Revision history for Perl extension DBIx::DataModel.
v3.11 28.04.2024
Carp::Clan replaced by Carp::Object
new Schema attribute: 'frame_filter' (to be transmitted to Devel::StackTrace)
new Schema attribute: 'auto_show_error_statement'
$dbh->{ShowErrorStatement} is automatically turned on by default
more precise multiplicity rules for Compositions
the composite multiplicity must be 1..1 (previously 0..1 was incorrectly allowed)
the component multiplicity must not be 1..1 (previously 0..1 was incorrectly forbidden)
v3.10 11.03.2024
bug fix : schema attribute setters must accept undef (for erasing the attribute)
added tests for the debug() method
internal refactoring : find_result_class() is now done in the metaschema, not in Statement class
v3.09 27.01.2024
installing $dbh->{HandleError} so that error messages are reported from the caller's perspective
new feature: select(..., -result_as => [subquery => 'aliased_column'])
v3.08 13.01.2024
new Statement arg : -sql_abstract (can also be written -with) for supporting Common Table Expressions
refactoring of method Statement::refine()
v3.07 26.12.2023
-where_on : support for table aliases and association names
v3.06 22.11.2023
support for SQL dialect 'Oracle12c'
new arguments 'sql_abstract_class' and 'sql_abstract_args' to define_schema()
v3.05 26.07.2023
new method $statement->nb_fetched_rows & fix buggy $statement->page_boundaries
v3.04 05.11.2022
fix $metatable->components (was populated on both paths, which is obviously wrong)
v3.03 23.07.2022
forgot to update Build.PL to depend on SQL::Abstract::More v1.39
v3.02 22.07.2022
upgrade dependency on SQL::Abstract::More v1.37
fix circular dependency in Meta::Utils
fix documentation of Meta::Utils (API as functions instead of methods)
v3.01 02.02.2021
upgrade dependency on SQL::Abstract::More v1.37
internals: common infrastructure for abstract methods
fix a very old bug : make class method primary_key() work in multi-schema mode.
cleanup references to old method primKey() instead of primary_key()
replace Acme::Damn by Data::Structure::Util
documentation and tests for the set operators -union, -intersect, etc.
-result_as => 'hashref' or 'categorize' can take a subroutine argument
kwalitee improvements (Filippo Biondi++)
v3.0 23.02.2018
bump to next major version
complete revision of documentation
-08 06.02.2018
after_commit callbacks are executed outside of the transaction
new schema parameter 'resultAs_classes'
suppress ConnectedSource -- now handled directly within source classes
new parameter 'join_with_USING', both at statement and at schema level
simplification and cleanup of all v2 tests
v2.47_05 08.01.2018
extending -result_as through subclasses in DBIDM::Schema::ResultAs namespace
new result kinds : xlsx, tsv, file_tabular, count, table, etc.
methods db_schema() and with_db_schema to prefix tables by DB schema name
new method $schema->do_after_commit()
new statement methods : dbh(), finish(), headers()
better factorization of operations for update()
better validation of arguments (no longer allow_extra)
use Carp::Clan
drop dependency on Scalar::Does
Meta::Utils exports subroutines instead of OO methods
suppress ConnectedSource -- methods are handled directly in Source classes
main test suite ported to v2 syntax
fix RT#113092 "can't locally disable a schema-general auto_update spec"
upgraded dependency on SQL::Abstract::More, v1.32
new statement option -join_with_USING
avoid defined-or to be compatible with Perl 5.8
simplification and cleanup of all v2 tests
v2.46 02.06.2015
let SQL::Abstract quote identifiers in ON conditions (Sergiy Zuban++)
fix some edge cases for $statement->row_count() (Sergiy Zuban++)
RT#102908, schema generator accepts databases without any foreign key assoc
RT#104856, allow dots in DBMS function names (like Oracle DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR)
v2.45 08.01.2015
fix incorrect handling of column aliases in nested subqueries
v2.44 19.12.2014
RT100996, allow literal SQL in inserts
RT099205, transactions & changing dbh
v2.43 21.04.2014
drop statement methods ->goto_page(), ->shift_page(), ->next_page()
new recipe in Cookbook : how to quote table and column names (RT#93529)
check reftypes through Scalar::Does
call ->finish() on sth (Sergiy Zuban++)
v2.42 04.01.2014 : adding support for Plack::App::AutoCRUD
case-insensitivity for method $schema->db_table($db_name)
Schema::Generator::fromDBI takes new arguments $catalog, $schema, $type
v2.41 22.07.2013
fix bug in define_class() when DBIDM was artificially pre-populated
added method $schema->db_table($db_name)
don't generate duplicate associations with same names between same tables
better API for
Statement::Oracle, correct handling of -page_size / -page_index
v2.40 24.06.2013
fix multiple inheritance bug in joins with the same table twice
v2.39 17.06.2013
v2.38 25.05.2013
fixed test in v2_generator.t when Lingua::Inflect::EN is not installed
v2.37 21.05.2013
removed workaround for DBD::Oracle bug (fixed in v1.62)
v2.36 18.04.2013
adapt for SQLAM 1.15 : bind values with types must be of shape
[{dbd_attrs => \%datatype}, $orig_value]
(like in DBIx::Class)
v2.35 14.04.2013
reintroduced tmp workaround for DBD::Oracle bug (will only be fixed in v1.61)
adapt for SQLAM 1.14
v2.34 08.04.2013
new arg for select() : "-where_on" (still experimental)
Schema::Generator automatically infers compositions from ON DELETE CASCADE
support for for values of shape [$orig_value, \%datatype] that will be
passed to the 3-args form of DBI::bind_param()
(was fixed in DBD::Oracle 1.60)
v2.33 24.03.2013
removed old workaround for DBD::Oracle bug
require minimal version 1.45 for DBD::Oracle (which fixed #76410)
tmp workaround for new DBD::Oracle bug
v2.32 19.02.2013
do the right thing when SQL::Abstract(array_datatypes => 1)
new feature: $schema->autolimit_firstrow(1);
v2.31 08.02.2013
Support for DBIx::RetryOverDisconnects in transactions
Schema::Generator uses Lingua::EN::Inflect::Phrase; test implemented
using DBD::SQLite v1.38_01
v2.30 31.08.2012
changed check if should return pKey from "exists" to "defined"
in _singleInsert
v2.29 18.08.2012
fix insert() when primary key is over several columns
removed deprecated call to defined(@array)
declare POD =encoding so that Pod::Simple is happy
v2.28 03.06.2012
fix ->row_count() on UNION/INTERSECT
v2.27 29.05.2012
new dependency on Try::Tiny for better evals
support for set operators for compound queries (UNION/INTERSECT/etc)
v2.26 05.05.2012
automatic composition of handlers when multiple under the same name
added TO_JSON method so that the JSON module can happily encode
DBIDM data rows
v2.25 21.04.2012
skip Oracle tests when DBD::Oracle is not installed
v2.24 20.04.2012
fixed a bug with Oracle cursors
v2.23 19.03.2012
added support for INSERT .. RETURNING .. INTO .. (used by Oracle)
v2.22 08.03.2012
fixed bug in ->update() with nested refs, bug introduced in v2.20
v2.21 29.02.2012
fixed bug in $meta_source->tables(), ->associations(), etc.
v2.20 14.02.2012
fixed bug on update() in multi-schema mode
bulk updates now apply the 'to_DB' handler
todo upd Reference
REMOVED AUTOMATIC COMPATIBILITY v1; now needs arg Compatibility => 1.0
v2.10 26.01.2012
fixed bug on delete() method, introduced in v2.09
v2.09 21.01.2012
error message when wrong call to $schema->Table(..)
error message when wrong call to ->do_transaction(sub {...})
update() accepts refs to refs or scalars for verbatim SQL
v2.08 18.12.2011
forgot to declare use POSIX qw/LONG_MAX/ -- buggy on Perl 5.8
v2.07 16.12.2011
using new SQLA::More API for insert/update/delete
new class Statement::Oracle, support for scrollable cursors
v2.06 07.12.2011
new method Path::opposite()
v2.05 14.11.2011
bug fix in strict V2 mode : was still using old V1 syntax "componentRoles"
v2.04 14.11.2011
bug fix in strict V2 mode : was still using old V1 syntax
v2.03 11.11.2011
forgot to use Meta::Utils in
v2.02 12.10.2011
namespace::autoclean conflicts with autoload. Replaced by namespace::clean
v2.01 07.10.2011
missing AutoExpand in v1 compatibility mode
suppress 1 warning in string comparison
v2.0 12.09.2011
CPAN publish
v1.99_06 21.08.2011
refactoring : new class ConnectedSource, not to confuse with Statements
v1.99_05 14.08.2011
v1.99_04 13.08.2011
fixed broken test on perl 5.8/5.10 (MRO::Compat loaded too late)
yet more doc (Design.pod)
v1.99_03 06.08.2011
Reference.pod finished. Still work to do on other pods.
v1.99_02 02.08.2011
many updates in doc (not totally finished yet)
v1.99_01 31.07.2011
MAJOR REVISION, see Doc/Delta_2.0.pod
new metaclass / reflection layer
use base ==> use parent
deprecated Autoload()
removed keepLasth, lasth
dropped support for positional args to select()
v1.29 25.07.2011
fixed limit/offset in Statement::JDBC (old bug never discovered!)
v1.28 10.06.2011
fixed tests when DBD::Mock < 1.39 ("skip" statement was wrong)
statement status is a dualvar (int, string)
$source->createStatement() is deprecated
new parameter for select() : -prepareAttrs
v1.27 30.05.2011
fetch() : do not allow undefs in primary key
reuseRow() : hash key names are taken from $sth->{FetchHashKeyName};
bug fix: -resultAs => flat_arrayref does preserve column order
$schema->dbh(undef) erases the current $dbh
v1.26 31.10.2010
-postFetch renamed as -postBless
no longer import deprecated UNIVERSAL qw/isa/
fix tests broken by SQL::Abstract::Test 1.69 no longer case-insensitive
v1.25 03.06.2010
added the -returning option to insert()
v1.24 18.04.2010
implemented 'primKey' for views, and moved method to
added the -resultAs => "hashref" option to select()
v1.23 29.03.2010
back to use POSIX qw(INT_MAX); # because import () breaks on 5.8,
v1.22 26.03.2010
use POSIX (); (because import() was buggy on Win32)
added property 'limitOffset' in sqlDialect
v1.21 01.03.2010
localize $@ in Schema::_State::DESTROY
selectImplicitlyFor not applied when -resultAs => 'subquery'
updated doc : no longer necessary to use BEGIN blocks
v1.20 17.02.2010
more flexible parameterization for calling last_insert_id
v1.19 17.08.2009
insert(..) now accepts a list of arrayrefs (kind of 'populate' method)
fixes in the doc (thanks to Terrence Brannon for many suggestions)
announce discussion group @ googlegroups & public source @
v1.18 31.07.2009
added missing "use DBI" in Schema::Generator
added Schema methods 'table' and 'view'
more liberal in _createPackage, just check not clobbering @ISA
v1.17 10.06.2009
treat case when $schema->dbh is undef
v1.16 10.06.2009
doTransaction properly calls dbh() instead of direct access to classData
localizeState properly calls setter methods when restoring previous state
v1.15 02.06.2009
bug fix on reporting rollback exceptions
v1.14 20.04.2009
bug fix on adaptations for SQL::Abstract v1.51 (select(-where => [...]))
v1.13 08.04.2009
adaptations for SQL::Abstract v1.51 (syntax change for -and/-or)
v1.12 17.03.2009
stupid error in count of SKIP tests (MsAccess.t) when DBD::Mock is absent
dependency on SQL::Abstract v1.50, tests adapted
nested records in insert(): allow for empty arrayref
exceptions during doTransaction are returned as a blessed arrayref
fixed bug with ->fetch(@prim_key) when scalar(@prim_key) > 1
fixed bug with -pageIndex (missing code)
adapted tests for DBD::Mock 1.39
- : replaced deprecated
t/Storable.t :
parent process in eval() to avoid child zombie if parent dies
if Perl < 5.8, fallback to IO::String
t/DBIx-DataModel.t :
pre-test DBD::Mock on functionality rather than version number
-, : dynamic subclasses created through
@{$subclass."::ISA"} = @$aref;
instead of
{$subclass."::ISA"} = $aref;
so that Perl5.10 method cache is properly invalidated.
fixed hanging test because of bug 37054 in DBD::Mock
removed non-portable v-string in
fixed test when Acme::Damn is not installed
v1.03 23.09.2008 CPAN release
added method Schema->statementClass
bug fixes in Statement::_resolve_source and Statement::JDBC::execute
added -resultAs => 'flat_array' | 'subquery'
better error message when missing foreign keys in a $object->join(...)
MAJOR REVISION, see Doc/Delta_1.0.pod
added fetch_cached() method
fixed bug in select(..., -orderBy =>...)
better error message if missing foreign key
corrected _addSelectCriteria algorithm for merging several %where structs
new statement object
new method rowCount
AbstractTable renamed as Source
schema name is automatically prepended in table and views
totally removed deprecated methods selectSth, applyColumnHandlers,
-resultAs => 'statement' now means 'DBIx::DataModel::Statement'
(formerly was a synonym for 'sth'
fix bug in (loading Cursor class)
documentation: splitting into several parts and general reworking
Schema() : added an option to supply a customized SQL::Abstract instance
Cursor : forbids ->next(..) and ->all() on "fast cursors"
"ViewFromRoles", "selectFromRoles" renamed as "join", "selectJoined"
new method Schema->localizeState()
added fast iterators, using DBI's bind_columns() and fetch() methods
bug fix : fetch("") was returning the whole table!
scrollable cursor for JDBC
v0.39 08.02.2008
"longColumn|alias" syntax for -columns no longer modifies original data
bug fix Schema::FROM_THAW
->select(-fetch => $key)
doTransaction : all commits at the end
support for Storable::freeze/thaw
Schema::doTransaction(): support for localizing the dbh
v0.35 12.11.2007
Schema::doTransaction(): support for nested transactions
insert() : if component subtrees, the composite gets the prim. keys
v0.34 30.10.2007
minor change in Schema::doTransaction because rollback() problem in JDBC
v0.33 19.10.2007
minor fix in, don't delete a hash key from an each() loop
Schema() : added options tableParent and viewParent
select() : added option -resultAs => 'firstrow'
v0.32 21.08.2007
minor adaptation for perl 5.9 (because strict 'refs' is stricter!)
v0.31 30.05.2007
additional parameter in handlers called by autoUpdateColumns
v0.30 29.03.2007
fixed bug in Schema::dbh
v0.29 14.03.2007
AutoUpdateColumns was not called on insert -- fixed
added AutoInsertColumns()
added "longColumn|alias" syntax for -columns
v0.28 12.12.2006 CPAN release
fixed bug in _rawInsert (was unblessing $self in case of exceptions)
v0.27 14.11.2006
added Table::componentRoles()
primKey returns column names (class method) or values (instance method)
restructured insert(), added _singleInsert and _rawInsert
v0.26 12.11.2006
default values for column names in Associations
primKey returns list or scalar depending on wantarray
added optional arguments to Schema->dbh()
fixed arguments to last_insert_id
consistency checks on Compositions
v0.25 09.11.2006
more liberal parsing of multiplicities
v0.24 08.11.2006
insert() returns list or scalar depending on wantarray
v0.23 07.11.2006
added Composition() and cascaded insert/delete
added support for prefixes +/- for -orderBy
v0.22 14.09.2006
added option -postSQL to select()
- option to support old-style Makefile.PL
ViewFromRoles creates views in $schema::View namespace
v0.21 CPAN release 06.09.2006
check args for ViewFromRoles
check -resultAs value
fixed SKIP numbers in tests (when DBD::Mock is not installed)
fixed requires and recommends in
v0.20 CPAN release 27.05.2006
, v0.19 - internal releases, major rewrite:
reshuffled the inheritance tree
restructured the documentation
selectFromRoles() accepts roles from any table in the stack
added many-to-many Associations
added MethodFromRole()
added -distinct, -groupBy and -having clauses
insert() returns DBI->last_insert_id()
Minor fixes in documentation
SqlDialect() is deprecated (replaced by arg in Schema() method)
v0.16 CPAN release 26.01.2006
Associations now install an "insert_into_..." method
ViewFromRoles can take explicit join kinds (_INNER_|_LEFT_)
Schema->dbh(..) checks that RaiseError is true
term 'arity' replaced by 'multiplicity' in doc and code
Association() checks that multiplicities are not many to many
fixed internal hyperlinks in POD documentation
v0.15 internal release
added Schema methods 'classes' and 'views'
debug method now also prints the bind values
v0.14 CPAN release 28.11.2005
added clause "-for (readonly | update)" to select() and
added method "selectImplicitlyFor"
doTransaction starts with $dbh->begin_work
role methods reuse cached results from "expand"
added method Autoload(1|0)
v0.13 internal release
Added doTransaction
Added Schema->lasth;
Added the named arguments API to select()
new methods preselectWhere() and selectFromRoles()
new internal functions _parseSelectArgs() and _addSelectCriteria
rewrote implentation of Association role methods using these new functions
new method SqlDialect
v0.11 internal release
Updated the doc, explaining about writing role methods by hand
Added a check in fetch() that we are in a Table class
Changed implementation of ViewFromRoles, using INNER JOIN
v0.10 16.09.2005 First CPAN release,