# stupid class just to have some methods to test
package Point;
use strict;
# constructor
sub new {
my $class = shift;
bless {x => shift, y => shift, z => shift}, $class;
# x and y accessors
for my $meth (qw/x y/) {
no strict 'refs';
*$meth = sub { my $self = shift;
$self->{$meth} = shift if @_;
return $self->{$meth}; };
sub z {
my $self = shift;
$self->{z} = shift if @_;
return wantarray
? (qw(hello list context))
: $self->{z};
package main;
use strict;
plan tests => 9;
my $point = Point->new(5, 7, 1_000);
is($point->x, 5);
is($point->y, 7);
is($point->z, 1_000);
# transpose
(mslice($point, qw/x y/)) = mslice($point, qw/y x/);
is($point->x, 7);
is($point->y, 5);
# move 10 units on x, y, and z axes
(mslice($point, qw/x y z/)) = map {$_ + 10} @{[mslice($point, qw/x y z/)]};
is($point->x, 17);
is($point->y, 15);
is($point->z, 1_010);
# the call context for method calls is correct
my ($x, $y, $z) = mslice($point, qw/x y z/);
is_deeply( {x => $x, y => $y, z => $z },
{x => $point->x, y => $point->y, z => 1_010} );
# The line below won't work because that's an lvalue context without ASSIGN
# (mslice($point, qw/x y/)) = map {$_ - 2} mslice($point, qw/y x/);
# These won't work because they assign to a throwaway copy
# $_ += 50 for mslice($point, qw/x y/);
# is($point->x, 67);
# is($point->y, 65);