use strict;
use YAML qw(LoadFile DumpFile);
sub ACTION_install {
my $self = shift;
require AudioFile::Info;
die "Can't find the installation of AudioFile::Info\n" if $@;
my $pkg = $self->notes('package');
my $path = $INC{'AudioFile/'};
$path =~ s/$/plugins.yaml/;
my $config;
if (-f $path) {
$config = LoadFile($path);
$config->{$pkg} = $self->notes('config');
# calculate "usefulness" score
my ($mp3, $ogg);
for (qw(read write)) {
$mp3 += 50 if $config->{$pkg}{"${_}_mp3"};
for (qw(read write)) {
$ogg +=50 if $config->{$pkg}{"${_}_ogg"};
# prefer non-perl implementations
unless ($config->{$pkg}{pure_perl}) {
$mp3 += 10 if $mp3;
$ogg += 10 if $ogg;
# if no default set and this plugin has a score, or if this plugin
# score higher than the existing default, then set default
if (! exists $config->{default}{mp3} and $mp3
or $mp3 and $mp3 >= $config->{default}{mp3}{score}) {
$config->{default}{mp3} = { name => $pkg, score => $mp3 };
warn "AudioFile::Info - Default mp3 handler is now $pkg\n";
if (! exists $config->{default}{ogg} and $ogg
or $ogg and $ogg >= $config->{default}{ogg}{score}) {
$config->{default}{ogg} = { name => $pkg, score => $ogg };
warn "AudioFile::Info - Default ogg handler is now $pkg\n";
DumpFile($path, $config);
=head1 NAME
AudioFile::Info::Build - Build utilities for AudioFile::Info.
This is a module which is used as part of the build system for
AudioFile::Info plugins.
See L<AudioFile::Info> for more details.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 ACTION_install
Overrides the ACTION_install method from Module::Build.
=head1 AUTHOR
Dave Cross, E<lt><gt>
Copyright 2003 by Dave Cross
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.