#!/usr/bin/env perl
use autodie;
use feature qw(say);
use List::AllUtils qw(shuffle);
use Path::Class qw(dir file);
use Bio::MUST::Core::Utils qw(change_suffix cmp_store);
my $class = 'Bio::MUST::Core::Tree';
my @exp_abbr_ids = ( qw(295881652 302595059 357123620 315623028 242096926
302803464 7269912 296090298 356550732 357479567
) );
my @exp_long_ids = (
'Hordeum vulgare_4513@295881652',
'Triticum aestivum_4565@302595059',
'Brachypodium distachyon_15368@357123620',
'Oryza sativa_39947@315623028',
'Sorghum bicolor_4558@242096926',
'Selaginella moellendorffii_88036@302803464',
'Arabidopsis thaliana_3702@7269912',
'Vitis vinifera_29760@296090298',
'Glycine max_3847@356550732',
'Medicago truncatula_3880@357479567'
my $infile = file('test', 'plantae.arb');
my $tree = $class->load($infile);
isa_ok $tree, $class, $infile;
is $tree->count_comments, 6, 'read expected number of comments';
is $tree->header, <<'EOT', 'got expected header';
# Sequences extracted from Plantae.ali of the 1 October 2012 at 9 hours 40
# File Plantae_ml.nbs created on 1 October 2012 at 9 hours 40
# 12737 positions remain on the 38214 aligned positions
# life.col,life.nom
# -528290.26
# There are 84 species
obj => $tree, method => 'store_arb',
file => 'plantae.arb',
test => 'wrote expected .arb file',
obj => $tree, method => 'store_arb',
file => 'plantae_ali.arb',
test => 'wrote expected .arb file with link to .ali',
args => { alifile => 'path-to/another.ali' },
# TODO: provision phyml
skip q{Cannot find 'phyml' in $PATH}, 5
unless qx{which phyml} && $^O ne 'solaris';
# Note: For some reason Solaris return value for 'which' is not usable
my $alifile = file('test', 'gb_strict.fasta');
my $ali = Bio::MUST::Core::Ali->load($alifile);
my $mapper = $ali->acc_mapper;
my $phyfile = file('test', 'my_gb_strict.phy');
qx{phyml -i $phyfile -d aa -c 1 -b -2 > /dev/null 2> /dev/null};
my $trefile = $phyfile . '_phyml_tree.txt';
my $tree = $class->load($trefile);
isa_ok $tree, $class, $trefile;
is $tree->count_comments, 0, 'read expected number of comments';
explain [ map { $_->full_id } $tree->all_seq_ids ];
cmp_bag [ map { $_->full_id } $tree->all_seq_ids ], \@exp_abbr_ids,
'got expected abbr_ids from tree';
# use Bio::Phylo::Treedrawer;
# my $td = Bio::Phylo::Treedrawer->new(
# -width => 400,
# -height => 600,
# -shape => 'RECT',
# -mode => 'CLADO',
# -format => 'PDF',
# );
# $td->set_padding(50);
# $td->set_tree($tree->tree);
# open my $out1, '>', file('test', 'test1.pdf');
# print {$out1} $td->draw;
explain [ map { $_->full_id } $tree->all_seq_ids ];
cmp_bag [ map { $_->full_id } $tree->all_seq_ids ], \@exp_long_ids,
'got expected long_ids from tree after restoring ids';
my ($version) = qx{phyml -v} =~ m/PhyML\s(v3\.0)/xms;
skip qq{PhyML version is not 3.0: $version}, 1
unless $version && $version eq 'v3.0';
obj => $tree, method => 'store_arb',
file => 'gb_strict.phy_phyml_tree.arb',
test => 'wrote expected .arb file after restoring ids',
my $infile = file('test', 'PBP3.tre');
my $tree = $class->load($infile);
obj => $tree, method => 'store_arb',
file => 'PBP3.arb',
test => 'wrote expected .arb file from .tre file (discarding BP)',
my $infile = file('test', 'FTSW.tre');
my $tree = $class->load($infile);
obj => $tree, method => 'store_tpl',
file => 'FTSW.tpl',
test => 'wrote expected .tpl file from .tre file (disc. BP and BL)',
obj => $tree, method => 'store',
file => 'FTSW.tre',
test => 'wrote expected .tre file after store_tpl (no side-effect)',
for my $base ( qw(unrooted-bp unrooted-pp rooted-bp rooted-pp) ) {
my $infile = file('test', "$base.tre");
my $tree = $class->load($infile);
obj => $tree, method => 'store_grp',
file => "$base.grp",
test => 'wrote expected .grp file from .tre file',
# Cannot easily test because of varying date
# cmp_store(
# obj => $tree, method => 'store_nbs',
# file => "$base.nbs",
# test => 'wrote expected .grp file from .tre file',
# );
my $infile = file('test', 'seqid-grp-nbs.tre');
my $tree = $class->load($infile);
obj => $tree, method => 'store_grp',
file => 'seqid-grp-nbs.grp',
test => 'wrote expected .grp file from .tre file (smart SeqIds)',
my @exp_long_branched_names = (
my $infile = file('test', 'root_tree_names_unrooted.tre');
my $tree = $class->load($infile);
my $node = $tree->get_node_that_maximizes;
my @got_names = map { $_->get_name } @{ $node->get_terminals };
cmp_bag \@got_names, \@exp_long_branched_names,
'correctly identified the longest branch';
$tree->root_tree($node, -1, 1);
obj => $tree, method => 'store',
file => "root_tree_names_rooted_ladder.tre",
# Note: root_tree_names_rooted_ladder_hand.tre (made with Seaview)
# has no duplication of the node name around the new root ; this is both
# better and worse depending on the visualization format (see in iToL)
test => 'wrote expected .tre rooted on longest branch',
# { # TODO: fix this test as set_root_below adds zero-length branches
# my $infile = file('test', 'fake-unroot.tpl');
# my $tree = $class->load($infile);
# my ($node) = @{ $tree->tree->get_by_regular_expression(
# -value => 'get_name',
# -match => qr/Fagus/,
# ) };
# $tree->root_tree($node, -1, 1);
# # should not trigger node metadata backup
# my $exp_file = file('test', 'fake-rootF.tpl');
# cmp_ok $tree->newick_str, 'eq', $class->load($exp_file)->newick_str,
# 'got expected newick string after rerooting topology on Fagus';
# }
my @exp_rootings = (
[ 'Canis', 'fake-rootC.tre' ],
[ 'Amanita', 'fake-rootA.tre' ],
[ 'Elmera', 'fake-rootE.tre' ],
[ 'Dasypus', 'fake-rootD.tre' ],
[ 'Boletus', 'fake-rootB.tre' ],
[ 'Fagus', 'fake-rootF.tre' ],
[ 'Eutheria', 'fake-rootCD.tre' ],
[ 'Agaricomycetes', 'fake-rootAB.tre' ],
[ 'eudicotyledons', 'fake-rootEF.tre' ],
my $infile = file('test', 'fake-unroot.tre');
my $tree = $class->load($infile);
for my $exp_rooting (@exp_rootings) {
my ($taxon, $file) = @{$exp_rooting};
my @nodes = @{ $tree->tree->get_entities };
my ($node) = @{ $tree->tree->get_by_regular_expression(
-value => 'get_name',
-match => qr/$taxon/,
) };
$tree->root_tree($node, -1, 1);
obj => $tree, method => 'store',
file => $file,
test => "wrote expected .tre rooted on $taxon",
for my $family ( qw(A B) ) {
my $infile = file('test', 'archaea-mcr-concat.tre');
my $tree = $class->load($infile);
my $filter = Bio::MUST::Core::SeqId->family_filter( [ "+$family" ] );
$tree->root_tree($filter, -1, 1);
# Note: both rooted trees should be equal for now
obj => $tree, method => 'store',
file => "archaea-mcr-concat-root$family.tre",
test => "wrote expected .tre rooted on family $family",
# TODO: test this!
# {
# my $infile1 = file('test', 'G12210-O-S-1-NO.tre');
# my $infile2 = file('test', 'G12210-O-S-1-NO-ref.tre');
# my $tree1 = Bio::MUST::Core::Tree->load($infile1);
# my $tree2 = Bio::MUST::Core::Tree->load($infile2);
# my $hash_ref = $tree1->match_branch_lengths($tree2);
# while (my ($clade, $bls_ref) = each %{$hash_ref}) {
# say join "\t", qq{'$clade'}, @{ $bls_ref };
# }
# explain $hash_ref;
# my $fac = Bio::Phylo::Factory->new;
# my $forest = $fac->create_forest;
# $forest->insert($tree1->tree);
# $forest->insert($tree2->tree);
# my $consensus = $forest->make_consensus;
# say $consensus->to_newick;
# }
# TODO: test switch_branch_lengths_and_labels_for_entities
# TODO: check standard store (with BSV)