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=head1 NAME
DBIx::DataModel::Doc::Delta_v2 - Differences introduced in version 2.0
The architecture and Application Programming Interface (API)
of C<DBIx::DataModel> were deeply
refactored in version 2.0. This document enumerates the main
differences introduced in that version.
For older changes, see also L<DBIx::DataModel::Doc::Delta_v1>.
All information about the schema is stored within meta-objects;
such objects can be queried for retrieving
the list of tables, the list of associations, etc.
The C<$dbh> database connection, and various parameters about
SQL generation, are no longer stored within the Schema B<class>;
instead, they are stored in B<instances> of
L<DBIx::DataModel::Schema>. By default, there is only one such instance,
and the class has a C<singleton()> method for reaching it : this is called
I<single-schema mode>, which is compatible with previous versions
of C<DBIx::DataModel>, and is also the most economical way to work with the
Even in single-schema mode, it is possible to switch between several
C<$dbh>, through methods L<DBIx::DataModel::Schema/localize_state>
and L<DBIx::DataModel::Schema/do_transaction>. However,
there is of course only one connected C<$dbh> at any point in time.
If the application needs to communicate with several C<$dbh> at the same
time, then it is necessary to enter I<multi-schema> mode,
simply by explicitly calling the L<DBIx::DataModel::Schema/new> method
on the schema subclass :
my $schema1 = My::DB->new(dbh => $dbh1);
my $schema2 = My::DB->new(dbh => $dbh2);
As soon as the C<new()> method is called, the system knows that
it should work in multi-schema mode, and the C<singleton()> method
becomes prohibited. As a consequence, calls to C<fetch()> or C<select()>
can no longer be invoked on a class name: the schema needs to be specified
# this does NOT work in multi-schema mode
my $rows = My::DB::SomeTable->select(...)
# but this does work
my $rows = $schema1->table('SomeTable')->select(...)
Another consequence of multi-schema mode is that every data row
will contain a reference to its schema, under name C<__schema>.
This is necessary if we want to be able to follow paths from that row :
my $other_row = $row->some_associated_table();
Therefore there is a small penalty for multi-schema mode, because
the C<__schema> in every row needs some memory and some bookkeeping.
=head2 Deprecation of camelCase methods
All methods and parameters previously written in "camelCase" notation
(à la Java, i.e "someMethodNameWithManyWords") are now
written with underscores (à la Perl, i.e. "some_method_name_with_many_words").
=head2 SQL::Abstract::More
Code that used to be with C<DBIx_:DataModel>, for extending
the L<SQL::Abstract> API, and tuning SQL generation, is now
moved to a separate distribution called L<SQL::Abstract::More>.
=head2 Introduction of Params::Validate
Arguments to methods are now systematically checked
through L<Params::Validate>.
This is in accordance with the principle of "defensive programming",
and helps to discover errors sooner.
=head2 Extended usage for C<update()> and C<delete()>
It is now possible to perform bulk updates or deletes, just like in
straigt SQL :
My::DB::SomeTable->update(-set => {foo => 123}
-where => {bar => {"<" => 456}});
My::DB::SomeTable->delete(-where => {col => {-like => "foobar%"});
=head2 Table inheritance
If your database supports table inheritance (like for example PostgreSQL),
you might define a corresponding inheritance structure
between the Perl table classes.
=head2 Reorganization of data sources
The former class C<DBIx::DataModel::View> is deprecated; it is now
treated exactly like a C<Table>.
A new L<DBIx::DataModel::Source::Join> class has been introduced
(together with its meta L<DBIx::DataModel::Meta::Source::Join>) :
this gives a cleaner structure for the specific needs of database joins.
=head2 Autoload
Autoload is deprecated. Reading or setting a column value
is done through the usual Perl operations for working with