use strict;
use Params::Validate qw/validate_with SCALAR/;
sub param_spec { # class method
return {
-worksheet => {type => SCALAR, default => 'Data'},
-tech_details => {type => SCALAR, default => 'Technical_details'},
sub new {
my $class = shift;
# the first positional arg is the output file .. string or a filehandle
my $file = shift
or croak 'select(..., -result_as => [xlsx => $file]): file is missing';
# other args as a hash of named options
my %self = validate_with(
params => \@_,
spec => $class->param_spec,
allow_extra => 0);
# assemble and bless
$self{file} = $file;
return bless \%self, $class;
sub get_result {
my ($self, $statement) = @_;
# create the Excel workbook
my $workbook = $self->create_workbook;
# gather data from the statement
my @headers = $statement->headers;
my @rows;
while (my $row = $statement->next) {
push @rows, [@{$row}{@headers}];
# create the data worksheet
my $worksheet = $self->create_data_worksheet($workbook);
$self->populate_worksheet($worksheet, \@headers, \@rows);
# optionally insert another sheet with technical details
$self->add_technical_details($workbook, $statement) if $self->{-tech_details};
# finalize
# return filename or filehandle
return $self->{file};
sub create_workbook {
my ($self) = @_;
my $workbook = Excel::Writer::XLSX->new($self->{file})
or die "open Excel file $self->{file}: $!";
return $workbook;
sub create_data_worksheet {
my ($self, $workbook) = @_;
my $worksheet = $workbook->add_worksheet($self->{-worksheet});
return $worksheet;
sub populate_worksheet {
my ($self, $worksheet, $headers, $rows) = @_;
# insert data as an Excel table
$worksheet->add_table(0, 0, scalar(@$rows), scalar(@$headers)-1, {
data => $rows,
columns => [ map { {header => $_}} @$headers ],
autofilter => 1,
sub add_technical_details {
my ($self, $workbook, $statement, $n_rows) = @_;
my $tech_worksheet = $workbook->add_worksheet($self->{-tech_details});
$tech_worksheet->write_col(0, 0, [
scalar(localtime), # time of the extraction
$statement->schema->dbh->{Name}, # database name
$statement->row_num . " rows", # number of rows
$statement->sql, # SQL and bind values
return $tech_worksheet;
=head1 NAME
DBIx::DataModel::Schema::ResultAs::Xlsx - writes into an Excel file
$source->select(..., -result_as => [xlsx => ($file,
-worksheet => $wksh_name,
-tech_details => 0)]);
Writes all resulting rows into an Excel file, using L<Excel::Writer::XLSX>.
=head1 METHODS
=head1 new
Arguments :
=item C<$file>
Mandatory. This can be either the name of a file to generate, or it can
be an open filehandle (see L<Excel::Writer::XLSX/new>).
=item C<< -worksheet => $wksh_name >>
Optional. Specifies the name of the data worksheet. Default is 'Data'.
=item C<< -tech_details => $details_name >>
Optional. Specifies the name of the worksheet that will report technical
details (time of extraction, name of database, SQL and bind values).
Default is 'Technical_details'. If set to 0 or to an empty string, the
technical sheet will not be generated.