# ABSTRACT: Evolutionary profiles for sequence sites
$Bio::MUST::Core::SeqMask::Profiles::VERSION = '0.250200';
use Moose;
use autodie;
use feature qw(say);
use Carp;
# override superclass' Bool type
# Note: mask indices are as follow: [site]{full_id}{AA}
# mask values are AA freqs (both per seq and averaged over seqs)
has '+mask' => (
isa => 'ArrayRef[HashRef[HashRef[Num]]]',
# TODO: mask non-applicable methods from superclass? (Liskov principle)
# TODO: move this under PostPred instead of SeqMask?
const my $AVERAGE => '<:AVERAGE:>';
sub ppred_profiles {
my $class = shift;
my $alis = shift;
my $args = shift // {}; # HashRef (should not be empty...)
my $list = $args->{sim_list};
my @sim_freq_at_for;
my $regex;
my $width;
my $seq_inc;
my $avg_inc;
# loop through Ali objects to build site profiles
# Note: profiles will be available both per seq and averaged over seqs
for my $ali ( @{$alis} ) {
# extract seqs on which to compute freqs (defaults to all seqs)
my $sample = $list ? $list->filtered_ali($ali) : $ali;
my @seqs = $sample->all_seqs;
# setup mask details based on first Ali
unless ($regex) {
$regex = $ali->gapmiss_regex;
$width = $ali->width;
$seq_inc = 1.0 / @{$alis};
$avg_inc = $seq_inc / @seqs;
# loop through simulated seqs to store and average ppred state freqs
for my $seq (@seqs) {
my $full_id = $seq->full_id;
# store and average ppred state freq at each site for current seq
# Note: all missing/gap states are folded to '*'
for my $site (0..$width-1) {
my $sim_state = uc $seq->state_at($site);
$sim_state = '*' if $sim_state =~ m/$regex/xms;
$sim_freq_at_for[$site]{$full_id}{$sim_state} += $seq_inc;
$sim_freq_at_for[$site]{$AVERAGE}{$sim_state} += $avg_inc;
return $class->new( mask => \@sim_freq_at_for );
sub ppred_freqs {
my $self = shift;
my $ali = shift;
my $args = shift // {}; # HashRef (should not be empty...)
my $by_seq = $args->{by_seq} // 0;
my $list = $args->{obs_list};
# ppred_freqs_by_seq
# input: f_AA(site,seq)
# output: f_AAobs(site,seq)
# => mask f_AAobs_avg(site) over seq
# => seq sort f_AAobs_avg(seq) over sites
# ppred_freqs
# input: f_AA_avg(site) over seq
# output: f_AAobs(site,seq)
# => mask f_AAobs_avg(site) over seq
# => seq sort f_AAobs_avg(seq) over sites
tie my %obs_freq_for_at, 'Tie::IxHash';
# extract seqs on which to compute freqs (defaults to all seqs)
my $sample = $list ? $list->filtered_ali($ali) : $ali;
my @seqs = $sample->all_seqs;
# setup mask details
my $regex = $ali->gapmiss_regex;
my $width = $ali->width;
# loop through real seqs to store observed state freqs
# Note: ppred state freqs are either by seq or averaged over seqs
for my $seq (@seqs) {
my $full_id = $seq->full_id;
my $seq_key = $by_seq ? $full_id : $AVERAGE;
# store observed state freq at each site for current seq
# Note: sites with missing/gap state get a max freq of 1.0
for my $site (0..$width-1) {
my $sim_freq_for = ${ $self->state_at($site) }{$seq_key};
my $obs_state = uc $seq->state_at($site);
my $obs_freq = $obs_state =~ m/$regex/xms ? 1.0
: $sim_freq_for->{$obs_state} // 0.0;
$obs_freq_for_at{$full_id}[$site] = $obs_freq;
return Freqs->new( freq_for_at => \%obs_freq_for_at );
sub store {
my $self = shift;
my $outfile = shift;
open my $out, '>', $outfile;
# output header
say {$out} join "\t", qw(site seq aa), 'f(i,j)';
# setup loop
my @ids;
my @aas = split //xms, 'ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWY*'; # TODO: improve this
my $width = $self->mask_len;
# loop through sites, ids and AAs to output ppred state freqs
for my $site (0..$width-1) {
my $sim_freq_for = $self->state_at($site);
@ids = sort keys %{ $sim_freq_for // {} } unless @ids;
# get ids from first state
for my $id (@ids) {
next ID if $id eq $AVERAGE; # skip averaged ppred freqs
for my $aa (@aas) {
say {$out} join "\t", $site + 1, $id, $aa,
$sim_freq_for->{$id}{$aa} // 0;
} # missing AAs are set to 0 (hence the alphabet)
=head1 NAME
Bio::MUST::Core::SeqMask::Profiles - Evolutionary profiles for sequence sites
=head1 VERSION
version 0.250200
=head1 METHODS
=head2 ppred_profiles
=head2 ppred_freqs
=head2 store
=head1 AUTHOR
Denis BAURAIN <denis.baurain@uliege.be>
This software is copyright (c) 2013 by University of Liege / Unit of Eukaryotic Phylogenomics / Denis BAURAIN.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.