use strict;
use vars qw($Seed);
# Store the seed so we can repeat the test if we fail
print STDOUT "# Seed was: $Seed\n";
BEGIN { use_ok 'Tie::Hash::Cannabinol' }
my $EP = .1; # epsilon
my %hash : Stoned;
my @keys = qw(one two three four);
@hash{@keys} = 1 .. 4;
# keys() not random
my @keys = keys %hash;
for (1..20) {
is_deeply [sort keys %hash], [sort @keys];
# each(), keys() and values() all produce the same length list
my $each_cnt;
$each_cnt++ while each %hash;
is $each_cnt, keys %hash;
is $each_cnt, values %hash;
# values() always in expected range
for (1..20) {
no warnings 'uninitialized';
like join('', values %hash), qr/^[1-4]*$/;
# If we forget something, do we remember it again?
# Forget something...
1 while defined $hash{3};
# Try to remember it again.
for (1..20) {
if( defined $hash{3} ) {
last TEST;
# Ensure we're forgetting 25% of the time.
my @values;
my $iters = 1000;
push(@values, grep(defined, values %hash)) for 1..$iters;
cmp_ok( abs( @values - ($iters * keys(%hash) * 3/4) ) / $iters, '<=', $EP);
# exists() returns randomly for keys that exist and also don't exist
for my $key (0..5) {
my $iters = 1000;
my $exists = 0;
$exists += exists($hash{$key}) ? 1 : -1 for 1..$iters;
cmp_ok( abs( $exists/$iters ), '<=', $EP );
# fetching should be random
my %dist;
my $iters = 2000;
for (1..$iters) {
no warnings 'uninitialized';
$dist{$_}++ for values %hash;
# Values fetched should be evenly distributed except for undef
for my $k (keys %dist) {
next unless defined $k;
cmp_ok( abs( ($dist{$k} - ($iters * 3/4)) / $iters ), '<=', $EP );
# Should get undef 25% of the time.
cmp_ok( abs( ($dist{''} - ($iters * keys(%hash) * 1/4)) / $iters ),
'<=', $EP );