt, map {"$_=$valid_options{$_}[0]"} keys %valid_options;
$opt{$_} //= $valid_options{$_}[1] for keys %valid_options;
# create default sqlite database
if (!$opt{data_source}) {
$opt{data_source} = "dbi:SQLite:dbname=$opt{sqlite_file}";
# create fresh database file with one table & two cols
unlink $opt{sqlite_file};
my $dbh = DBI->connect(@opt{qw/data_source user passwd connect_attr/});
$dbh->do("CREATE TABLE $opt{TABLE}($opt{KEY_COL}, $opt{VAL_COL})");
$opt{connect_attr}{sqlite_string_mode} = DBD_SQLITE_STRING_MODE_UNICODE_STRICT;
# do the tests
use_ok 'DBIx::AutoUpgrade::NativeStrings'
diag( "Testing DBIx::AutoUpgrade::NativeStrings $DBIx::AutoUpgrade::NativeStrings::VERSION, Perl $], $^X" );
while (my ($encoding, $str) = each %tst_encodings) {
test_encoding($encoding, $str);
sub test_encoding {
my ($encoding, $str) = @_;
my ($downgrade, $upgrade)
= $encoding eq 'default' ? (sub {my $str = shift; utf8::downgrade($str); $str},
sub {my $str = shift; utf8::upgrade($str) ; $str})
: (sub {my $str = shift; encode($encoding, $str)},
sub {my $str = shift; decode($encoding, $str)});
# connect to the database
my $dbh = DBI->connect(@opt{qw/data_source user passwd connect_attr/}) or die $DBI::errstr;
note "testing $encoding encoding on DBD driver $dbh->{Driver}{Name}";
# first check how tests behave without the callbacks. This proves that semantically equivalent strings
# are considered not equal by some drivers, and CP1252 strings are never considered equal to their UTF8
# equivalent, because they need an explicit decode()
my $expected_without_callbacks
= $encoding eq 'cp1252' || !$driver_autoupgrades_latin1{$dbh->{Driver}{Name}} ? 'NE' : 'EQ';
run_tests($dbh, $encoding, without_callbacks => $expected_without_callbacks, $str, $downgrade, $upgrade);
# now inject callbacks and test again, this time expecting 'EQ' results.
my @debug_msgs;
my $injector = DBIx::AutoUpgrade::NativeStrings->new(
native => $encoding,
debug => sub {push @debug_msgs, join "", @_},
run_tests($dbh, $encoding, with_callbacks => 'EQ', $str, $downgrade, $upgrade);
# check a few simple things on debug messages
like $debug_msgs[0], qr/^triggering 'selectrow_array'.*?\[SELECT.*?in main at.*?line \d+/, "first debug msg";
like $debug_msgs[-1], qr/^triggering 'execute_array'/, "last debug msg";
sub run_tests {
my ($dbh, $encoding, $have_callbacks, $expected, $str, $downgrade, $upgrade) = @_;
my $context = "$encoding, $have_callbacks: expecting $expected";
my $str_native = $downgrade->($str);
my $str_utf8 = $upgrade->($str_native);
my ($sth, $result);
my $maybe_from_dual = sub {my $sql = shift; $sql .= " FROM DUAL" if $dbh->{Driver}{Name} eq 'Oracle'; $sql};
my $sql = $maybe_from_dual->("SELECT CASE WHEN ?=? THEN 'EQ' ELSE 'NE' END CMP_RESULT");
# testing dbh methods -- direct select from dbh
($result) = $dbh->selectrow_array(clonestr($sql), {}, clonestr($str_native, $str_utf8));
is $result, $expected, "[$context] (selectrow_array)";
$result = $dbh->selectrow_arrayref(clonestr($sql), {}, clonestr($str_native, $str_utf8));
is $result->[0], $expected, "[$context] (selectrow_arrayref)";
$result = $dbh->selectrow_hashref(clonestr($sql), {}, clonestr($str_native, $str_utf8));
is $result->{CMP_RESULT}, $expected, "[$context] (selectrow_hashref)";
$result = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(clonestr($sql), {}, clonestr($str_native, $str_utf8));
is $result->[0][0], $expected, "[$context] (selectall_arrayref)";
($result) = $dbh->selectall_array(clonestr($sql), {}, clonestr($str_native, $str_utf8));
is $result->[0], $expected, "[$context] (selectall_array)";
$result = $dbh->selectall_hashref(clonestr($sql), 'CMP_RESULT', {}, clonestr($str_native, $str_utf8));
is $result->{$expected}{CMP_RESULT}, $expected, "[$context] (selectall_hashref)";
# testing sth methods --- prepare / execute or prepare / bind_param / execute
$sth = $dbh->prepare(clonestr($sql));
$sth->execute(clonestr($str_native, $str_utf8));
($result) = $sth->fetchrow_array;
is $result, $expected, "[$context] (prepare / execute)";
$sth = $dbh->prepare(clonestr($sql));
$sth->bind_param(1, clonestr($str_native));
$sth->bind_param(2, clonestr($str_utf8));
($result) = $sth->fetchrow_array;
is $result, $expected, "[$context] (prepare / bind_param / execute)";
# testing interpolated strings without bind values -- native and utf8.
# Note: eval is needed because the result of interpolation without the callbacks may yield invalid SQL
my $sql1 = $downgrade->($maybe_from_dual->("SELECT CASE WHEN '$str'=? THEN 'EQ' ELSE 'NE' END"));
($result) = eval {$dbh->selectrow_array(clonestr($sql1), {}, clonestr($str_utf8))};
is $result, $expected, "[$context] (interpolated native string)" if $result;
my $sql2 = $upgrade->($sql1);
($result) = eval {$dbh->selectrow_array(clonestr($sql2), {}, clonestr($str_native))};
is $result, $expected, "[$context] (interpolated utf8 string)" if $result;
# if there is a table we can write into, test the 'do' method and a roundtrip to the database
if (!($opt{TABLE} && $opt{KEY_COL} && $opt{VAL_COL})) {
note "skipping INSERT tests";
note "to run those tests, you need to supply options -TABLE, -KEY_COL, -VAL_COL on the command-line";
else {
my $sql_delete = "DELETE FROM $opt{TABLE} WHERE $opt{KEY_COL} IN (?, ?)";
my $sql_insert = "INSERT INTO $opt{TABLE}($opt{KEY_COL}, $opt{VAL_COL}) VALUES(?, ?)";
my $sql_select = "SELECT $opt{VAL_COL} FROM $opt{TABLE} WHERE $opt{KEY_COL} = ?";
# delete data from previous tests, insert and select back
$dbh->do($sql_delete, {}, @opt{qw/KEY_NATIVE KEY_UTF8/});
$dbh->do($sql_insert, {}, $opt{KEY_NATIVE}, clonestr($str_native));
($result) = $dbh->selectrow_array(clonestr($sql_select), {}, $opt{KEY_NATIVE});
my $cmp_strings = $result eq $str_utf8 ? 'EQ' : 'NE';
is $cmp_strings, $expected, "[$context] (after do / INSERT / SELECT)";
# same thing, but with bind_param_array()
$dbh->do($sql_delete, {}, @opt{qw/KEY_NATIVE KEY_UTF8/});
$sth = $dbh->prepare($sql_insert);
$sth->bind_param_array(1, [@opt{qw/KEY_NATIVE KEY_UTF8/}]);
$sth->bind_param_array(2, [clonestr($str_native, $str_utf8)]);
($result) = $dbh->selectrow_array(clonestr($sql_select), {}, $opt{KEY_NATIVE});
$cmp_strings = $result eq $str_utf8 ? 'EQ' : 'NE';
is $cmp_strings, $expected, "[$context] (after do / INSERT / bind_param_array / SELECT)";
# same thing, but with bind values passed directl to execute_array()
$dbh->do($sql_delete, {}, @opt{qw/KEY_NATIVE KEY_UTF8/});
$sth = $dbh->prepare($sql_insert);
$sth->execute_array({}, [@opt{qw/KEY_NATIVE KEY_UTF8/}], [clonestr($str_native, $str_utf8)]);
($result) = $dbh->selectrow_array($sql_select, {}, $opt{KEY_NATIVE});
$cmp_strings = $result eq $str_utf8 ? 'EQ' : 'NE';
is $cmp_strings, $expected, "[$context] (after do / INSERT / execute_array / SELECT)";
# cleanup
$dbh->do($sql_delete, {}, @opt{qw/KEY_NATIVE KEY_UTF8/});
sub clonestr { # make fresh copies of strings for each test. Otherwise strings would be overridden by the 1st test
my @c = @_;
return @c;
# - ternary form of bind_param()