use strict;
use FindBin qw( $RealBin );
# use lib "$RealBin/../lib/App"; # $RealBin has no trailing slash
my $NAME = 'ipchgmon';
my $invoke = "perl $RealBin/../lib/App/$";
# Integration test to ensure a file is created when ipchgmon
# is used from the command line.
# If the directory is not writable, the tests cannot pass,
# so ignore them
plan skip_all => 'Unable to write files' unless -w $RealBin;
my $fqname = $RealBin . '/test.txt';
file_not_exists_ok($fqname, 'File should not exist yet');
my $rtn = qx($invoke --file $fqname --server 2>&1);
file_exists_ok($fqname, 'File should be created if it doesn\'t exist ...');
file_not_empty_ok($fqname, '... and should contain something.');
unlink $fqname or warn "Unable to delete $fqname at end of tests.";