use strict;
use FindBin qw( $RealBin );
use lib "$RealBin/../lib";
# Email transport may not be necessary. The local machine might do the job
# by default, so this is treated separately from the other email settings.
# The option validation is not tested here but in the options tests. If the
# server is specified but not the port, 25 should be used by default.
my ($host, $port);
my $mockEmailTransport = Test::MockModule->new('Email::Sender::Transport::SMTP');
$mockEmailTransport->mock('new', sub{
my $hr_params = $_[1];
$host = $$hr_params{host};
$port = $$hr_params{port};
$mockEmailTransport->mock('host', sub{shift; $host = shift;});
$mockEmailTransport->mock('port', sub{shift; $port = shift;});
$ipchgmon::opt_mailserver = 'Outbound mail';
$ipchgmon::opt_mailport = 25;
is $host, 'Outbound mail', 'Host populated correctly';
is $port, 25, 'Port populated correctly';
undef $host;
undef $port;
undef $ipchgmon::opt_mailport;
$ipchgmon::opt_mailserver = 'Outbound mail 2';
is $host, 'Outbound mail 2', 'Host populated correctly when port omitted';
is $port, 25, 'Port populated correctly when omitted';