use strict;
# The purpose of this test is to ensure the implementation keeps all its
# data stored in instance data, and nothing is shared among streams.
eval {require List::Util; 1;} or do {
sub shuffle (@) {
my @a=\(@_);
my $n;
my $i=@_;
map {
$n = rand($i--);
(${$a[$n]}, $a[$n] = $a[$i])[0];
} @_;
use Data::BitStream::XS qw(code_is_universal);
my @encodings = qw|
Unary Unary1 Gamma Delta Omega
Fibonacci FibGen(3) EvenRodeh Levenstein
Golomb(10) Golomb(16) Golomb(14000)
Rice(2) Rice(9)
GammaGolomb(3) GammaGolomb(128) ExpGolomb(5)
BoldiVigna(2) Baer(0) Baer(-2) Baer(2)
StartStepStop(3-3-99) StartStop(1-0-1-0-2-12-99)
my $nstreams = 7;
my $nvals = 50;
plan tests => scalar @encodings;
foreach my $encoding (@encodings) {
my @stream_data; # array of arrays holding random integers
my @streams; # array of stream objects
my @nstream; # array of stream numbers, one per value
# Create data and streams
foreach my $stream_number (1 .. $nstreams) {
foreach my $n (1 .. $nvals) {
$stream_data[$stream_number][$n] = int(rand(1000));
push @nstream, $stream_number;
$streams[$stream_number] = Data::BitStream::XS->new;
# Now insert the data into interleaved streams, random ordering
my @stream_counter;
foreach my $sn (shuffle @nstream) {
my $v = $stream_data[$sn][$stream_counter[$sn]];
$streams[$sn]->code_put( $encoding, $v );
# close each stream as it is done
$streams[$sn]->write_close if $stream_counter[$sn] >= $nvals;
# Now read the interleaved streams in another random ordering
my $success = 1;
my @stream_counter;
foreach my $sn (shuffle @nstream) {
# open each stream as we come to it
$streams[$sn]->rewind if $stream_counter[$sn] == 1;
my $v = $streams[$sn]->code_get($encoding);
my $orig = $stream_data[$sn][$stream_counter[$sn]];
#is($v, $orig, "interleaved $encoding coding, value $stream_counter[$sn] of stream $sn/$nstreams");
$success = 0 if $v != $orig;
ok($success, "interleaved $encoding coding ($nstreams streams)");