[% INCLUDE header %]
<h2>[% IF request.action == 'do_search' %]Search results[% END %][% request.model_class.plural_moniker %]</h2>
[% listview = request.listviewmode | format("%sview") %]
<p class="subheading">
[% other = request.listviewmode == 'editlist' ? 'navigable' : 'editable' %]
[% request.link(table = model_class.table,
action = "switchlistmode",
label = "Switch to $other list view"
[% INCLUDE pager %]
[% INCLUDE $listview %]
[% INCLUDE addnew %]
[% INCLUDE search %]
# The columns and fields rendered in .listview are set here (list_columns + list_fields).
# The columns and fields rendered in .editlistview are set in setup_form_mode, editlist mode
# (list_columns + list_fields in the default model MP::FB::Model).
[% BLOCK listview %]
[% PERL %]
my $request = $stash->get('request');
my $callback = sub
my ( $object ) = @_;
return $request->as_form( 'edit_button', entity => $object )->render,
$request->as_form( 'delete_button', entity => $object )->render;
my @data = $request->tabulate( with_colnames => 1,
callback => $callback,
fields => [ $request->model_class->list_columns,
# 2 extra columns in the header row to accommodate the edit/delete buttons
push @{ $data[0] }, ( '', '' );
$stash->set('data', \@data);
[% END %]
[%# quick_table will populate the table with list_columns by default %]
<div class="NavListTable">[% request.quick_table( labels = 'T' ).render( data ) %]</div>
[% END %]
[% BLOCK editlistview %]
[% forms = request.as_forms( 'editlist' ) %]
[% names = request.model_class.column_names %]
<div class="FormListTable">
<table border="0">
[% dummy_form = forms.0 || request.model_class.as_form( mode = 'editlist' ) %]
[% PERL %]
my %names = $stash->get('names');
my $dummy_form = $stash->get('dummy_form');
foreach my $field ( grep { $_->type ne 'hidden' } $dummy_form->fields ) {
print "<th>";
print ($names{ $field } || ucfirst( $field ));
print "</th>";
[% END %]
<th colspan="5">Actions</th>
[% FOREACH form IN forms %]
[% request.render_form_as_row(form ) %]
[% END %]
[% END %]
[% INCLUDE footer %]